New Doctor Who 1:6 from Big Chief Studios!

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BC just posted that the Tennant fig is down to only 30 more pieces. Take that naysayers. ;)
Well, Ten's not too far from selling out, either; they've posted that there's almost only 250 left. That's a thousand sold in just under a week. It's great to see that Eleven's still being bought, especially considering there were a thousand more of him.
I really get the feeling that the more figures BC releases the more it will drive the sales of previously released figures.
I purchased 11th from luke's yesterday.It's a great feeling having a sold out figure and starting a new collection!
BC just posted that the Tennant fig is down to only 30 more pieces. Take that naysayers. ;)

Good luck to em'. Folks with far more disposable income then me I'm afraid.

I'll just have to make do with my old Character Options one. :D
Good luck to em'. Folks with far more disposable income then me I'm afraid.

I'll just have to make do with my old Character Options one. :D

I know what you mean. I use to buy 15 figures a year and that has gone down to 2 or 3 (if I'm lucky) a year. Being poor sucks. :mad:
I purchased 11th from luke's yesterday.It's a great feeling having a sold out figure and starting a new collection!

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(At least...I think, you can never be too sure with any/Google's translations. I may have just offered to sell my first born to a rubber fetishist, for all know...and I'd really miss Freya if she was gone!)
I remember Big Chief saying something about free art prints with one of the figures. Was this Eleven or Amy? And was it just the Dynamix prints or the gorgeous Amy from Vincent and the Doctor one etc.? If it's the latter, I might be persuaded to save up for Amy.
Me thinks the Tom Baker PO will be pretty soon, probably late February, or as soon as this 10 sells out. And that is likely to be sooner than late February !!
And I am so looking forward to another frenzied assault on the BC web site chasing after yet another limited figure against overwhelming odds, limited server space and being stupid tired!!! Haha!
On the note about selling out.
11 down to very short supply, 10 virtually sold out in a week.
Amy. Still fully available as regular and signed edition. Proof positive that Doctors sell, and companions are yesterday's news. Mind you, I did order an Amy :wink1:
On the note about selling out.
11 down to very short supply, 10 virtually sold out in a week.
Amy. Still fully available as regular and signed edition. Proof positive that Doctors sell, and companions are yesterday's news. Mind you, I did order an Amy :wink1:

Apart from Doctors, I think Jack would sell well too. At least much better than other companions, but what do I know.
I wouldn't get excited about a Jack to be honest. I do think a DALEK in the range would be nice, and it should prove very popular. BCs big decision would be, which one tho. Everyone will have their own idea which should be done, and at thus scale, it's unlikely that many people would get many variations. Personally I'd be happy with one.
They would have to start with the RTD dalek, I should think. Then maybe a Destiny dalek.
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