Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!
I can't think of anything I want more than a 1:6 display of ALL the Doctors.
While there are a lot of other villains, companions, and supporting characters that I would be tempted to buy, having each incarnation of The Doctor is the number one aim for me...and I just hope that the line lasts long enough and does well enough to be able to make that happen eventually.
I also think leading off with the most widespread popular Doctors is a good play, as once people have a few Doctors in hand and on their shelves it naturally starts to become a collection, and they then might be more tempted to buy their own less favoured Doctors just to 'complete the set'. Whereas if you have less popular ones too early on those same people may be more inclined to skip them.
Personally I would imagine that Eccleston and Pertwee would likely be next, after Tennant and Tom Baker, as both are still very popular, one represents the final NuWho era Doctor that would need to be made, while the other is still remembered fondly for his part in Doctor Who's oft called 'golden age' of the 70's.
I wouldn't be surprised if Hartnell didn't pop up as an announcement for the 50th though some time late next year though, as it's probably a prime time to sell the first Doctor.
Troughton and Davison certainly both still have their share of fans, and could well be next after that. Then you'd have the trio of Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann bringing up the rear in whatever order, as they are the Doctors from the more polarizing eras of the show's history. Or at least that's how I would imagine it might go anyhow.
Now, of course certain events could change things, such as how McCoy's turn in The Hobbit is recieved by audiences, and whether that gives his career and popularity a sudden boost as a result, or if any of the older Doctors are in any way roped into any of the 50th anniversary NuWho stories next year, increasing their awareness/coolness factor and/or popularity/visibility as a result.
Personally as I've said before, I'm greatly looking forward to Troughton and Colin Baker, however I'll gladly take whatever Doctor comes down the 1:6 pike, and in whatever order they arrive, just as long as Big Chief continues to do them justice.