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Honestly, I'd love to see Kyle and Tsang come on here and discuss their sculpts.

I'd love to see what motivated each to sculpt it the way they did.

Keyword there is "Discussion". All those posts I quoted from tankman wasn't him discussing anything, just bashing another sculptor's work to defend his own.

What do you not get dude? He is saying the NECA figure is the worse in accuracy and seemed to really talk up the HT figure. I can tell you one is WAY more accurate than the other. Tsang Alien isn't as accurate is my point. Most on here would say yep he's right about that. Some might like an artist take but what I read 95% want accurate figures. Wouldn't you want all of us to try to make the things you love as accurate as we can? 150 dollars you should get a lot. For 40 dollars I think you get a very nice Alien figure and even way more accurate to boot.

What do you not get!? Those comments you made were unnecessary. And if you honestly can't understand that, oh well. That's on you. I've seen you talk about the HT Alien before and you never came off like a *********. Until now. Because your work was being criticized.

Hell if you would've just told that jabroni Gigerfan to F' off I wouldn't have said anything. Probably would've just laughed. :lol
Great, now I actually WANT an 18" NECA Alien to go with my 7"... Dammit, Tank :D!
It IS mighty fine, though... I like both the HT and NECA versions. They're cool from different perspectives.

@Devil_666: Dude, all of us have told you (and even you probably agree) that the NECA Alien is more accurate. Just because he's a sculptor, he can't defend one figure against another? He makes valid points, and both figures sell. Many people like both, as well. I hate to say it, but the whole "classy" argument seems like you're just trying to pick a fight. Tankman has made his argument and has jutified it. What's more, it's true. Yet what he does for a living is the reason for nitpicking at what he said. This entire thread was perfectly fine, but the last tens of posts were pertaining to this "disagreement" between you and Tankman. Drop it; it's the NECA thread and it's clear most of us feel the same as Tank does.
I think you guys are ALL missing Dev's point. He's just pointing out the lack of professionalism when people begin raving about their work, all while pointing out the flaws of the other person's work. It's cool to be proud of something, but dont put down someone else in favor of you.
Yep, this is the NECA Alien thread after all.

We've done the comparisons, and if we feel the need to bash one over the other, so be it.

And if this was the thread about my sculpt, I see no problem bashing the competition.

That's how it is.

His sculpt, he can bash any comparisons to it he wants.

And, as far as any "classy" comments go...come on...after all the unclassy bashing that goes on in other threads, THIS is the thread to bring that up in?

Hey man thanks so much for going out of your way to put these cool Alien pics up. I think some fans just take things the wrong way. Some fans just don't like it when others just tell it how it is. Sometimes guys can get caught up in being too much a fan and seem to have to go out of their way to justify 150 dollar they spent. The bottom line is one figure you spend 150 on and the other 40 dollars. These guys I bet know deep down what's up but the fan in them takes over. I myself am a HT fan but feel they can do way better Alien figures and should for 150 dollars. I got one myself and would say it's cool but not near as good as most the other HT figures I own.
OK well heres the thing, I like that we've got a sculptor of the toys I buy on here expressing his opinions. I only wish we also had Hot Toys people here to do the same, we can't because obviously theres a language barrier.

This calling Tankman out for expressing his views worries me because he may now feel he ought not to post here at all.

Why do we here give a crap about professionalism between sculptors/companies. We're supposed to just be the guys who buy the toys!
I think you guys are ALL missing Dev's point. He's just pointing out the lack of professionalism when people begin raving about their work, all while pointing out the flaws of the other person's work. It's cool to be proud of something, but dont put down someone else in favor of you.

Just keeping it real and you know it. If Tsang read what you have said about his Alien he might want to say give me a new job. I bet he would laugh and say I did my way fun Tsang take on the Alien and hope you like it. I'm not praising mine and I wish I could get a chance to make it better. Why, because I'm a huge fan and want others to have what I want. A dead on great looking Alien figure. You seem to love the McFarlane Alien and praise it a lot. Yet it's way off also but yet you like it more than the others and cut down HT for not going accurate. If you want to talk accurate then praising the McFalane figure which I worked on others might find that kind of funny too.
OK well heres the thing, I like that we've got a sculptor of the toys I buy on here expressing his opinions. I only wish we also had Hot Toys people here to do the same, we can't because obviously theres a language barrier.

This calling Tankman out for expressing his views worries me because he may now feel he ought not to post here at all.

Why do we here give a crap about professionalism between sculptors/companies. We're supposed to just be the guys who buy the toys!

Totally. Tankman may be a sculptor, but he also is one of the guys that buys the toys. We bash a company's figure in favor of another all the time. The only reason it seems shady is because Tankman is a sculptor. Give the man a break! We all know he's right, and we've got plenty of hardcore fans who love both HT and NECA!
Hey man thanks so much for going out of your way to put these cool Alien pics up. I think some fans just take things the wrong way. Some fans just don't like it when others just tell it how it is. Sometimes guys can get caught up in being too much a fan and seem to have to go out of their way to justify 150 dollar they spent. The bottom line is one figure you spend 150 on and the other 40 dollars. These guys I bet know deep down what's up but the fan in them takes over. I myself am a HT fan but feel they can do way better Alien figures and should for 150 dollars. I got one myself and would say it's cool but not near as good as most the other HT figures I own.

It's funny, because I was ripped a new one for criticizing Tsang's sculpt back when we first saw it. So, it's not just you.

Some people just feel the need to defend it, despite it's flaws.
The fact that you're the sculptor of the NECA Alien just gives them extra ammo.

Don't sweat it dude, I think your sculpt is leaps and bounds beyond anything Hot Toys has done with their Alien figure line.

And, I'll bet your Predator sculpt will be the exact same situation.
As a matter of fact, from what we've seen so already is.
True, but HT's P1 still looks pretty good. Better than their Big Chap for sure. Then again, we all know they're better at Preds than they are at Aliens.
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True, but HT's P1 still looks pretty good. Better than their Big Chap for sure.

HT's P1 is very nice and I'm glad I got it. It's a really fun figure and does look way cool. I just hope we do ours 14 or 18 inches. I've got our Predator 8 incher test shot and it looks great and I'm hoping all the fans get what I have here. I just want this guy larger very very much.
I think we can all agree that we want the most accurate figure possible, that's a fact. But when you compare all the figures that have been created and the pictures that Sabers posted, I think we can agree that there isn't a single figure on the market that can claim to be 'accurate'.

Can anyone say that there is a single figure that captures the exact look of the photos Sabers posted?

As far as I'm concerned the Neca is about as accurate as the HT figure, they are stylized figures that are based on a good amount of artistic interpretation, but to claim that the Neca is on a 'different level to Hot Toys in the 'accuracy' stakes is ludicrous in my opinion. I see fault in all of them.

To suggest that Joseph couldn't hack it in the sculpting department and that you can makes me laugh. You did a good job, Tankman, no doubt about that, but it's not more accurate. Just because a handful of people agree doesn't make it so.

Nobody has created a truly accurate articulated Alien figure that would satisfy the 'hardcore' Giger and Alien fans out there, and there has been 31 years to do it. Right?

I like the HT figure because it fits in with my other HT figures, not because I think it's the most accurate figure on the planet, but no figure can make that claim to date.

How can you honestly say the Neca figure is accurate when the throat and frontal portion of the dome and mouth look totally different to the prop? But the HT figure takes all the flack for being inaccurate?

Anyway, talk is cheap, bring on the exact replica.

Just telling it how it is.

Devil '666': No Skuche ala Gats!:rotfl

HT's P1 is very nice and I'm glad I got it. It's a really fun figure and does look way cool. I just hope we do ours 14 or 18 inches. I've got our Predator 8 incher test shot and it looks great and I'm hoping all the fans get what I have here. I just want this guy larger very very much.
hey tankman( aka predator king)
I hope you do a 14 inch and 18 in masked and unmasked p1 and p2 version.. then everyone will be happy,
any news on an alien queen yet ?
It's funny, because I was ripped a new one for criticizing Tsang's sculpt back when we first saw it. So, it's not just you.

Ahem.. who did all the photo modifications for that figure? Remember?

Don't sweat it dude, I think your sculpt is leaps and bounds beyond anything Hot Toys has done with their Alien figure line.

Agreed. :lol

My point was, bashing another sculptor's work in order to defend your own is a ********* move and unprofessional.
I like the HT figure because it fits in with my other HT figures, not because I think it's the most accurate figure on the planet, but no figure can make that claim to date.

But you literally said it's more accurate then NECA's. Either way, what you say is true. None are spot-on. But some are more accurate than others. In which case, NECA > HT.
Alright gang, let's all try to show each other respect and get along, it's just figure's, it's supposed to be fun, it's not worth going after the quality of character of the people posting here.
Ahem.. who did all the photo modifications for that figure? Remember?

Oh yeah, forgot about that one. :wink1:

And, for the "person" knocking the differences...

I'm one of the BIGGEST Alien fans on this board...and I'll take the NECA Alien for accuracy over anything that's been done so far, any day of the week.
Hmm... seems I missed all the fun.
So much crap has been said that I don't even know where to start, so maybe I just won't even try to.

But I will say this:

The inaccuracies on the HT figure (which I own, along with a bunch of other HT figures) are not just around the mouth and dome. The entire sculpt of the figure is off, with a lot of invented details thrown in.
The inaccuracies on the NECA figure are clearly only around the neck (which to me is understandable given how the joint was sculpted into it) and dome area. The mouth itself is fine. The problem is that the lower jaw sits a bit too far back, a manufacturing error that prevents it from closing fully and makes the upper teeth jut forward. How do I know this? Because I saw the prototype:


Hope it's alright to post the pic Kyle.

What's the point you may ask. The point is, Tankman sculpted the figure to the absolute best of his ability, asking in various boards for reference pics of the alien to try and sculpt the best figure of the alien ever.
In contrast, if you look at Tsang's blog, you can clearly see McFarlane's figure as reference on Tsang's desk. How do I know he used it as reference? Because many of the mistakes and invented detail on Tsang's figure are the same that can be found on McFarlane's effort. What does that tell me? That he didn't really give a damn about accuracy. And the result shows it clearly enough.
Tankman has even been graceful enough to come in here (and on other boards) to discuss the shortcomings of his own work and praise other sculptor's work, like the Medicom figure.
He even acknowledges the "cool" factor and intricate work of less accurate figures like McFarlane's and HT's.

I too believe Tsang works under a very tight schedule and is not given the time to fully research the aliens in general, as Kyle pointed out. Also, I don't think it is unfair or insulting to wonder if Tsang is really at the peak of his talent, after all, it clearly is a lot more difficult to sculpt something accurately than to just do your own thing loosely based on something.

I myself questioned his prowess as a sculptor after seeing that both the A3 dragon and the Big Chap were his work. Both very inaccurate and not really very true to the vision and feel of the screen creatures.

And last, but not least, if someone comes and opines that a figure that is clearly inferior in sculpting accuracy is more accurate than the one you have made (which is clearly more accurate from every single point of view), I think you have all the right in the world to point out how mistaken that person is. Especially if said person comes in with attitude to insult you and the company you work for.

Now I'm going to go back and enjoy looking at the wonderful pics Sabres shared with us and play with my NECA, Medicom and HT aliens. And the McF too, what the hell!
I could say the same things about any Alien figure. Why fixate only on the quality's of the HT figure?? The fact that Tsang has a McFarlane on his desk proves nothing, I don't see the similarities you do, it's not a modified copy as you would suggest.

There is a huge amount of detail about the Neca figure that has obviously been made up as well. Just look at the mouth compared with the prop photos. The extra tubing and details on the abdominal area, legs, arms, etc, etc. And anyway, the prototype looks nothing like the final product we received, far from it. The generally poor quality of the finished product and materials speaks for itself...

I enjoy the NECA, but inaccuracy is still inaccuracy. To say one inaccurate figure is more accurate than another inaccurate figure is pointless, it's argument bait. They all have their good and bad points.

It's amazing to me that so much hate could be generated over collectable figures, shows me where some people are at, it's an unhealthy obsession and some people need to get lives. IMO.

Bring on the 'super accurate' Alien and it will sell like hotcakes! But that doesn't diminish the Neca or any other figure I own if it does happen. I won't be throwing anything I own out, and I would have to be one of the biggest Alien collectors here.
Again, that's all just YOUR opinion.

You can keep repeating the same thing OVER AND OVER you have been doing.

But, it makes no difference to those of us who prefer the NECA over the Hot Toys version.

Your continued monotonous droning is obvious argument bait and perhaps YOU need to get a life.

And this is coming from THE biggest Alien collector here. :wave
And that's only your opinion... :cuckoo:

I could say the exact same things about you.

I'm not 'pro' any figure, I like them ALL equally for different reasons.

Don't be so arrogant about your collection, it's repugnant.

Quit harassing me for expressing my valid opinions.