Website varient is awesome
It's so nice that a Bowen piece is getting some love on this forum...IMHO one of the best Hulks ever made
Because I only have two Hulk pieces--Savage and the SS Premium Format--I can't fully say, I suppose. But the Savage Hulk's face isn't well painted. It looks pretty cheesy, which is too bad because the o really sculpt and paint look awesome. I'm happy with it, but I'll admit that the face was a bit of a letdown to me. Still a nice piece.
The variant beats the reg Savage hulk IMHO....I did not like the Savage face either...but still nice in it's own way...I'm done with my Hulks unless Sideshow does a Hulk vs original Wolverine piece...I'm gonna actually sell my SS Hulk PF
Why don't you just buy the Bowen original costume Wolverine, and display them together. Sideshow has him for sale for under $200.
It's so nice that a Bowen piece is getting some love on this forum...IMHO one of the best Hulks ever made
of course it cant hurt to have as many versions of Hulk vs Wolverine as we can...If SS made a dio I would get it too
Sideshow is making a Hulk vs. Wolverine dio