New Doctor Who 1:6 from Big Chief Studios!

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That picture Mark Gatiss tweeted today was definitely a nice little teaser. I can't wait to see the TARDIS set.
I got a signed edition directly from Big Chief because someone hadn't finished paying for their figure. And that was quite a few months ago.
I was a bit 'huh?' when I heard BC still had outstanding orders for the signed figure... but actually, it's really nice that they waited this long to cancel them.

And yeah, congrats to BC on selling out of 11. Great stuff, especially in this economy. Now bring on 4 and Sherlock!
I think it is outstanding that they should have waited this long to start re-selling their remaining Signature Editions onto actual interested fans.

I don't know myself, of any other company that would wait this long, it must rate as some kind of record?
I can't wait until I get my very own minature's going to be glorious. :panic:
A miniature KG for a miniature peni... no, that joke's too easy and obvious. Nevermind! ;)
:monkey1 Geez, thanks Xeno.


Wait, are BCS producing Who-themed Real Dolls now? That is diversifying.

I'd imagine it'd be hard to use, considering how long Karen Gillan's legs are. :lol

Did you get on a wait list for it?

Nope. No wait list.

Thinking of getting my 10's hair line issue fixed with an artist who can fill/sculpt over it a bit so it's not as visible.

I sure hope 10 doesn't come with all these tiny yet frustrating issues, particularly the bleeding dye on clothing articles.
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Thinking of getting my 10's hair line issue fixed with an artist who can fill/sculpt over it a bit so it's not as visible.

I sure hope 10 doesn't come with all these tiny yet frustrating issues, particularly the bleeding dye on clothing articles.

Nope. No wait list.

Thinking of getting my 10's hair line issue fixed with an artist who can fill/sculpt over it a bit so it's not as visible.

I sure hope 10 doesn't come with all these tiny yet frustrating issues, particularly the bleeding dye on clothing articles.
I sprayed the bow tie on my 11 with a de-bleeder that is intended to spray on blue jeans so that the die doesn't bleed onto your shoes. That should solve the issue.
I read today that an actor has been cast to play Patrick Troughton in the docu-drama 'An Adventure in Time And Space'. I really wonder if BC ought to jump in and do both of those Doctors - they will never get better publicity for them.

The drama apparently starts with Hartnell's regeneration in The Tenth Planet and then goes back to the start of the show and shows how he made the part and then lost it through being too hard to work with. Sure, I know it's not going to make a lot of people who have never bought 1/6 figures before suddenly want one but a 90 minute drama about William Hartnell has got to be a good starting point for selling a figure of him. My ideal would be for them to do a two-pack of Hartnell and Troughton like they've talked of doing for Sherlock and Watson.
That's not a bad idea. These two could be the toughest sells. Limited DVDs so very limited exposure.
The special will heighten any interest. The big ? is will BC ave enough lead time..
Or, put together a proto set, and go for a 23rd Nov preorder!
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Unless there's a decent price break, I don't see two-packs selling well at these price points. Getting people to part with $250 is a lot easier than $500.
I agree. Look at the HT Luke Skywalker.
Granted, it's the same base figure, but that twin pack sells well enough for HT, and it's what tempted me. It's the only SW figure I own.
That's not a bad idea. These two could be the toughest sells. Limited DVDs so very limited exposure.
The special will heighten any interest. The big ? is will BC ave enough lead time..
Or, put together a proto set, and go for a 23rd Nov preorder!

That's a brilliant idea - what better date to get people to part with money for something Who related that links back to the very beginning?

Hartnell particularly is a sculptor's dream - an old man with very sharp angular features, while Troughton also had sharp features under the moptop and the CO sculpt of him is brilliant. The material should be relatively easy to source - both had black coats, white shirts - and indeed share if they were doing them as a twopack.
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