Looking good!
Love the lens flare too!
Love the lens flare too!
He must have went to the J.J. Abrams school for lens flare effects.Looking good!
Love the lens flare too!
Am I the only person who feels like there's just something a tad off with Ten's figure? I'm moving backwards in the Doctor Who fandom - I started with Eleven and I'm now on Ten's last season. I love Matt Smith and I HATE the crap he gets from Tennant fangirls and boys, so I kind of went into Ten's reign with some negativity, but.... Yeah, I have to admit, Ten's pretty cool. I just went to take a second look at the figure, and yet...
I don't know what it is, but something feels off to me. I don't like his outfit at all, which doesn't help. I figured I would wait for the next edition of Ten, but I'm also worried something might happen and this will be the only version made.
Not trying to be whiny. I'm just honestly curious if everyone else generally loves the figure. I'm stuck on the fence here.
Oh gosh, how generous. If a spot is open please keep me in mind. Thank you.I reckon 150 uk pounds should cover it
Nah. I'm not in this for the money. the postage shouldn't be too bad. I would guess at around 15 / 20 pounds based upon the cost of stuff I get in. Im waiting for the CO 3 Doctors set and the Pyramids of Mars sets to arrive.
My 11th Doctor BC arrived at a cost of 14 pounds from Scotland. Package wise, it will weigh around about that.
Am I the only person who feels like there's just something a tad off with Ten's figure? I'm moving backwards in the Doctor Who fandom - I started with Eleven and I'm now on Ten's last season. I love Matt Smith and I HATE the crap he gets from Tennant fangirls and boys, so I kind of went into Ten's reign with some negativity, but.... Yeah, I have to admit, Ten's pretty cool. I just went to take a second look at the figure, and yet...
I don't know what it is, but something feels off to me. I don't like his outfit at all, which doesn't help. I figured I would wait for the next edition of Ten, but I'm also worried something might happen and this will be the only version made.
Not trying to be whiny. I'm just honestly curious if everyone else generally loves the figure. I'm stuck on the fence here.
Have there been any updates on the extra heads for Eleven? Like the Ganger Doctor head?
EDIT: By the way, does anyone know if billyb still frequents this forum? A few days ago I stumbled across his head sculpt for the Eleventh Doctor for the first time (here), and I was curious if they're still available.
I reckon 150 uk pounds should cover it
Nah. I'm not in this for the money. the postage shouldn't be too bad. I would guess at around 15 / 20 pounds based upon the cost of stuff I get in. Im waiting for the CO 3 Doctors set and the Pyramids of Mars sets to arrive.
My 11th Doctor BC arrived at a cost of 14 pounds from Scotland. Package wise, it will weigh around about that.
All pieces (minus doors) created in computer. All parts clip together nicely.
Booked (so to speak) access to the laser cutter equipment for first week back afte rthe holiday (mid Feb) so the project is moving along a lot more rapidly than I thought.
Here are some screen shots of the CAD development (I didnt push perspective so they look wierd).
I will post some ortho drawings if anyone wants to have a go at a free hand build. Those will go up later today.
Right - time for a McDs.