New Doctor Who 1:6 from Big Chief Studios!

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I think all Doctors will sell, just so long as they are done in the right way. Less widely popular Doctors should be done later in the line, to encourage completism after the most popular are done, and in smaller edition size runs. After all, there is nothing saying you can't do a second, variant run later if the need arises...just as is planned with Ten.

I also think that releasing some of the less popular Doctors as website exclusives, at least initially, may well be the way to go. Exclusivity does drive up desirability amongst many in the old collector base, after all.

Personally I can't wait for Colin Baker and Patrick Troughton, but realistically speaking the next should be Eccleston and Pertwee, then probably Hartnell (who would have made a perfect 50th anniversay tie in actually), Troughton, and Davison. With Colin Baker, McCoy, and McGann bringing up the rear.

As for the rest, smartest method is to stick to what has the best chances of selling until the company can afford to take risks, and even then do them cleverly. I think both Captain Jack and Sarah Jane would sell, especially if the latter came with K-9. They were not only popular companions, they also had their own shows. But other companions at this point I honestly think are a risk, even though there are a few I'd personally love to see, such as Leela and The Brig.

I think The Master will always sell, but because of just how similar the DelGado and Ainley Masters are, they don't really need individual releases in my opinion. So a special two pack with interchangable DelGado and Ainley head sculpts, and two interchangable jackets (the priest collar DelGado style, and the ruffled shoulders and bling collar Ainley style), plus both versions of the tissue compression eliminator might be the better way to go. The regular release could have all of the above, giving people the option of displaying their favourite, or switch between the two, while the more expensive exclusive could come with an additional body and full clothing set so you could display both Masters. Again, it's a way of trying to make the release seem a bit more tempting and special, and draw more people in, while also serving the hardcore fans who would clearly want both on their shelves. They could probably do the Simm/Jacobi Masters in a similar way, especially as I doubt we'd get a Jacobi version otherwise. Plus they could release accessory packs for making a later version of the Simm Master.

As for monsters, the problem with a lot of the classic monsters is that design wise they look exactly like what they are, men in slightly dodgy monster outfits. This presents the immediate problem of do you replicate them exactly as they actually looked, or do you create an idealised version of how they were intended to look? And whichever approach is chosen is bound to have detractors.

I love the classic series, but I honestly don't know how many classic enemies I'd lay down this much green for, especially when the end result might look slightly dodgy in the hard light of day, in keeping with the TV show originals. There are a few that they can obviously get away with easily enough, Daleks and Davros being the most obvious. But I think the Zygons, the early Sontarans, certain incarnations of the Cybermen, maybe with a bit of finessing the Ice Warriors, Silurians and Sea Devils too, but even then I'm not sure how well most would sell at this price point. I'd probably bite on those as they are all key enemies, and I'm a hardcore fan, but I don't know how many others would. And the problem with the new series is that a lot of the memorable monsters have already been done, and done reasonably well, and can still be had for nowhere near Big Chief prices. Its all a bit of a minefield, really.

Whatever they choose to do, I wish them nothing but success, because more than anything else I just want all eleven Doctors on my shelf, and hopefully a few Masters too. Anything else is just gravy.
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I can't see any companions selling other than Leela and Rose, and even then it would be risky. K-9, of course, is not human and more iconic than any human companions, plus he's part of 4's era (and 10's) so he would work. But that's it.

Glad to hear the accessory packs are still on.

I wonder if Hartnell, Troughton and Pertwee could be released as a very limited Three Doctors set - say £400 which is what a Toys McCoy Indiana Jones cost at release? I could happily sell the Pertwee as he's not my favourite and then I'd get Troughton and Hartnell; and then of course the moulds could be reused for a later individual rerelease with more accessories (cape for pertwee, fur coat for Troughton, retooled Hartnell with cape and astrakhan hat).
I'd certainly think about purchasing a Sarah Jane figure, but if she also came with K9, it'd be an instant buy.
I'd certainly think about purchasing a Sarah Jane figure, but if she also came with K9, it'd be an instant buy.

I'm pretty sure they'd only sell those separately, if at all. Sarah Jane with a giant spider would be cool but we haven't even seen a Classic Sarah Jane in the 5" range yet.
I would make less popular Doctors an exclusive in some way. Compare how fast 10 sold compared to 11, being exclusive and of course a smaller quantity. By the way things look, people are more eager to buy if they see the normal version could just be a watered down version.
I'm pretty sure they'd only sell those separately, if at all. Sarah Jane with a giant spider would be cool but we haven't even seen a Classic Sarah Jane in the 5" range yet.

Wow, it never even crossed my mind that there could be both a classic and modern Sarah Jane...
Interesting comments in the Sherlock thread earlier today from Bc about just how much work it takes just to make one of the BC bodies. Just to play devil's advocate, would anyone like cheaper, bare bones releases with the only thing not skimped on being the HS and paint job, and the head being compatible with true types? So we'd get a figure with very basic articulation to cut down on labour costs, only one accessory, no stand, and stripped back packaging, but a real focus on the HS. I guess I would be a more modular line - they could always sell different outfits stands and accessories separately.

I love the deluxe package that Ten is shaping up to be, but i'd also love the option of buying other Doctors in the way I've described above. I'd be far more likely to buy a sixth Doctor if I could buy it in that form for 60% of Ten's price.
Sarah Jane would definitely sell, in my opinion. She has quite a following in Who fandom, don't you know. :) I actually think starting with a classic Sarah Jane and then offering a add-on pack for Modern Sarah Jane could be smart!

But I'd say her, Rose and River and Leela would probably be the safest bets for companions. Possibly Captain Jack because of the Torchwood crossover.
Sarah Jane would definitely sell, in my opinion. She has quite a following in Who fandom, don't you know. :) I actually think starting with a classic Sarah Jane and then offering a add-on pack for Modern Sarah Jane could be smart!

But I'd say her, Rose and River and Leela would probably be the safest bets for companions. Possibly Captain Jack because of the Torchwood crossover.

You'd actually hand over £170 for a Sarah Jane figure, and then £170 for River?

Rose I can just about see because of her mythical status in Nu Who, Leela because of her iconic outfit.
Yes and Yes. Now, I'm not sure about River when it comes to general Who fandom. She seems to be popular with a lot of people, though seems to have received some backlash the more she was used. I still really like her, and if they put her in the S5 finale outfit I think it'd be an awesome figure.

But Sarah Jane is universally accepted as the most popular companion. EVER. Still, to this day she usually wins fan polls, including polls conducted by national news organizations in the UK. She had her own spin-off show. If there is any companion that would do well in this format, it's Sarah Jane. She'll do better than Amy. And probably better than Clara. That's not to slight them, but Sarah Jane has had decades to build an audience.
Interesting comments in the Sherlock thread earlier today from Bc about just how much work it takes just to make one of the BC bodies. Just to play devil's advocate, would anyone like cheaper, bare bones releases with the only thing not skimped on being the HS and paint job, and the head being compatible with true types? So we'd get a figure with very basic articulation to cut down on labour costs, only one accessory, no stand, and stripped back packaging, but a real focus on the HS. I guess I would be a more modular line - they could always sell different outfits stands and accessories separately.

I love the deluxe package that Ten is shaping up to be, but i'd also love the option of buying other Doctors in the way I've described above. I'd be far more likely to buy a sixth Doctor if I could buy it in that form for 60% of Ten's price.

Not really, no. Stands are important, as are accessories. Mind you, I don't need a lightup or fancy stand, but excluding it entirely would not be good.
At least in my experience accessories aren't the major reasons for a figure to be expensive. You'll notice some of HT barebones figures are just as expensive as ones with lots of accessories.

While I never complain about lowering the price, I don't think this line is one in which corners need to be cut. As I said, I haven't seen many examples of "bare bones" figures being any cheaper than normal. Certainly not 40% of a figure.
Interesting comments in the Sherlock thread earlier today from Bc about just how much work it takes just to make one of the BC bodies. Just to play devil's advocate, would anyone like cheaper, bare bones releases with the only thing not skimped on being the HS and paint job, and the head being compatible with true types? So we'd get a figure with very basic articulation to cut down on labour costs, only one accessory, no stand, and stripped back packaging, but a real focus on the HS. I guess I would be a more modular line - they could always sell different outfits stands and accessories separately.

I love the deluxe package that Ten is shaping up to be, but i'd also love the option of buying other Doctors in the way I've described above. I'd be far more likely to buy a sixth Doctor if I could buy it in that form for 60% of Ten's price.

No. I too like things just the way they are. I think BCS are doing a marvellous job and 11 was very good value for money!
Bane and Cat Woman are about as basic as you will get from HT. No lil bits of added value. These retail here at around 100 uk pounds. The Doctor figures are around 170 in the uk. I have to add on anther 30 ( thereabouts ) for postage. The DX12 Bats which is full of wonderful toys came in at 130 pounds. So these are working out at considerably more than HT, for me. However, these are Doctor Who's finest outings, so I don't mind.
I can't work out the conversions and exchanges and VATs or whatever, but the using Big Bad Toy Store just as comparison their 11th Doctor and Amy Pond is right at the price ($190) of the HT Black Widow, Thor and is less than the pretty bare bones Avengers Captain America.
Bane and Cat Woman are about as basic as you will get from HT. No lil bits of added value. These retail here at around 100 uk pounds. The Doctor figures are around 170 in the uk. I have to add on anther 30 ( thereabouts ) for postage. The DX12 Bats which is full of wonderful toys came in at 130 pounds. So these are working out at considerably more than HT, for me. However, these are Doctor Who's finest outings, so I don't mind.

Definitely, there's something very special about these figures. I don't mind too for the Doctors I love - 2, 4, 9, 10 and 11 - but I'll think hard about getting any others... I hope I get the option though!

Would really love to know if daleks are on the horizon.
Being an aussie, these cost me a small fortune to collect and get shipped down here, however it's a niche (and from all accounts still not particularly cheap to obtain) licensed property, done better than anyone else has ever done it, so I accept that to collect these and for the line to be profitable enough to continue that means I'm going to have to pay a bit of a premium. I wouldn't pay these prices in the current market for a licensed property that has mass market appeal and is made in huge runs, but for a smaller run niche product, I do, and can live with it.

Let's face facts, no one else has been falling over themselves to offer such products, much less to this level of quality. And the few statue attempts at Doctor Who by the likes of Sixteen12 and Weta have tanked pretty hard as well, regardless of quality. Not all licenses and products are created equally, so it seems a bit silly to expect everything to be priced at the same level as the market leader with the biggest licenses and biggest market saturation. I mean cheaper is always nice, but it is not always realistic, or even possible. Just my view, anyway.

As for Leela, she's my favourite companion, but due to the outfit I don't know how well she can be done in 1:6, as there is so much exposed skin. The potential of her looking like a mannequin with a human head and hands is quite high. I mean look at how people complained about the pics of the Matt Smith Doctor with his sleeves rolled up, now imagine a bare arms and bare legs female figure like that. Makes her a risky proposition at best, regardless of how popular she is.
Bane and Cat Woman are about as basic as you will get from HT. No lil bits of added value. These retail here at around 100 uk pounds. The Doctor figures are around 170 in the uk. I have to add on anther 30 ( thereabouts ) for postage. The DX12 Bats which is full of wonderful toys came in at 130 pounds. So these are working out at considerably more than HT, for me. However, these are Doctor Who's finest outings, so I don't mind.

Those prices for the HT' cheap.
I score with HT because I'm here, and I just pick them up in store.

And continuing in good old supermarionation TB style....

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