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Tankman! Hey, how's it going with the general Alien/Predator stuff? Any news on the new Preds, whether or not we'll get Doggy, etc.? And, if it makes any consolation, I actually love the way you sculpted the head on the original Alien. Not exactly accurate, but the figure gives off a hell of a Giger-esque vibe.
Dude where did you get these pics? Man how I wish I had these 3 years ago. As much as fans like the Alien I sculpted I know I could make it better now. I don't know what it is about the Alien but I'm like others that I want a perfect figure. I think being that you don't see this guy much at all in the movie makes it seem more important to get the sculpt accurate. It helps also that the movie rules so much. At least when I look at these pics I can feel good that I got the feel and look really close. Too bad HT don't care to even give it a try.
no reason you can't do a resculpt. just stick it in an alien-predator two pack or a nostromo diorama boxed set.
Nope, Kyle never sculpted it the detail. The sad fact is that the chinese factory didn't do a good job on that specific detail. I've seen repaints of it though, so maybe it isn't that hard to get the dome off.


The Chinese factory did a terrible job, period. The quality of the Neca is just terrible - poorly fitting ugly joints and dome, terrible paint, it all just looks cheap and shoddy. I bought 3 (1 clear and 2 'fogy' domed) and had to use a few drops of WD-40 just to get the ankles and knees to unlock. It may as well be a statue because you have to position everything in a certain way so all the lines on the suit line up. The first batch had a clear dome that highlighted the drawn on details underneath it, and the second fogy dome batch wasn't much better. One bump and they fall and take everything with them. And they are made from a really brittle plastic that snaps really easily. But they are still a bargain for $25. or so. The HTs figure leaves it for dead, IMO. I think it has more of a Giger vibe than the Neca, by far. The head on the Neca is all wrong to me, the throat, dome, etc.
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Dude where did you get these pics? Man how I wish I had these 3 years ago. As much as fans like the Alien I sculpted I know I could make it better now. I don't know what it is about the Alien but I'm like others that I want a perfect figure. I think being that you don't see this guy much at all in the movie makes it seem more important to get the sculpt accurate. It helps also that the movie rules so much. At least when I look at these pics I can feel good that I got the feel and look really close. Too bad HT don't care to even give it a try.

Why not just sculpt it then? What's stopping you from making an exact replica of what we see in those photos? Too many unsold 18"s left to warrant a more accurate run of the Alien? Too bad Neca don't care enough to give it a go. Neca is missing a golden opportunity to redeem itself as a serious company for quality collectables and not just cheap affordable toys.
Why not just sculpt it then? What's stopping you from making an exact replica of what we see in those photos? Too many unsold 18"s left to warrant a more accurate run of the Alien? Too bad Neca don't care enough to give it a go. Neca is missing a golden opportunity to redeem itself as a serious company for quality collectables and not just cheap affordable toys.

The problem with "Re-Doing" figures is people who have bought the original may have issues with this and not buy from the company again as they feel the customers aren't being appreciated. It would be great, but imagine if you had just bought the original NECA Alien and then NECA bring out a much better version for the same money.
The Chinese factory did a terrible job, period. The quality of the Neca is just terrible - poorly fitting ugly joints and dome, terrible paint, it all just looks cheap and shoddy. I bought 3 (1 clear and 2 'fogy' domed) and had to use a few drops of WD-40 just to get the ankles and knees to unlock. It may as well be a statue because you have to position everything in a certain way so all the lines on the suit line up. The first batch had a clear dome that highlighted the drawn on details underneath it, and the second fogy dome batch wasn't much better. One bump and they fall and take everything with them. And they are made from a really brittle plastic that snaps really easily. But they are still a bargain for $25. or so. The HTs figure leaves it for dead, IMO. I think it has more of a Giger vibe than the Neca, by far. The head on the Neca is all wrong to me, the throat, dome, etc.

You are just angry because you bought the overpriced Hot Toys Alien and the NECA ALIEN looks overall 100X better and are much more MOVIE-ACCURATE than the terrible HOT TOYS Alien :lol:lol

The HOT TOYS is a joke in compare to the NECA ALIEN, a shame for real ALIEN fans.

I mean look at the Photos:nana:

Looks more than terrible,


The HTs figure leaves it for dead, IMO. I think it has more of a Giger vibe than the Neca, by far. The head on the Neca is all wrong to me, the throat, dome, etc.
that sounds like you're trying to justify spending all that $$ on an (yet another) inaccurate HT figure.
anyone with eyes and access to the dvd can see that thing just doesn't look right.
there's more way wrong than right about it. it's like a $150 McFarlane Alien in a rubber suit.
The problem with "Re-Doing" figures is people who have bought the original may have issues with this and not buy from the company again as they feel the customers aren't being appreciated. It would be great, but imagine if you had just bought the original NECA Alien and then NECA bring out a much better version for the same money.
nah. i have the old one and i'd get a better one in a heartbeat. they're not expensive.
and who would seriously "not buy from the company again" just because they improve their products?
If you have just bought the old one, it'd be a kick in the teeth if they released a better new one
WOW talk about a resource.


Which one is the best? i can't look at them for that long, i feel a little dizzy.

All i know is the CM is pretty far from the truth.
If you have just bought the old one, it'd be a kick in the teeth if they released a better new one
heh. you've probably never bought any electronics from Apple.

but, i could see your point if HT did that. i seem to remember much bellyaching when they made the DX Joker.
however, we're talking about NECA figures, so i don't see anyone kicking up a fuss over them improving their stuff.
in fact, i'd say just the opposite. and they probably have the best sculptors in the business. so, bring it on.
Which one is the best? i can't look at them for that long, i feel a little dizzy.
the Sega one. easily.
Dude where did you get these pics? Man how I wish I had these 3 years ago. As much as fans like the Alien I sculpted I know I could make it better now. I don't know what it is about the Alien but I'm like others that I want a perfect figure. I think being that you don't see this guy much at all in the movie makes it seem more important to get the sculpt accurate. It helps also that the movie rules so much. At least when I look at these pics I can feel good that I got the feel and look really close. Too bad HT don't care to even give it a try.

Glad to hear you're so dedicated to quality dude. I know I appreciate it, and surely I speak for others in that sentiment.
The Hot Toys alien has some perks above the neca, but the price obviously negates those small positives. I think the Hot Toys looks visually appealing as artistic rendition of the alien, but it fails to capture the true "feel" of the movie creature, the NECA 18" pulls off this "feeling" to much greater degree. I also prefer the paint on the NECA as well. The banding effect on the Hot Toys is a little the greenish hue.
My vote goes to Sega, Marmit, or Medicom. The HT version you would only get if you were an avid fan of Hot Toys and you just wanted to have an HT representation of Giger's Alien, regardless of how it looks. I'm considering getting one actually, but I in no way believe it looks more movie-like than the NECA version. Better details and paintup, but accuracy-wise, it's a kick in the pants.
The problem with "Re-Doing" figures is people who have bought the original may have issues with this and not buy from the company again as they feel the customers aren't being appreciated. It would be great, but imagine if you had just bought the original NECA Alien and then NECA bring out a much better version for the same money.

Manufacturers (not just toy manufacturers) do this all the time. Look at the auto industry. You could buy a base model Honda Accord today, and next year the same base model may have 2-3 improvements that make it superior to last year's model at a comparable price.

I understand this practice may upset people...but let's be honest....that's life. It's one of the pitfalls of collecting figures & statues.
I don't notice major differences or even a lot of slight differences between those pics and the final figure. but i'm not pro sculptor that goes over little detail either. i'm very happy with it. i love it.

anyway, wasn't there two different alien suits used? they were quite different. i remember seeing pics of one on some website because of an auction for it and it was the 2nd suit and didn't look very good. i dunno maybe it wasn't genuine who knows
Why not just sculpt it then? What's stopping you from making an exact replica of what we see in those photos? Too many unsold 18"s left to warrant a more accurate run of the Alien? Too bad Neca don't care enough to give it a go. Neca is missing a golden opportunity to redeem itself as a serious company for quality collectables and not just cheap affordable toys.

Dude where do I start here by laughing? I just read some things on here and you seem to really like the HT Alien. If you like accurate Alien maybe you should trash that figure. For 40 dollars you are getting the best bargain in toys and a great figure to boot. I would change very little on the NECA sculpt. Come up with 10'000 dollars and I'll sculpt you the very best Alien I can do. Do you really think the boss would say OK do it all again. By the way our Alien has sold very very well. I got the HT and by the stander ed accurate it's not even in the ball park on any one part of it. 150 dollars it should be I would think. Anyway these are some of the best pics I've ever seen of the Alien and a sculptor does the best work when you have this stuff to go by like these latest pics. Very good stuff.
What's with the hostility against Tankman? He gives us awesome figures and I appreciate him for it. I believe he was just giving his honest opinion of the Hot Toys Alien. I like the figure personally, but it doesn't look accurate to the film. The NECA is more accurate, not perfect, but closer than Hot Toys in my opinion.