New Doctor Who 1:6 from Big Chief Studios!

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Big Chief:

Wait, are you saying CO is more realistic?
You know, CO did turn out some amazing stuff though. I point you to the Satan Pit Lift accessory. It's a beauty as far as scale detail and paint. And we'll never see anything like that from them again.

CO fell apart and sunk to the bottom of the ocean. I'm raging over the fact they're re-releasing the Sonic Screwdrivers on the cheap. Crap packaging, and from what I've heard, they used cheaper materials. If they're gonna do it, why not make it a nice re-release? Nice packaging, some extras (psychic paper as with some 9/10th Doctor releases comes to mind). And the newer playsets are cheaper, the 11th Doctor's TARDIS, both the box and interior sets, don't even light up.
It gets better, I'm afraid. Sometimes I pick them up in store, during lunch break. Sort of, walk out, down the street, have a KFC, pick up a Hot Toy figure, then back to the office. Last time I did that I came back with the BatPod and Gordon!! Oh, and a coffee!!!

Yup, I lurv it here.
You know, CO did turn out some amazing stuff though. I point you to the Satan Pit Lift accessory. It's a beauty as far as scale detail and paint. And we'll never see anything like that from them again.


It is true that CO have produced totally cool stuff in the past. I think their heart just isn't in it anymore so they develop rehashes of old product. Yes, there tooling is intact, but its no excuse to prepare new versions of old stuff when they could remain on the top of their game by continuing with quality product.
Take HT. Each product is (arguably) better than the last. They continue to be innovative after 12 years.
I think that BC have upped their game with 10. On the surface, it looks better (to me) than 11, which was quite excellent.
There was a period when CO was rolling in money, the show was massive, and they seemed to make everything the fans asked for on the Outpost Gallifrey toy thread - like a Space Pig or an articulated Ninth. It's like the period when Kenner Star Wars was just massive.

The 9/10 console and the first Flight Control Tardis are incredible. We won't see their like for a very long time. That's why I love BC - it's given me something new and exciting to collect after the CO offerings fizzled out.
Most of the 6th series range were the same figures, slighty repainted if lucky or just repackaged with those bags of sperm. And we got nothing series 7 related in the classic scale which is very sad, I wanted a Clara figure to go with what I have, I don't want to rebuy every character in a slighty smaller scale. They're exactly the same, just smaller. At least make them a bit special or something.
I couldn't have put it any better.
I was late to to the table for CO. The new show had just finished its first season in the UK, and I left for this gig in China. Then the merchandise started rolling out. I ordered the DALEK board game, and my brother sent me the 12" Doctor. Then a friend brought over a Judoon 5" figure for me. I was impressed. On ebay, I found a guy selling a complete (at that time ) collection of all things CO, including TARDIS playlet, fob watch, etc. I think he was reluctant at first to sell to China, but we struck up a good relationship, as I was happy for the stuff to be delivered over a period of time. So for a few months, almost every week, I was getting these boxes of CO figures. I never knew what was going to be in each. The point here tho, is that virtually everything was exciting and really good, well, there was Lazlo, but we'll for forget about him.
After getting these, I was hooked, and got everything they made. Recently, its gone pear shaped. So, thank you BC for stepping in.

I like this artwork.

You guys heard about the Thunderbirds reboot? It's sheduled for 2015.
Hey, I just heard this morning. Quite excited. I really liked the Captain Scarlet show.
Not too sure about the use of animation instead of puppets but I guess puppets are a bit too yesteryear. The team they've announced is quite good, they worked on The Hobbit and Avatar. I hope they stay true to the vehicles and I hope to God they don't go the way of the movie, instead of rescues have the Hood just steal TB2 to rob a bank. Because when you take over Tracy Island and the Thunderbirds, the first thing that comes to mind is robbing a sodding bank. That's one of the movies that pissed me off the most ever. It did do a great job with the vehicles (although they didn't appear to have weight at times) and their interiors. The rescue scene at the beginning was, although short, very good!

This is way off-topic though, but to bring it back on topic... BC... Thunderbirds licence? Could do a lot with that.
This is a little OT, but I want to fix up parts of the hairline on my Doctor where his skin paint kind of went onto his hair. What would you guys recommend? Tamiya?
I used a fine line permanent pen on a figure of mine a few weeks ago. It worked a treat, and owing to the fine nib, was easy to control.
Permanent pens are a very bad idea. The ink cures into the plastic after a while, leaving pink marks you'll never get off. Some model paints is what I'd recommend. If it's a material I'm not sure on, I take it to a model shop, they always know what to use.
I used a fine line permanent pen on a figure of mine a few weeks ago. It worked a treat, and owing to the fine nib, was easy to control.

:eek Hope it didn't look like this:

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