New Buffy Line Discussion

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As long as Angel gets released, I'll be happy :)

I'm not surprised there aren't as many pre orders for Spike, they've done 500, that's a pretty high amount and higher than all the others. The Buffy ex did 400 and that didn't sell out straight away either. Perhaps they should have limited Spike to 250. Seeing as the ex and the regular are the same price, I imagine everyone's pre ordered the ex and as that still isn't Sold out yet, there can't be too many pre orders for the regular.
Sure hope the line doesn't end with Angel ... was looking forward to hopefully a Anya, Giles or Cordy... In no particular order
As long as Angel gets released, I'll be happy :)

I'm not surprised there aren't as many pre orders for Spike, they've done 500, that's a pretty high amount and higher than all the others. The Buffy ex did 400 and that didn't sell out straight away either. Perhaps they should have limited Spike to 250. Seeing as the ex and the regular are the same price, I imagine everyone's pre ordered the ex and as that still isn't Sold out yet, there can't be too many pre orders for the regular.

In hindsight, I agree. Given the ES of Buffy and the length of time it took for it sell out, you would think Spike's ES would be smaller. The character obviously has a big following, but I'm starting to the ES is too large for this. Keep it small.
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In hindsight, I agree. Given the ES of Buffy and the length of time it took for it sell out, you would this Spike's ES would be smaller. The character obviously has a big following, but I'm starting to the ES is too large for this. Keep it small.

Yes Chap, that's just it. The es is way too high. There's no question. Angel needs to be a smaller es. But I worry that they are going to put him up too high as well. Guess we'll see. There is currently no news for more statues.
As long as Angel gets released, I'll be happy :)

I'm not surprised there aren't as many pre orders for Spike, they've done 500, that's a pretty high amount and higher than all the others. The Buffy ex did 400 and that didn't sell out straight away either. Perhaps they should have limited Spike to 250. Seeing as the ex and the regular are the same price, I imagine everyone's pre ordered the ex and as that still isn't Sold out yet, there can't be too many pre orders for the regular.

Well as I've said before I suspect that It's partly because of the recession and so folk have to be careful with what money they have got, and partly because I believe Spike's character was more popular with female fans then the kind of demographic that the previous two releases were aimed at.

I don't think that Women on the whole have as much disposable income to spend on 'frippery' as young men, and so thats why I think they haven't sold as many or as quickly.

I'm a big Spike fan, but no way can I justify spending that amount on a statue as much as I'd love to. :(
Sue, you're not wrong. It's getting harder and harder to justify these prices. When I have a handful of inches on pf larger than these, and those pf's were in and around the same prices as these, it floors me. The problem is, people (like me) keep paying the rising prices and thus, they keep raising them. :slap

Much to some friends dismay, I've stopped collecting. BUT I can't stop with the Buffy ones. They really let me down with the pf line. And I can't let these ones go since they've decided to give us a whole 2 extra characters.

To be honest, I have a feeling we wont be seeing any after Angel. I'm hoping that changes, but as of right now, it doesn't look good.
So, it's time to get realistic here. I realize that a lot of us have our own ideas of what we would like to see produced by them with this line. But honestly, most wont happen. Like those people who want a Kendra. I understand YOU may like her, but she is so far from likely being made that she's not realistic.

So, now, I was hoping we could start a new discussion on what we would like to see realistically, and in what order.

Realistic? Xander, Giles are the most realistic and likely.
Possible side characters? Anya, Dawn

I think before they ever delve into going for a Tara, Oz, Cordy, they would probably switch to an Angel line and give us Cordy, Wesley, Illyria, etc.

Again, I realize we all feel a bit jipped at times with the 12" and then with the PF line. So we all like to say what we would 'like' to see vs. what we will see. But I would love a...this is what we will see discussion started.

Now, ssc will be taking a break from the Buffy line. There isn't anything planned right now but that is not to say there isn't anything planned for the future. Sideshow is really busy right now with what they have coming out. I mean, look at the calendar break down for this month so far. It's insane! Sideshow is stepping it up. So no, maybe nothing further than Angel for a bit, but yes, probably something later down the road. I don't believe they are done with Buffy characters yet. But I don't think we'll see as much as we like.

Now that I've repeated myself several times. I leave it open to all to discuss.
I think what makes the most sense is Xander. But mayb they will want to go for a girl now.

It's just that they've had two of the three main character on Buffy, and then went for Faith, Angel & Spike because they were popular characters. So now, both out need to "get all three" and for popularities sake, I can't see it go any other way than Xander. Unless they start making Angel characters. In that case, my money is on Cordelia. She was one of the main characters for 4 years, is popular and sexy, so I bet they'd go for her. Or Illyria, since she would simply look awesome and is very popular considering how little we saw of her on the show. Also, one of the prettiest characters on Angel.
Well, what I'm thinking is if they go with a Cordy they may save that for an Angel line. They've hinted that they could do an Angel line if Buffy's does well enough.

So do you think they're going to do two Cordy's? I'm curious as to your opinion.

They will do an Illyria if it goes to Angel. they already stated she's top of the list.

But if we're just going Buffy, do we still think Cordy. Or just Giles/Xander, or also more like Anya and Dawn...
I honestly don't think we will see an Angel line. This line hasn't done terrible but it also hasn't done that well either. They know the core characters will probably so pretty well so I think it will depend on what character they do after Angel. If that does well then they might do another Buffy character.

If after that the next do well maybe they will think about an Angel line.

I see them trying to do a Xander, Giles or Cordy and seeing if those do well before they proceed with an Angel line. If they could actually see those three to the masses then they are in a better position but I could see those three not selling well and just to the hardcore fans. Especially if prices keep increasing.

Casual fans are going to pick up a Buffy, Spike and Angel. To me Willow and Faith are stretches for the real casual fans.
For my two cents I would personally want them to save a Cordy for a potential Angel line - she was more important over there to me. In terms of Buffy I think it has to be Xander or Giles in forefront, like BuffyGirl said - need the core complete surely. I think it would be rather rude to Xander to not do him next myself, given we have had a Willow - I can understand there may be less demand for him though.

EDIT > Forgot to say, I still think that Buffy's statue is not quite up to par compared to the newer ones - Anybody reckon there is any chance of another (better) Buffy? She'd get my vote cos I'd love a partner for my Faith! :D
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If we get a Cordy, I think it's only fair if it's from the Cordy line. Both because she was more important there and because she had better outfits. Considering the past female statues, it looks like sluttyness is more important that good fitting outfits (Buffy & Willow would never wear that), but I think they could go for one of the promo shoots in You're Welcome. I mean, there's cleavage, nice outfit, cool pose, everything.


The promo pic used for reference to the right in this drawing
For me, Cordy will always be a Scooby Gang member, so she would be a must for this line.
I've always wanted a really good Giles statue as I think the character deserves it. Sadly I know thats not gonna happen any time soon.