New Doctor Who 1:6 from Big Chief Studios!

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No they shouldn't.

That's ridiculous. They paid money more than a year ago for a figure which looked very little like this final production figure.

This is the stuff class-action lawsuits are made of!

Big Chief would be very foolish to not refund the money of anyone they have let down.
If people put down a deposit for this,then yes they should be able to get it back.
It'd be like ordering a car online and you get a red wagon instead.
It looks bad and they should feel bad for even posting those pics.
I go away for a day and this happens.

First - everyone is right, Amy is a disaster. The poor paint job has brought out the inadequacy of the sculpt, which has a chin that's too hard and long, as is her face generally. She looks like a man in drag. Awful stuff.

Second, it should be action stations now at BC - they need to do something, even cancelling Amy. Maybe they could sell the body if it's good enough. But apart from that, this is just bad news for their reputation. They should have cancelled Amy a year ago.

If Amy doesn't sink them, they need to learn from it or something else will sink them. NO MORE FEMALE FIGURES EVER. They are just too hard to pull off, even for experienced companies. No more big dreams, no companions, no nothing except Doctors and Daleks. Cancel Watson - he won't sell. Just sell Sherlock, if you get to do Sherlock. Until you know what you're doing, stick to the current Doctor, 4 and 10. Announce a 1/6 dalek - the first EVER. And get another version of 11 out asap. Not Stetson, not green coat Doctor - from the 2011 series! - but a Doctor with the same HS but different hair and a newly tailored long coat. Or find out what he's wearing in the anniversary special and make that if it's not the tweed outfit. THAT would sell - people will want to 'be part' of the anniversary special, to watch it knowing they've got a figure from it on order. And maybe they could order in some extra material for 10 and make 500 'Eleventh Hour' figures with the old HS (or change the hairpiece to make it more Season 5). That would all be revenue. They really need a business angel, not so much for investment but for advice.

What do I know? Maybe BC are doing great and don't need my advice but yikes, Amy is bad. And actually, like anyone who has anything on preorder with a deposit paid, I'm entitled to my view.
I have spoken with the guys at BC and they are working on an official response.

In the meantime for the record the facts are:

Head Sculpt - is the same as the approved sculpt and has NOT changed
Hair - is still being refined
Skin colour - as approved complexion
Jacket - material used is thicker than used for prototype, looking at improving the way this falls
Skirt - Amy’s skirt is actually blue/black stone washed denim, not blue, so was changed for production
Tights - were always grey, lighting made these look somewhat bluer in tone, but they have always been grey
Boots - have NOT changed


I have spoken with the guys at BC and they are working on an official response.

In the meantime for the record the facts are:

Head Sculpt - is the same as the approved sculpt and has NOT changed
Hair - is still being refined
Skin colour - as approved complexion
Jacket - material used is thicker than used for prototype, looking at improving the way this falls
Skirt - Amy’s skirt is actually blue/black stone washed denim, not blue, so was changed for production
Tights - were always grey, lighting made these look somewhat bluer in tone, but they have always been grey
Boots - have NOT changed


Thanks for chiming in Greggo, since you are an amazing painter can you please tell us just how something this drastic could have happened and how a company could approve of such poor paint apps?
I guess if the sculpt is the same, it must come down to the paint apps then?
As I said previously BC will post an official response shortly. I do not want to comment further, other than to say that several attempts were made to gain full approval. Personally I felt that the final approved paint op was too doll like, but apparently it was the only way to get the figure approved. A shame but there you go.

Oh one more thing... the hair colour is an exact match to the prototype hair. Must be poor lighting for the most recent pics.

Approved by whom?

Karen Gillan and her agent approved the head sculpt and the deco. The original head had all the imperfections that a real person has, chicken pox scar etc. This all had to be removed.

As I said previously BC will post an official response shortly. I do not want to comment further, other than to say that several attempts were made to gain full approval. Personally I felt that the final approved paint op was too doll like, but apparently it was the only way to get the figure approved. A shame but there you go.


Well, I hope they can revisit the paint apps, because the way that figure looks now, I'm not paying $240. My CO Martha figure looked better for $20. :(
Karen Gillan and her agent approved the head sculpt and the deco. The original head had all the imperfections that a real person has, chicken pox scar etc. This all had to be removed.


Well, there is a place in the middle. You should be able to remove any imperfections which bother the actress and yet not have it look lifeless.

You can't blame the dead eyes on removing scars.....
As I said previously BC will post an official response shortly. I do not want to comment further, other than to say that several attempts were made to gain full approval. Personally I felt that the final approved paint op was too doll like, but apparently it was the only way to get the figure approved. A shame but there you go.

I have a hard time believing Karen would approve paint apps that would make her look like a strung out drag queen. So obviously I see BCS placing all blame on Karen and her reps and tell us to pound salt.
I have a hard time believing Karen would approve paint apps that would make her look like a strung out drag queen. So obviously I see BCS placing all blame on Karen and her reps and tell us to pound salt.

If you do not want to buy the figure then don’t buy it. Simple.

Believe what you want. I know what I know and I know that Karen DID approve it. I have been involved in the process and you have not.

Grab your flaming torches everyone...
If you do not want to buy the figure then don’t buy it. Simple.

Believe what you want. I know what I know and I know that Karen DID approve it. I have been involved in the process and you have not.

Grab your flaming torches everyone...

The problem is that it's not just a few who won't be going through with the purchase, it's a lot of people, look a Facebook...hardly anyone approves. BCS should be concerned if the "don't buy it if you don't like it" philosophy is utilized.
I have been involved in the process and you have not.

Grab your flaming torches everyone...

If you have been involved in the process then you clearly haven't been helping.
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