New Doctor Who 1:6 from Big Chief Studios!

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Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

As for my ramblings, they might be tasteless, but they're as relevant as anything else on this board. Someone posted a photo of a custom figure that looked like dog turd. I merely commented on it, 'that's a nice dog turd you've got on your shelf' or words to that effect. I'll go with ex-parrot here, and say that's what message boards are for.

I think you'll find that is not what message boards are for. If they were then your comment wouldn't have been deleted. :nana:
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

...I think a signature on a plate of metal is even dumber.

Matt's signature is tres dumb.

Sorry, but only a blind man thinks the 2 autos you own look "the same" as the one on the BC plate. His normal auto (the one in your pictures) is a doodle. The one on the figure plate is a doodle of a doodle. It's obviously a rush job on Matt's part. That's what I think is a shame. A rush job signature isn't the same as a signature...for some of us.

Just because you would accept a dob of ink as a signature doesn't mean everyone else has to.

If you're tired of this discussion, feel free to move the hell along.

You clearly then, have no experience of autographs and how famous people sign them. If you did you would have not made such a short-sighted, at best naive statement, and so obviously exposed your clear pig-ignorance of the subject. By your own argument, you think autos are dumb and so I'd guess that you don't have that many. I have years of experience meeting many famous people and getting autographs, it's a harmless and enjoyable family experience that the three of us share. As an example, right up until the last minute, I was going to meet the new Judge Dredd (Karl Urban)and get his auto, but I was not well and had to change plans at the last'd be surprised just how easy it s to meet famous people.

Finally...No sorry mate, I'm here to stay and if you don't like it......I don't care. Unlike you I have bought the figure, auto an all, and that means I am staying put. It means that I at least, have a reason for being here other than just superfluously pointless *****ing about an irrelevant element of minutiae, like this. Any time you feel like this is leaving you know where the other threads are.

If you don't like it, send it back.
Me, I'm cool about it. The figure is what I wanted, and the sig is just an added extra. Most definitely not worth getting all hot under the collar about .

No, would waste the energy getting hot under the collar about something like this, it's seriously not worth it, But....Oh mate!! that's the best bit...he hasn't! He hasn't bought it. He has made it quite clear that has has not. And if he is going to buy the regular edition, he has not said. I'd guess no...wrong number of nostrils, wrong colour ear-hairs or some other vital factor like that will hold him back.
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Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

Again with the bloody signature.

The point is that it does not matter how he chooses to sign, the fact is that he has done it. That fact that person does not like how it looks is immaterial.

No. It does matter whether people like how something they've paid for looks. I mean, this issue shouldn't get overblown, but people who pay money for something have the right to complain if it isn't how they expected...
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

blah blah blah lots of assumptions and sad attempt at character assassination because someone has an opinion about a freaking autograph

Get over yourself.

Just because you like autos and like this particular auto doesn't mean your opinion needs to be everyone's opinion.

Furthermore just because you're bored of a subject doesn't mean everyone else should be bored of it to. Or just because you're a kiss ass doesn't mean everyone else should be too either.

I didn't ask you to leave the thread, unlike you trying to get me to leave. I simply ask you to feel free to ignore something you sanctimoniously claim isn't worth discussion. Basically, stop being a hypocrit.

I think the actor wasted his time and everyone's time by making his signature look like a joke. Making the ownership of said signature pretty sad. I feel sad for you if you enjoy this sort of trivial and cheap "meeting" of stars who if Smith's chincy and mocking "signature" is any indication of how he really felt he'd rather be sweeping up garbage than doing it.

Sorry we had a difference of opinion. So is life.

As for whether I own the figure yet or not most people in this thread don't technically own it yet either. I'm on the fence. Good looking product. Not a fan of this version of the Doctor. I'll be getting 10 for sure and maybe 4. Does that qualify me to be here and have an opinion or do I need to leave, oh great and mighty judge of what's worthy discussion?
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

Get over yourself.

Just because you like autos and like this particular auto doesn't mean your opinion needs to be everyone's opinion.

Furthermore just because you're bored of a subject doesn't mean everyone else should be bored of it to. Or just because you're a kiss ass doesn't mean everyone else should be too either.

I didn't ask you to leave the thread, unlike you trying to get me to leave. I simply ask you to stop commenting on something you sanctimoniously claim isn't worth discussion. Basically, stop being a hypocrit.

I think the actor wasted his time and everyone's time by making his signature look like a joke. Making the ownership of said signature pretty sad. I feel sad for you if you enjoy this sort of trivial and cheap "meeting" of stars who if Smith's chincy and mocking "signature" is any indication of how he really felt he'd rather be sweeping up garbage than doing it.

Sorry we had a difference of opinion. So is life.

As for whether I own the figure yet or not most people in this thread don't technically own it yet either. I'm on the fence. Good looking product. Not a fan of this version of the Doctor. I'll be getting 10 for sure and maybe 4. Does that qualify me to be here and have an opinion or do I need to leave, oh great and mighty judge of what's worthy discussion?

Done with this, moving on....
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Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

Thanks. Wish you realized that a day ago before you tried to tell me my opinion was invalid.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

Thanks. Wish you realized that a day ago.

And yet somehow, you are still the one complaining about it...maybe it should be you that "...realized..." it a day or two ago.

Now I don't know about you, but I suspect whether a person owns a figure or not would add a great deal more gravitas and substance their particular point of view, wouldn't you say?

Unlike you and to your ongoing, unending, broken record blathering. You on the other hand, you don't even have the regular version do you? Funnily enough, It does not seem to stop you from declaring this auto worthless, a waste of time, a waste of money etc ad nauseam. It has not stopped you from pontificating from upon high on us mere foolish mortals.

Funny that, don't you think?

Like I said, I am not bored with this thread...I have been one of the main contributors to it if you wanted to do a thread search, so I am here to stay.

Now I am done with this and on to the next BCS figure.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!


Get that idea out of your head.

I am saying that you should probably refrain from commenting on subjects you have declared unworthy of discussion yourself. Unless you want to be a complete hypocrit.

It's you who say my topic is invalid. It's you who say because I don't have the figure my thought is invalid. It's you who keeps telling me what I can or cannot comment about.

I'm not sure what your insecurity is? Why do you care what I say so much that you would put a cork in it?

Is it really that bad that I don't like his scribble?

You're making this way too personal.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

Ive been playing...

Awesome pics! I just wanted to make sure they didn't get lost in the back and forth. I can't wait for 10 to arrive so I can break out my old figures. :) As much as I like the CO Cyberman in some respects, I'd LOVE for BCS to tackle them.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

I can't believe so little talk about the angels! I'm not sure if I'm more excited about 10 or them! Did I read that some of their exchangable parts will be exclusives?
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

Not enough pictures for me to get excited yet.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!


Really..? Short memory, allow me...

If you're tired of this discussion, feel free to move the hell along.

You need to calm down mate, take one of the blue ones and if matron comes along you can tell her it's all getting a bit too much for you.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion, as is everyone else. It your deluded thought that everyone else is entitled to it too that is very worrying. You have said that you do not like Matt Smith's autograph on the Signature Edition Figure set. Fair enough. But seeing as how you have not committed one red penny to either of the two versions available, your opinion does not carry much credibility with me. Others, of course, have the right to agree or disagree.

And cut out the name calling or I will get you an infraction.

Now, this is the last time I will address you on your pointless and silly diatribes. So, finally and seriously on to the next figure from BCS.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

Not that I want to continue the signature discussion at all, but Matt's signature is Matt's signature - the design is his property - and he has the right to change it at any time.

Let's hope that if BCS do another signature edition with Matt he makes each one a little doodle of his middle finger. And that will be Matt Smith's signature!

I'm done with this too, btw. Goodnight ***********.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

Not that I want to continue the signature discussion at all, but Matt's signature is Matt's signature - the design is his property - and he has the right to change it at any time.

Let's hope that if BCS do another signature edition with Matt he makes each one a little doodle of his middle finger. And that will be Matt Smith's signature!

I'm done with this too, btw. Goodnight ***********.

:rotfl :lol :rotfl :lol :rotfl
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

Awesome pics! I just wanted to make sure they didn't get lost in the back and forth. I can't wait for 10 to arrive so I can break out my old figures. :) As much as I like the CO Cyberman in some respects, I'd LOVE for BCS to tackle them.

Cheers. Yeah. I left the forum a few hours ago as the sig thing was getting silly.
The CO Cbermen are quite static with little more articulation than their 5" counterparts. They look good tho. I am thinking if getting some fin grade colored wiring, and adding cable forms between the joints.
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