NECA: Prometheus

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I'd buy a few, if you could actually eat them. Candy Engineers and Aliens in a collectible tin? Yum!
Being a fan of Prometheus, I am definitely getting series 3. It is a lame series, but I support the line and would regret not collecting them all.

It is however a huge disappointment that series 3 did not end up as Shaw and Fifield (incredible likeness on Fifield, I hope one day that figure sees a release).
I bought the Engineer/Trilobite 2-pack just to support the line in order to get Shaw. I won't make that mistake again. They won't get another dime from me unless they create a Shaw.

Your purchase of a single 2-pack was barely a drop in the bucket and was never a guarantee that Shaw would happen. Overall the sales have been poor which is why they are removing any new tooling they had in the budget and doing repaints for wave 3. If the first two waves couldn't sell well enough then I don't think holographic repaints are going to be enough to get any newly tooled figures.

Unfortunately this is nothing new for toy companies. They show prototypes so far in advance that sometimes the line ends before they get tooled and released. I'm still waiting on TMNT series 2 from NECA, but I don't think it will ever happen because they don't have the license any more.
My "Jesus" Deacon:

just announced, I assume? cant say im surprised. :/

edit: I just checked twitter. Indeed, the line appears to be officially dead. Toys R US will not stock Prometheus series 3. period. Wow. line over man, line over. sad.
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just announced, I assume? cant say im surprised. :/

edit: I just checked twitter. Indeed, the line appears to be officially dead. Toys R US will not stock Prometheus series 3. period. Wow. line over man, line over. sad.

Bet NECA regrets green lighting the holographic figures for series 3 now.
as unfortunate as this news is, it just proves that neca was correct in their decision to populate series 3 with re-sculpts. If series 3 had been Shaw and Fifield (as we all wanted it to be), Toys R US would still not have ordered ANY of series 3 and neca would have invested a great deal more money than they have with our current series 3 (holo engineers). This bit of news pretty much brings the issue home for those who had difficulty understanding where neca was coming from with their series 3 decisions.
At the very least, im happy that I will have access to a bunch of urns/ampules. much better than nothing at all.
@sithfire: I think this is your cue ;) I so hope you help us out with some amazing heads of Holloway, fifield, milburn et al. ! :)
Mine either.
I asked Randy if there was ever a hope or a prayer for an exclusive, maybe a 2-pack using the same body with Shaw and Vickers heads. No reply. LOL. I mean, it is about to be the start of SDCC of course.
Well, they have the prototypes, only hoping that some sculpts get out and we can get at least a version of these guys.
Wow, that is disappointing news.

Those Shaw and Fifield figures looked amazing.

Maybe the figures can see a release through the "Neca Direct" program that NECA talked about in a interview? They should give more details on that at SDCC, but I think they said its gonna be a way for them to get figures to the fans that under normal circumstances would have been scrapped. I'm sure the figures will cost more, but for some fans it would be the only way to get certain figures.
Wow, that is disappointing news.

Those Shaw and Fifield figures looked amazing.

Maybe the figures can see a release through the "Neca Direct" program that NECA talked about in a interview? They should give more details on that at SDCC, but I think they said its gonna be a way for them to get figures to the fans that under normal circumstances would have been scrapped. I'm sure the figures will cost more, but for some fans it would be the only way to get certain figures.

It depends how much they would cost.

could they cost 100 bucks? 150? 200?

If they are going to be figures for a small group of people they are going to have to charge a lot.
It depends how much they would cost.

could they cost 100 bucks? 150? 200?

If they are going to be figures for a small group of people they are going to have to charge a lot.

Very true. But I wonder if the figures would also receive more attention to detail (being a smaller run)? Making the higher price tag "worth it". Would we have to buy a complete set at minimum, or a case?

We should find out soon, and I believe NECA hinted that Borderlands Series 2 may be the first line from NECA Direct.
@sithfire: just curious, are you still planning on sculpting heads of Holloway, fifield etc. to go on david's body? Sorry to bug you about it, but your work is incredible and I would love to get my hands on some quality heads. :)
Though I am going to buy a few of series 3 (for the urns), now that the line is toast, I bet series 3 is going to tank HARD. Sad. Oh, I wanted you in plastic form.