Super Freak
Episode 3 question for those who have gotten that far:
Did the bullet that killed Pop in the neck bounce off of Luke? Or was Chico just saying that in assumption?
Im thru 5 eps and it's slow going. It's not bad but this show could have waaay better. Problem is he rarely uses his powers and he has no one to fight. There's been one fight on the show. He's the only meta human on the show. If he wanted he could kill Cottonmouth at will. He has no real challenger given his powers.
Episode 3 question for those who have gotten that far:
Did the bullet that killed Pop in the neck bounce off of Luke? Or was Chico just saying that in assumption?
So far the ONLY thing I don't like is the intro music itself when compared to DD/JJ more catchy tunes.
The intro visuals is fine, just the tune they went with.
However I do like the heroic theme attached to him.
Netflix is a homerun for Marvel.
DD1/DD2/JJ/LC have accomplished what AOS tried and so far has failed to do, it has expertly filled the gap at the street level reaction to Avengers while the MCU handles the bigger world threats.
Plus it has suceeded in its core mission to introduce these "lesser" heroes.
I now feel sorry for WB, there is almost nothing they can do now to catch up to the world that Marvel has created.
These Netflix shows deserve some damn awards if you ask me.
They need to dig up someone with equal strength for him to battle. Otherwise im losing patience with him deflecting bullets and twisting gun barrels. His life is never in danger. And that can really take the excitement out of things because for him there really is no risk. But they do keep flirting with drowning him or poison. Poison seems like an easier route.