NECA: Prometheus

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This is AWESOME!!!!! With new writers for the sequel as well! :yess::yess::yess:

Fox have confirmed that they’re “actively pushing ahead” with a sequel to Prometheus.

Ridley Scott is staying on board, and not handing off in an Alien-Aliens fashion, but the studio are speaking to new writers about joining him. This, they have told The Hollywood Reporter, is not because Damon Lindelof dropped the ball last time and drew huge amounts of ire from the critics and fans, but simply because “he might not be available.”

Okay, I’ll buy it. For now. He’s just too busy… with something.
Just read this earlier today. Woohoo!!! The only thing I hope is that there aren't any characters in this one that are not simply written to serve the story. Ofcourse, I wouldn't have a problem if the entire movie was with David, Shaw, Engineers and Aliens.

Holy crap, he really does have a .gif for everything. You could hold an entire conversation with nothing but Dean Winchester pictures.
Here's some (potentially) VERY exciting news...

Dave ‏@PredAlienFreak
@NECA_TOYS will you make the engineer chair? Will there be urns as accessories? what are plans beyond prom - dog alien maybe?

@PredAlienFreak maybe, maybe & after Prom it's Cameron's Aliens in 2013

If NECA makes a Space Jockey chair, my collecting life would be complete (well, at least until they make an Alien3 figure).

Chair from Alien or Prometheus?

Good news! The trilobites tentacles will be flexible???



completly off subject......but does anyone see the connection to the open mouthed engineer and this pic???? :monkey3

im mean really.......thats what happens in the i i find this frekin funny as S***!!!!
completly off subject......but does anyone see the connection to the open mouthed engineer and this pic???? :monkey3

im mean really.......thats what happens in the i i find this frekin funny as S***!!!!

It's already been discussed that the open mouth Engineer is meant to be posed with we know where that "thing" is going.