New Doctor Who 1:6 from Big Chief Studios!

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I was just in Walmart looking for a certain WWE figure and they had an endcap with Oz 12" dolls and honestly looked on par if not slightly better than Amy....but I believe those were $19.99.
Made this for another board. Face sculpt looks the same to me but the face is much paler and the lips are too red. Hair needs lots of work to lay better. Clothes look good, though, other than the jacket.

Made this for another board. Face sculpt looks the same to me but the face is much paler and the lips are too red. Hair needs lots of work to lay better. Clothes look good, though, other than the jacket.

That looks like a before and after Lindsey Lohan picture. Amy looks like she has lived a life of drug use and partying.
Made this for another board. Face sculpt looks the same to me but the face is much paler and the lips are too red. Hair needs lots of work to lay better. Clothes look good, though, other than the jacket.


That's a shame... I was only looking at the prototype Amy at the NEC a couple of weeks back and thinking that she did actually look quite good after all. And now this. Eep.

But interesting to see the two together like that - I was going to say it's Sideshow's Willow Rosenberg all over again but JonWes' comparison photo makes the new version look less bad... though she's still startlingly not good either.

It does suggest the lighting on the new pictures isn't helping - there are shadows on the original prototype's face that are missing on the new piece... almost as if everything been washed out by photographing her in an overlit light box? And though I can but hope I don't think the excuse of lacklustre photography is going to help too much here.

Lit like this the painting of the eyes looks simplistic and rather basic. There's a lack of subtlety that paint applications on female heads need and the one on Amy here does seem to have fallen somewhat short. The high forehead ain't helping (cover it up on some of the photos... does it help her look less bad?). That coupled with a wig that looks like it's sitting on the head (rather than recessed into the head like HT or Kumik) throws the likeness off.

I'm scared of that wig too - it looks like a wig (I've walked a pretty good length of the female figure counter here and I'm yet to see a good 1:6 wig) rather than a rooted scalp. Plus it looks like the wrong type of saran; too coarse and thick. It might be a screen accurate length but a longer cut would have probably helped it lie better. Hopefully replacing it with a scalp from a blank Obitsu or even a donor Barbie should help fix that.

Can but hope that when hauled her out of her box there will at least be a moment of relief when you realise she doesn't look quite as poor as the new photos make out! Until then, very disappointed by Amy but I reckon I can tweak her up into something better - though at that price I shouldn't have to (had to do with with some HT girls too; either generic eyes and/or they're trying to look at the top inside of their skull!). I won't cancel my pre-order... but, please, don't do this again Big Chief.
Does anyone who ordered via BCS really have a chance of getting their deposit refunded though? If it comes to it?
Does anyone who ordered via BCS really have a chance of getting their deposit refunded though? If it comes to it?

Does Sideshow refund deposits? Doesn't that kind of counteract the whole philosophy behind deposits?
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People should be allowed to have their deposits refunded because the final product looks NOTHING like the product they pre-ordered. Bait & Switch.
People should be allowed to have their deposits refunded because the final product looks NOTHING like the product they pre-ordered. Bait & Switch.

I wish we could do away with the hyperbole of these kind of posts. It looks SOMETHING like the proto. It actually looks A LOT like the proto. The only significant difference is color to the face and clothing.

Looking "NOTHING" like this would be if the figure came out looking like Luke Skywalker.

This is still clearly the same figure, the argument is whether its of the same quality.

personally, I think this figure looks nice if the hair can be futzed.
At this point, I wonder how successful they'd be. Because of the delays a lot of those costumes seem less critical, I'd think.
The green coat and (to a far lesser extent) the stetson seem less iconic and critical, in particular. I can see the Fez head still doing well, though. And maybe the Stetson on it's own. It might be better to focus on his 7b costume. And it'd be a chance to update the hair/face sculpt, too. That being said, if they went ahead and made them, I'd still buy some of them.

I think the 11 variant they have planned for the end of the year will have the new outfit. But at that time series 7b will long be over and then that outfit won't be more popular than any of the others.

Whichever version of 11 they release, either in variant or expansion pack form, I would buy all. But the stetson head is most important for me as it's my favourite look. I want to make a Mercy Doctor and have already commissioned shirt and rig.

Debating if I should get Amy anyway and have her repainted, but I don't think I should have to invest in a repaint for a figure in this price range. That would exceed my personal limit that I'm willing to pay for such a figure.
I'm personally gonna hold out on Amy until a super clearance somewhere but I was gonna do that anyway.
Looks NOTHING like her. The blue denim skirt CHANGED to stonewash black. Blue stalkings CHANGED to gray. Boots CHANGED to Hooker High Heels. Hair color CHANGED to Kool-Aid fruit punch. Skin color CHANGED to ghastly pale white. Lipstick CHANGED to Hooker Red.
Guys, if you want your refund back just do a paypal dispute, don't settle for a $200 Barbie doll.
I've tried to log into my account at BC, and while I can get in, the only option there is to change my password. No orders, past or present are showing. Anyone else having this issue?
If you paid with a credit card just dispute the charge with them. Tell them the item is significantly different from the item you paid for.
I wish we could do away with the hyperbole of these kind of posts. It looks SOMETHING like the proto. It actually looks A LOT like the proto. The only significant difference is color to the face and clothing.

Looking "NOTHING" like this would be if the figure came out looking like Luke Skywalker.

This is still clearly the same figure, the argument is whether its of the same quality.

personally, I think this figure looks nice if the hair can be futzed.

No, this looks very little like the proto. Anyone who wants their deposit back should get it.
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