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Alright guys, seeing how NECA has come a long way with their predators, refining articulation and also getting better paint apps on their larger scale figures, isn't it time to start clamoring for a new Alien and perhaps Aliens figure?

Their new approach to articulation means we could get a much better articulated figure, especially if they can use ball joints on the hips and the double joints on the knees.
Kyle has stated repeatedly that he wants to have another go at sculpting the Giger alien, which would also benefit the Aliens version. This, coupled with better paint apps would mean an absolutely stunning figure for us!

I know Alien and Aliens fans would pay 80 bucks to get a superior figure from these iconic monsters in their higher end 18" scale, so how about we start making some noise to get NECA's attention?

Hell, I would pay 80 bucks for a 1/6 scale figure by NECA with revised sculpt, articulation and paint apps! I have absolutely no doubts that NECA could blow away any and all HT aliens. We know NECA's sculpts are better, and with better articulation and better paint apps, and without having to go into mixed media for clothing and accessories, NECA could deliver top notch figures in 12" and/or 18" scale for a lot less than HT figures go for.

Who's with me?

NECA, please let Tankman re-sculpt the aliens and give us higher end figures! We'll buy them all!
even if everyone on this forum who wants a new alien told NECA about it, there wouldn't be anywhere near enough to justify producing it. unless we're all willing to pay like $20,000 per figure. there would have to be a lot of interest shown from multiple sources like what happened with the 19" P1.

and NECA will never make 1:6 scale aliens no matter how many people want it.
Of course the members of this forum are not the bulk of buyers, but that goes for preds as well, and still this board and others were used to gauge interest in a higher-end 18" figure.
And I'd say that in general, Alien and Aliens are more popular than Predator. Also, keep in mind that the aliens are easier on tooling and paint apps than predators, since they don't have so many different pieces that require different molds.

I don't see why a big support for re-tooled Alien and Aliens figures in this board wouldn't make an impact.
Depending on whether or not the Giger-style Aliens make an appearance in "Prometheus", it may give NECA a chance to release an updated and re-tooled Classic Alien sculpt, similar to how the release of "Predators" and the appearance of a classic-inspired Predator opened the door for them to produce Classic Predator figure.

Especially with the new syle of design that NECA uses as far as the default pose and articulation, and the new images, reference material and original suit details that Kyle has access to now, a new Classic alien would be great. And this comes from a guy who loooves the Classic Alien we have now. Since it's initial release I've aquired about 25 of them for my hive diorama.
Hell Yes! I'd happily pay £100+ for a re-tooled Windrix sculpted Alien. The 1/4 scale Pred is one of my favourite figures ever. Thinking about a NECA Alien of the same quality send shivers down my spine. :yess:

Kyle, please make it so :pray:

(P.S. A 1/4 Aliens & Alien 3 version please. In fact how about a complete range of Alien figures Ripley, Dallas, Kane, Ash, Lambert Parker & Brett. Like the planned kenner figures only much, much better)
I really want an Aliens 1/4 alien, I have the regular alien, but i really wish they made that
Alright guys, seeing how NECA has come a long way with their predators, refining articulation and also getting better paint apps on their larger scale figures, isn't it time to start clamoring for a new Alien and perhaps Aliens figure?

Their new approach to articulation means we could get a much better articulated figure, especially if they can use ball joints on the hips and the double joints on the knees.
Kyle has stated repeatedly that he wants to have another go at sculpting the Giger alien, which would also benefit the Aliens version. This, coupled with better paint apps would mean an absolutely stunning figure for us!

I know Alien and Aliens fans would pay 80 bucks to get a superior figure from these iconic monsters in their higher end 18" scale, so how about we start making some noise to get NECA's attention?

Hell, I would pay 80 bucks for a 1/6 scale figure by NECA with revised sculpt, articulation and paint apps! I have absolutely no doubts that NECA could blow away any and all HT aliens. We know NECA's sculpts are better, and with better articulation and better paint apps, and without having to go into mixed media for clothing and accessories, NECA could deliver top notch figures in 12" and/or 18" scale for a lot less than HT figures go for.

Who's with me?

NECA, please let Tankman re-sculpt the aliens and give us higher end figures! We'll buy them all!

:clap I hope! You open a poll? before a new edition of giger alien I'd like to have alien queen and alien dog by Tankman.
I wouldnt mind....i'd love for them to redo it....tjey can advertise as all-new sculpt and it hr giger's alien or dunno maybe just alien is ....
I'd do a poll, but I fear Alien fans are not as vocal as Predator fans... for some strange reason Predator thread seem to attract a lot more attention, although I'm pretty sure there are as many or maybe even more Alien fans than Predator fans.
well it's not that i don't want a new alien. i just don't think NECA has much incentive to do it. plus, i dunno how well the first one sold. i got one clearanced out at my local comic shop earlier this year. it was definitely there for a while. you'd have to get ahold of Randy and ask him how well the first figure did and see if it's worth making another one.
the last re-issue i remember was the foggy dome version, which are in the shop too. mine has the clear dome and an old beat up box.
I think there were two re-issues.
One with the foggy dome and another right around the release of the 18" pred, but I could be wrong.

At any rate, I believe that NECA stand a better chance of getting more people to double dip if they re-sculpt the figure. I mean, the figure is what, three years old now? NECA have changed their approach to sculpting and articulation substantially in the last couple of years, it would be perfectly reasonable to update the most iconic modern monster.
Yes Neca could really work on the Alien and take a 22 "Alien Warrior.
Furthermore, would an improved Endoskeltt important.
They have many great Sculpts, but often bad paint jobs and minor defects .