New Doctor Who 1:6 from Big Chief Studios!

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Well that tends to happen when the final product, which people have been waiting for over a year for 'improvements' at this point, turns out to actually look decidedly worse than the piece that they were supposedly correcting to begin with.

Regardless of any personal disagreements between members, or the occasional pointed comment that gets thrown about a little too readily sometimes in this thread, I don't think there is anyone here who is actively taking pleasure in seeing Big Chief stumble, or who wants to see that happen. But they have stumbled here, and to my mind stumbled pretty hard. And no amount of comforting faint praise will make that any less apparent, nor will it fool anyone who isn't satisfied, and is unhappy about waiting a year only to see a piece get progressively worse, rather than better.

Ultimately we all want to see them be successful enough so that the dream of, at the very least, getting all of the Doctors made, and made well, may one day come to fruition. We all have our own dream list of characters we'd love to see tackled one day by Big Chief, and done well, at least to the standard that we already know they are capable of from the Eleventh Doctor release, and hopefully even better than that. But this piece for many (most?) simply doesn't measure up, not by the standards of the price point, and not by the standards by which we know Big Chief themselves are capable of delivering. At least to a great many fans eyes, judging by what we have been shown today anyhow. And stating such isn't being mean, it's not a betrayal, or an insult. It is an expression of genuine disappointment for a piece that everyone hoped would be far better than it now appears destined to be.

And no matter what the reasons are behind why it has all turned out like this, at the end of the day the final product is what matters to collectors, and whether it is worth owning for the price it will cost to do so. Good intentions don't make great collections. Alas, in this case I fear that Big Chief is going to take a bit of a bath as far as that goes, if this is truly indicative of the final release version. And while I hope it isn't enough to damage them long term, at the end of the day they still have to earn collectors money, and here I just don't think they have done that, at least for a good many collectors if the feedback so far is any indication.

I imagine this is pretty much a nightmare for Big Chief, given the amount of time and money they must have sunk into this piece by now, and I do feel bad for them on that front. But it's a business, not a charity, and if they want collectors support, and the cash that comes with it, then they have to earn it, and do so with every piece that comes out, or else suffer the financial consequences. That's just how it works.

My view anyhow.
Honestly, this is the best post ever. I just wanted a nice Amy to go with my nice Eleventh Doctor, then they could churn out nice versions of 10, 4, and 1 for whomever want's them.
The signature version did but the other version has not. It's probably pretty close.

He hasn't even been released yet and won't be for AT LEAST a few months (if not years.) I won't worry about him not being sold out yet. Most Hot Toys figures don't sell out before release.
Well that tends to happen when the final product, which people have been waiting for over a year for 'improvements' at this point, turns out to actually look decidedly worse than the piece that they were supposedly correcting to begin with.

Regardless of any personal disagreements between members, or the occasional pointed comment that gets thrown about a little too readily sometimes in this thread, I don't think there is anyone here who is actively taking pleasure in seeing Big Chief stumble, or who wants to see that happen. But they have stumbled here, and to my mind stumbled pretty hard. And no amount of comforting faint praise will make that any less apparent, nor will it fool anyone who isn't satisfied, and is unhappy about waiting a year only to see a piece get progressively worse, rather than better.

Ultimately we all want to see them be successful enough so that the dream of, at the very least, getting all of the Doctors made, and made well, may one day come to fruition. We all have our own dream list of characters we'd love to see tackled one day by Big Chief, and done well, at least to the standard that we already know they are capable of from the Eleventh Doctor release, and hopefully even better than that. But this piece for many (most?) simply doesn't measure up, not by the standards of the price point, and not by the standards by which we know Big Chief themselves are capable of delivering. At least to a great many fans eyes, judging by what we have been shown today anyhow. And stating such isn't being mean, it's not a betrayal, or an insult. It is an expression of genuine disappointment for a piece that everyone hoped would be far better than it now appears destined to be.

And no matter what the reasons are behind why it has all turned out like this, at the end of the day the final product is what matters to collectors, and whether it is worth owning for the price it will cost to do so. Good intentions don't make great collections. Alas, in this case I fear that Big Chief is going to take a bit of a bath as far as that goes, if this is truly indicative of the final release version. And while I hope it isn't enough to damage them long term, at the end of the day they still have to earn collectors money, and here I just don't think they have done that, at least for a good many collectors if the feedback so far is any indication.

I imagine this is pretty much a nightmare for Big Chief, given the amount of time and money they must have sunk into this piece by now, and I do feel bad for them on that front. But it's a business, not a charity, and if they want collectors support, and the cash that comes with it, then they have to earn it, and do so with every piece that comes out, or else suffer the financial consequences. That's just how it works. Hopefully they'll fare better with future releases like Ten and Four.

My view anyhow.

Well said. :exactly:
I wonder if the expansion packs are already in production or if that depends on the sales of Amy. I really need that Stetson head...less hopeful now that I'll ever have a Cowboy Doctor to go with my Susan.
I wonder if the expansion packs are already in production or if that depends on the sales of Amy. I really need that Stetson head...less hopeful now that I'll ever have a Cowboy Doctor to go with my Susan.

For Big Chief's sake they had better have something or we are going to see this company go out of business.
From what I heard in the interview with BC's main guy in the last hottoycast, it sounded like the expansion packs were still very much up in the air, so I don't think they're anywhere near production on those. He did say however that they have another 11 figure planned with the new costume and headsculpt.
If I am honest, I have to look at this figure and ask myself "Is this what a $200+ figure looks like?" and I am afraid I have to answer "no". What a shame. When I saw the pics at first it was on a small screen but now that I see them more clearly I have to say I am disappointed. Maybe it's the futzing? I dunno. But the hair color doesn't look natural and the material choice looks cheap.

Honestly the tailoring and materials on this doesn't look any better than the $20 Martha CO put out a while back. What a shame. I hope this figure doesn't prove to be the stone around BC's neck. I want this company and this line to succeed. To put this out so long after the anvil has gone cold too. What a shame. :(

I will likely keep my order though and consider it an investment in the future of the line. (its through TFAW, so I got it for only $160.. but still... I would maybe pay $50-75 for this and call it barely fair). If it pays off with getting me more Doctors on my shelf I would consider it money well invested.
Well, I can't say I'm not disappointed after all this time, they've had my money for months, and this is what it's come to? I need to see some pics without the jacket, it looks like it's got 80's shoulder pads right now. That may help a bit, and some better pics, but right now I'm seriously leaning towards cancelling, which would be a shame because I was seriously looking forward to having all 3 signature editions to pass onto my daughter who's a major whovian.
From what I heard in the interview with BC's main guy in the last hottoycast, it sounded like the expansion packs were still very much up in the air, so I don't think they're anywhere near production on those. He did say however that they have another 11 figure planned with the new costume and headsculpt.

At this point, I wonder how successful they'd be. Because of the delays a lot of those costumes seem less critical, I'd think.
The green coat and (to a far lesser extent) the stetson seem less iconic and critical, in particular. I can see the Fez head still doing well, though. And maybe the Stetson on it's own. It might be better to focus on his 7b costume. And it'd be a chance to update the hair/face sculpt, too. That being said, if they went ahead and made them, I'd still buy some of them.
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From what I heard in the interview with BC's main guy in the last hottoycast, it sounded like the expansion packs were still very much up in the air, so I don't think they're anywhere near production on those. He did say however that they have another 11 figure planned with the new costume and headsculpt.

BC need a quick fix.
They have the 11th body and a preproduction head (stetson) and a costume.
Get these out asap, and put a second 11 on their site. That will bring in the cash. I cannot see people buying Amy looking like that, I am sorry to say. Ill be surprised if there aren't lots of deposits returned.
A real pity.
But, yeah, get that 2nd 11 out now.
At this point, I wonder how successful they'd be. Because of the delays a lot of those costumes seem less critical, I'd think.
The green coat and (to a far lesser extent) the stetson seem less iconic and critical, in particular. I can see the Fez head still doing well, though. And maybe the Stetson on it's own. It might be better to focus on his 7b costume. And it'd be a chance to update the hair/face sculpt, too. That being said, if they went ahead and made them, I'd still buy some of them.

If the price is reasonable, I'd buy all of the 11 expansions, but these would be coming out far too late to really be successful. For all we know, the coming season might well be Matt Smith's final one.
My excitement for the expansion packs died down a bit, the hype for the figure is gone, too. It's too far from release. I ended up making everything myself. I supported and has respect for BC as a company but seeing how Amy turned out, and moreso them giving that thing the okay takes a huge bite out of my trust for future products.

I'm willing to keep my order and give the next figure a chance, but if that ends up like Amy, I'm out of this line which would be a huge, huge shame as I've stopped collecting other things to fund this, but it seems it might not be worth it in the end.
I concur with others that the Amy is an absolute disaster for the price and that if i had put a deposit down i would want it refunded.
This is not worth $240 after shipping.


I may wait and see if I can get her cheaper from a US retailer down the line. :(

Did they lose the likeness rights when Amy got sent back in time ?
Or is this from an upcoming episode when the lonely Doctor dresses up a RealDoll and sits it in the corner of the Tardis?
I've just been looking at this fir a longer period of time.
It's not Amy. Not even close.
The Martha from CO genuinely looks better on every level. I want to loose my ethics and cancel this.
I've just been looking at this fir a longer period of time.
It's not Amy. Not even close.
The Martha from CO genuinely looks better on every level. I want to loose my ethics and cancel this.
You're not obligated to accept a shoddy product, cancel it.
Amy looks truly horrendous. The earlier pictures are infinitely better. Let's just hope they don't mess up Ten as well.
Big Chief would be best served to address the fans concerns sooner rather than later.
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