Super Freak
What you have to worry about is that most of the pieces have found their final homes. The Master Replicas Millenium Falcon used to be available at a somewhat reasonable price for a long while. At one point there were none left to be found and the price started climbing quickly. even though there were a lot of them produced, they have all settled into their homes and hardly any are for sale anymore. How many collectors are looking for Doom to complete their collection, and how many are for sale?

Electroshock & VS are both looking for one, none are listed on ebay as of right now nor is there anyone selling theirs on the commerce section. I wasn't exactly looking for one, a buddy of mine just so happened to be selling his. Which adds another problem on acquiring a Doom PF, if an owner was looking to sell his. He'd offer it first to his close friends before some stranger.
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