New Doctor Who 1:6 from Big Chief Studios!

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(At least...I think, you can never be too sure with any/Google's translations. I may have just offered to sell my first born to a rubber fetishist, for all know...and I'd really miss Freya if she was gone!)

You just expressed your passion about ice cream in those two words.Nah,i'm just kidding! Google really hit the mark with the translations.
On the note about selling out.
11 down to very short supply, 10 virtually sold out in a week.
Amy. Still fully available as regular and signed edition. Proof positive that Doctors sell, and companions are yesterday's news. Mind you, I did order an Amy :wink1:
I would consider buying Amy, especially since the signed version is still available, but I'd prefer to see some updated pictures with the new body and such first.

In terms of monsters, I'm not sure what I'd definitely splash out on. A Cyberman, perhaps? A Dalek would be nice, but it'd seem somewhat basic if the usual price were charged. I'm more interested in expansion packs at the moment.
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And there in lies the dilemma ..
I think the next PO will be for 4th. I believe this will be their fastest seller, and point the way to a 4th Doctor era DALEK. Genesis for example.
However, the 10 and 11 will be sold out, so should an RTD be produced as a 'companion' for those ? Or, go down both tracks. Or go for the most recent incarnation with a FATLEK in any or all of ther Jelly Baby colors!
CO have gone down ALL these routes and released just about every variation of DALEK there has ever been, but they are small and cheap.
Time frame update. I can't do anything until 2nd week in May.
I cannot foresee any manufacturing problems, as all materials are available. I just have to create a more user friendly interface between my system and that used by my mate in DT. During trials, I had to go through two conversion programs!! Although flat pack, the weight of the parts will still be the same as the weight of the finished product. I will cost up the postage at some point. I might get the bases into work today tho, as they are soooooo difficult !!

I can wait. May isn't that far away, not really.
And there in lies the dilemma ..
I think the next PO will be for 4th. I believe this will be their fastest seller.

4 will be the most popular, but HOPEFULLY they'll be kind enough to make a larger edition, or declare the edition size after the PO has been open for a day or two....
I like the idea of the edition size being determined by the demand on the PO. Then everybody wins.
So... if this line takes off... would anyone be up for a Gwen and Jack from Torchwood? I'm not sure there are too many others from Torchwood I'd go for but those two would be a must if they ever make them.
I sure hope BC can get Trevor Grove to do one of the Doctor Who likenesses. It's unfair that Sherlock should get him all to himself. :monkey2
I hope they do the RTD Dalek first, it would make a great companion piece for the two Doctors and it would sell well as the first Dalek ever in proper 1/6 scale; then there's the variations, at least two that would sell (Emperor's Guard and black Dalek Sec) plus Dalek Thay (which wouldn't!).

I'm not bothered about eectronics but one that opened up to reveal a mutant inside would be great - but get real, I'd settle for anything in 1/6 scale.

For classic Daleks the Sixties ones and the Genesis Daleks would make most sense to release first.
I like the idea of the edition size being determined by the demand on the PO. Then everybody wins.

Agreed. Though I do understand the need to limit the signed editions a bit more severely, especially as I imagine other factors may come into play with those.

But yeah, surely it is in everyone's interests to base the run size around actual day of sales figures. That way they don't get stuck with product on less popular pieces, and don't miss out on sales of the more popular releases.

As for Daleks, just like the Doctors themselves, I'll take one of each, as long as the prices aren't too cost prohibitive.

And yes, I'd buy Captain Jack. Gwen too, if the likeness was there, and however they did the hair didn't actively bother me. Can't imagine me ever buying anyone else from Torchwood at this price point though.

I still think they would have sold more versions of Amy if they initially included two heads, both the same sculpt, just with both rooted and sculpted hair versions. Give fans the option on this first release, and see which they prefer in-hand. Of course at this point I'm sure Amy has cost them way beyond budget anyway, but in a perfect world it would have been nice. I still hope if they do accessory packs they'll release an Amy with sculpted hair head sculpt at some point.

Speaking of Amy, wonder when we'll see the updated photos?
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I haven't been keeping my finger on the pulse, but the 4th Doctor is still in the works isn't it?
Am I the only person who feels like there's just something a tad off with Ten's figure? I'm moving backwards in the Doctor Who fandom - I started with Eleven and I'm now on Ten's last season. I love Matt Smith and I HATE the crap he gets from Tennant fangirls and boys, so I kind of went into Ten's reign with some negativity, but.... Yeah, I have to admit, Ten's pretty cool. I just went to take a second look at the figure, and yet...

I don't know what it is, but something feels off to me. I don't like his outfit at all, which doesn't help. I figured I would wait for the next edition of Ten, but I'm also worried something might happen and this will be the only version made.

Not trying to be whiny. I'm just honestly curious if everyone else generally loves the figure. I'm stuck on the fence here.

Have there been any updates on the extra heads for Eleven? Like the Ganger Doctor head?

EDIT: By the way, does anyone know if billyb still frequents this forum? A few days ago I stumbled across his head sculpt for the Eleventh Doctor for the first time (here), and I was curious if they're still available.
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First TARDIS sketch.
CAD podels produced for base, pillars and sides.
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