cool, still waiting on mine
Ya its pretty cool. I got mine a few days ago after it got stuck in customs for a week. Posted a few in my collection thread but didn't put any here. So here ya go...
I really don't like his lips. Makes it look like a child's cartoon Hulk. Is it that bad in person?
I really don't like his lips. Makes it look like a child's cartoon Hulk. Is it that bad in person?
The museum pose savage is nice but the angry variant ex is alot that vein popping from his neck too...The perfect comic book grail hulk least for me anyway...
just seen the savage version at my not so local comic store...sad to say I am not as impress as I thought it would be. nice enough but lacks definition. any bigger and I doubts bowen can get away with it. maybe the savage version will impress me.
That is a big issue for me with Both versions. Just way to smooth looking and no definition. You can tell it's a digital sculpt. IMO Bowens Retro and smackdown are better comic Hulks. Both are just lacking that "wow" factor. They are Huge to be sure but that is all that they seem to have going for them IMO. I like the Green and the fact that then picked for the Web exclusive but it begins and ends there. But congrats to those who love it. Personally I am happy I passed.
If it's skin texture and minute detail you want, the new Koto looks good.
Since this is based on one of the latest incarnations of a comic version it fits the bill. It's not like you see skin texture on Savage Hulk in print.
I think it turned out exactly how it was meant to.
If it's skin texture and minute detail you want, the new Koto looks good.
Since this is based on one of the latest incarnations of a comic version it fits the bill. It's not like you see skin texture on Savage Hulk in print.
I think it turned out exactly how it was meant to.
I agree. It is the classic look of Hulk, all the way.
Hey modern or classic, you can't have it both ways
It's cool if you love it. It's just not for me.
Let's call it a modern take on a classic look.