SS just confirming what we already knew, LOTR dio's and bust's... well have gone bust
Blurring the dio's and statue line... I think all this means is we'll get multiple 1/6th Hobbit statues on a signle base or pieces akin to the SSW RWOS or Sam & Bill... wouldn't hold my breath for a Treebeard or Sam Vs. Shelob. Their scale seems too big for the 1/6th statue line.
Way swamped with school and work, but I wanted to chime in since this is the only line I am allowing myself to collect. (May cave in with Gollum though.)
I hope the line of maquettes continues in the same scale, except for certain departures for very large creatures, etc. From the start I thought the maquette line would be a good avenue for double portraits as many of you have discussed, like Frodo & Sam, Merry & Pippen. That makes total sense. But I am a bit worried at what exactly they mean by "blurring the line" between the diorama line and this. I like the direction we have been shown with the new line, somewhat like an idealized non-screen captured, well sculpted likeness, amalgamation of traits which makes the character who they are in both book and film.
Just stating how I feel, since this is the only line I am invested in currently.
(But really tempted by Gollum.)
Way swamped with school and work, but I wanted to chime in since this is the only line I am allowing myself to collect. (May cave in with Gollum though.)
I hope the line of maquettes continues in the same scale, except for certain departures for very large creatures, etc. From the start I thought the maquette line would be a good avenue for double portraits as many of you have discussed, like Frodo & Sam, Merry & Pippen. That makes total sense. But I am a bit worried at what exactly they mean by "blurring the line" between the diorama line and this. I like the direction we have been shown with the new line, somewhat like an idealized non-screen captured, well sculpted likeness, amalgamation of traits which makes the character who they are in both book and film.
Just stating how I feel, since this is the only line I am invested in currently.
(But really tempted by Gollum.)
I agree. I think the spirit of the line was presented as targeting the essence of a character and I don't know that fits so clearly with diorama-like character combos.
I believe the intent here is to combine characters on specific pieces. This contradicts what SS stated at the launch of this new line where they stated [approx. 24 seconds into the video] these maquettes would be "single feature statues".
Personally, I like the idea as it keeps the dio. concept alive and gives SS more creative options to work with.
In thinking that some character may come with a couple of figures per base to merge some of the design ideas with the diorama series, I was thinking rather than getting multiple hobbits on one base, such as a Merry and Pippin two pack or a Sam and Frodo two pack, I wonder if they might be thinking about combining two disparate characters, such as having Rohan Merry come with Eowyn as Dernhelm, or Gondorian Pippin come with Faramir or Denethor.
I know I would love to see a motley set of orcs or Uruks on a single base, and that wouldn't be too cumbersome! I just hope that they keep the humanoid figures in the same scale with the rest of the maquettes.
I was considering being a completist with this line, but if they start becoming more diorama like and less essence of a character like, I will be forced to pick and choose.
The Helms Deep piece had a decent portion of environment. Though, I don't know that this is escential for a diorama. You want some environment but I don't need a ton. Those two pieces took up a crap pile of room.
I think in this line they'll stick to individual pieces unless its a half an orc or head something laying on the ground. Steed pieces would obviously include rider and stee
Helm's Deep and Theoden dios were good enough you are right; but beyond that they weren't as much dioramas as they were two characters dueling (or 5 RWs) on a piece of rock.
I am comparing the LOTR dios with any other line, say: Indy, SW and Marvel all of which have a more substantial scene built-in (for the most part).
If thats true I'd love to know what they meant in yesterdays' Q&A segment.
A: A little of all of the above is true. Our current focus is on the Premium Format and Statue lines, and we’re going to be blurring the line a bit between the Statue and Diorama series.