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Show me a forum post from someone who works at HT giving a similar "honest" opinion on the NECA figure and maybe then you'll understand how douchey it was.

If you like accurate Alien maybe you should trash that (HT) figure.

I got the HT and by the stander ed accurate it's not even in the ball park on any one part of it.

Like I said, really classy.
Here are a couple of others, just to finish out the set.



Thanks for putting these pics up on here. Anything Alien that I haven't seen before is just way cool. Funny thing I see in these pics is the right forearm is upside down. It's about time after 30 years now that we can really get a very good understanding of what this thing really looks like. I would do a few things different now but after 3 years it wouldn't be much at all. As a big time fan myself I wish HT would put an effort into it like Medicom and what we did. I can say Aliens and Predators are way harder than anything else out there to sculpt. My guess is their sculptor had a deadline and knew he would have to just do his thing or maybe he isn't good enough. I like his sculpt but I think oh man would could've been at the same time. I'm looking forward to seeing their take on Predators.
Show me a forum post from someone who works at HT giving a similar "honest" opinion on the NECA figure and maybe then you'll understand how douchey it was.
NECA doesn't compete with HT. they cater to different markets.
also, he's absolutely right about the HT figure. i don't see the problem here.
i don't see the problem here.

He's a professional sculptor and he's on a public forum bashing another professional sculptor (Joseph Tsang) ONLY because he's trying to defend HIS product from criticism. It's a ********* move.

My guess is their sculptor had a deadline and knew he would have to just do his thing or maybe he isn't good enough.
Bashing the competition. Very classy.

I'm not bashing HT just making a point. I love their stuff and have gotten about 7 figures from them. I do like their Alien and my bad if you think I'm bashing them. By the way we're not really in competition with them. Most of us at NECA have HT figures and we think most of it is very nice figures.
I think most on here get what I'm saying. HT tries ON MOST of their stuff to make it accurate but the Alien figures never get this treatment. Maybe it's fine for you but why not give the Alien fans the treatment Batman fans seem to get? I can tell you Alien stuff sells very very well.
Just to clarify, I said "Competition" as in all your comments stem from people comparing your Alien figure to HT's. It wasn't literal (I'm well aware of the price difference/completely different market).

I just think it's a really scumbag move to bash another professional AND accomplished sculptor like Joseph Tsang just to defend your own work from criticism. Because that's what you've been doing. And you've also used that bashing to further fawn over your own work pointing out how much more accurate it is (in your opinion).

It's douchey man.

And I would be saying the same thing to Joseph Tsang if he got on here and started bashing you and your work simply because HIS work was being criticized.
We bash multiple companies all the time. True, Tankman is a sculptor, so that's iffy... but he's a member here, same as us. Why should his profession determine whether or not something is okay or not? It just happened to be that way.

There's no competition as you said, so it's clear he's just voicing his honest opinion. And that opinion is shared by most of us, too. No other motive here, because HT and NECA are at opposite ends of the price-range.
it's clear he's just voicing his honest opinion. No other motive here.

No other other motive!? :slap

tankman said:
If you like accurate Alien maybe you should trash that (HT) figure.

tankman said:
I got the HT and by the stander ed accurate it's not even in the ball park on any one part of it.

tankman said:
My guess is their sculptor had a deadline and knew he would have to just do his thing or maybe he isn't good enough.

^^^All that bashing stems from Gigerfan criticizing tankman's work.
He's a professional sculptor and he's on a public forum bashing another professional sculptor (Joseph Tsang) ONLY because he's trying to defend HIS product from criticism. It's a ********* move.

Hey man sorry if I hurt your feelings about Tsang Alien sculpt. I bet Tsang would tell you himself that what I said here is dead on. I like it when others find things wrong with my stuff because I try to do the best sculpt out there. If I don't then I say let me have it. Calling others a ********* isn't a cool move. I bet Tsang would say he did his take and had so much fun doing it. Cool if you like it and enjoy the figure but for 150 dollars don't you want the best Alien figure out there? Isn't an accurate Alien the best way to go? Maybe you think it's great and is the best figure out there and that's fine. As someone who has done many different sculpts the Alien is so very hard to sculpt accurate. I think that is why many over the years just kind of do a take on it. For years it was hard to get good pics but that's not the case anymore. Many fans on here have gone so far as to send HT pics because they know what the HT Alien could be. If you think it's good enough then enjoy it but others have a right to say what they think I hope. I would bet Tsang deadline was such that he might not get the time to spend to go accurate. Aliens take up to 3 times the time most other figures take. McFarlane had a deadline and that is why you got the figures you got. Cool yes but not as good as they could be. The bosses don't like it when you take 3 times the time that you normally do.
In the end it's about making money and I bet HT would see more of the Alien if it were more accurate. I'm just being real in saying maybe he can't do it because of a skill level. I know many pro sculptors out there
and most would just say to heck with this and do their take. Just keeping it real The number of the beast.
Don't own it and don't care about it. Don't care about the sculptor either (didn't even know who it was until I looked it up to post his name). :lol

I just think it's douchey to bash another sculptor just because people are criticizing your stuff. Real talk.
No other other motive!? :slap

^^^All that bashing stems from Gigerfan criticizing tankman's work.

The point is if you want to cut down a figure that is more accurate then maybe going out of your way to praise one that isn't even in the ball park seems kind of funny to me. Do you really think I was saying trash the HT figure for real?
Yep, this is the NECA Alien thread after all.

We've done the comparisons, and if we feel the need to bash one over the other, so be it.

And if this was the thread about my sculpt, I see no problem bashing the competition.

That's how it is.

His sculpt, he can bash any comparisons to it he wants.

And, as far as any "classy" comments go...come on...after all the unclassy bashing that goes on in other threads, THIS is the thread to bring that up in?
Hey man sorry if I hurt your feelings about Tsang Alien sculpt. I bet Tsang would tell you himself that what I said here is dead on. I like it when others find things wrong with my stuff because I try to do the best sculpt out there. If I don't then I say let me have it. Calling others a ********* isn't a cool move. I bet Tsang would say he did his take and had so much fun doing it. Cool if you like it and enjoy the figure but for 150 dollars don't you want the best Alien figure out there? Isn't an accurate Alien the best way to go? Maybe you think it's great and is the best figure out there and that's fine. As someone who has done many different sculpts the Alien is so very hard to sculpt accurate. I think that is why many over the years just kind of do a take on it. For years it was hard to get good pics but that's not the case anymore. Many fans on here have gone so far as to send HT pics because they know what the HT Alien could be. If you think it's good enough then enjoy it but others have a right to say what they think I hope. I would bet Tsang deadline was such that he might not get the time to spend to go accurate. Aliens take up to 3 times the time most other figures take. McFarlane had a deadline and that is why you got the figures you got. Cool yes but not as good as they could be. The bosses don't like it when you take 3 times the time that you normally do.
In the end it's about making money and I bet HT would see more of the Alien if it were more accurate. I'm just being real in saying maybe he can't do it because of a skill level. I know many pro sculptors out there
and most would just say to heck with this and do their take. Just keeping it real The number of the beast.

I'd say it was the company deadline motive. Tsang is indeed quite talented, and it's no secret that only some small shape modifications could've fixed the issues. Honestly, I love NECA for their accuracy (bring us Doggy!). Yet I still also buy HT because completely accurate or not, they still look superb on my shelf and I'd like to have their take on it.

For instance:
I just got my HT Dog Alien today, and I love it. But I would love to see NECA make a perfect one. I'm also trying to get an HT Big Chap. But I acknowledge the fact that the NECA one is more accurate.

NECA gets my vote for accuracy and easy accessibility/collectibility while HT gets my vote for just looking great. Both companies have their strong and weak points for sure. To me, they serve different purposes as far as my collection goes, and I love buying products from both for different reasons. This is really an 'apples to oranges' argument due to the price-points and such, so this is the best explanation I can give. As an avid Alien and Predator fan, I honestly love 'em both. Their differences are what make them all worth getting. Like I said, one serves a purpose and the other serves another.
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And, as far as any "classy" comments go...come on...after all the unclassy bashing that goes on in other threads, THIS is the thread to bring that up in?


Imagine if this were two sculptors/customizers on here. Imagine the ____ storm if one openly bashed the others work. And FYI: It's happened on here before.

Imagine if this were two sculptors/customizers on here. Imagine the ____ storm if one openly bashed the others work. And FYI: It's happened on here before.

Honestly, I'd love to see Kyle and Tsang come on here and discuss their sculpts.

I'd love to see what motivated each to sculpt it the way they did.
Yep, this is the NECA Alien thread after all.

We've done the comparisons, and if we feel the need to bash one over the other, so be it.

And if this was the thread about my sculpt, I see no problem bashing the competition.

That's how it is.

His sculpt, he can bash any comparisons to it he wants.

And, as far as any "classy" comments go...come on...after all the unclassy bashing that goes on in other threads, THIS is the thread to bring that up in?

Couldn't agree more on this post. Of the all threads on this forum, one of the very very few where NECA actually IS superior in accuracy and sculpt, and has every right to "trash competition", you want to make a debate and argue on that?!

tankman is simply sharing his opinion, same opinion that most of us here share, he simply reacted on others member opinion that is actually wrong, because it's a fact that NECA made more accurate Alien then HT.
Don't own it and don't care about it. Don't care about the sculptor either (didn't even know who it was until I looked it up to post his name). :lol

I just think it's douchey to bash another sculptor just because people are criticizing your stuff. Real talk.

What do you not get dude? He is saying the NECA figure is the worse in accuracy and seemed to really talk up the HT figure. I can tell you one is WAY more accurate than the other. Tsang Alien isn't as accurate is my point. Most on here would say yep he's right about that. Some might like an artist take but what I read 95% want accurate figures. Wouldn't you want all of us to try to make the things you love as accurate as we can? 150 dollars you should get a lot. For 40 dollars I think you get a very nice Alien figure and even way more accurate to boot.