New Doctor Who 1:6 from Big Chief Studios!

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Is that what I think it is? A marker-pen-line drawn along the path of the #11 figure's hair line....?

On a £160 figure....?

To make it somehow...........better...........?

Um... that's Skiman's custom repaint and while you'd have to ask him I'm pretty sure that's not his doing, it's just that there's nothing you can do about that hairline because on a lot of the 11's the hair piece wasn't quite slotted in perfectly (and on a lot of them it was, but obviously not on this one). Anyway, i find it hard to believe that someone who can paint eyes like that then topped off his repaint by drawing a hairline in marker pen!
Permanent pens are a very bad idea. The ink cures into the plastic after a while, leaving pink marks you'll never get off. Some model paints is what I'd recommend. If it's a material I'm not sure on, I take it to a model shop, they always know what to use.

Sadly I don't have a model shop anywhere near me. I live in a very small town.

I have two Eleven heads and both have that black line, by the way.
It would be neat if BCS would give us a exclusive look at their final prototype of the Amy figure. Please make it happen BCS. :pray:
It would be neat if BCS would give us a exclusive look at their final prototype of the Amy figure. Please make it happen BCS. :pray:

This and an update on the idea that the #4 Pre-Order was going to be in January. Any news would be great on this too. Even if it's to say something like..."We are taking longer than we thought to get this one ACED!"

It would certainly irritate/frustrate us fans, but in the end I think we all know it would be better that way and great, rather than rushed and crappy.
From BCS's Facebook:
As many of you know the Eleventh Doctor Signature Edition has long since sold out. However, we have a small quantity of pieces that we have been awaiting for customers to complete payment for. We have attempted to contact these customers several times. We have received a couple of responses and we will be fulfilling those orders at long last.

This is the last call for those customers who are yet to complete payment for the Eleventh Doctor Signature Edition. You have 7 days in which to contact us and complete payment. If we do not hear from you, we will open up your spots and offer these figures to other customers. We cannot continue to hold on to stock any longer.

That's a bit annoying, since I would have loved a signature edition Eleven, but by the time I went to buy one, they were apparently sold out, so I settled for the standard edition. It's not wholly BCS's fault, I guess.
From BCS's Facebook:

That's a bit annoying, since I would have loved a signature edition Eleven, but by the time I went to buy one, they were apparently sold out, so I settled for the standard edition. It's not wholly BCS's fault, I guess.

You guess, huh?

:lol Short of forcing full payment up front I'm not sure what they could have done.
Has anyone seen the pics in the press of filming on the docu-drama 'An Adventure In Timce & Space' about the origins of Doctor Who? It made me wonder just how much interest there is going to be in the Hartnell era towards the end of the year and whether BC could capitalise on it. It would be great to see a Hartnell figure released, I love that era of Doctor Who.

There's some speculation that the drama will feature the daleks too - again, if this true this would be a great time to see a 1/6 Dead Planet Dalek (one of my favourites!).
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