If Hot Toys made a final version of the T-850 from T3, I'd buy it.
Actually yes, much as I hate T3, I would undoubtedly feel compelled to buy this if they made it. With the whole left side of his body almost endoskeletonised it'd be amazingly detailed and complex when combining normal endo-articulation with torn and burnt flesh and tattered clothes..plus LED eye. This would be stunning.
Also you were right about what you said earlier, these figures would work best with a new detailed plastic Arnie body rather than just reusing the Dutch body. Both for the articulation of the torso and arms and also so the head and neck can be all-in-one sculpts as opposed to the way it had to be for Dutch. That head is slightly detracted from by the obvious articulation line under the jaw and bottom hairline. I know why it was necessary there but I'd rather it not carry over to the Terminators aswell.