Super Freak
Classic one looks alright. The other two, not so much. Perhaps they'll look better in hand.
I think I'm going to pass on the classic, it just seems to be exactly like the innevitable P1 version will be like, just with those longer blades, which I don't care much for anyway.
Looks like Classic is the P1 sculpt form Toy Fair but with the more AVP style long blades in his arm.
The up side is, the production quality looks great and shows a lot of promise for the actual P1 figures and other classic film Predators like Elder and P2.
Kyle, can you confirm if the P1 will come with the correct length blades and not the long AVP styles ones like the classic appears to have?
Nah, I'm sure they'll go for accurracy, I really think the long ones are just because the Classic needs something to make it different enough from the P1 to justify selling both to consumers. Really, as far as can be seen from trailers and photos so far, there is nothing to distinguish the Classic from P1 besides changing blades and adding some of the blood spots unique to PREDATORS. Looking at the figure, the dreads look short like P1 so they didn't alter that on him. It's just about having one more figure to sell using the molds and pieces from the P1.