I've got one coming. Should arrive in about a week. I'll let you know what I think.
Happen to get it yet?!?
I've got one coming. Should arrive in about a week. I'll let you know what I think.
That kid looks like he's having the time of his life!![]()
Actually, yes, got it, and.....returned it. Handle is paint, not leather, and sloppy paint at that. Had some paint rubbed off the handle as well. The hammer has some good weight to it, but the grey paint is so flat and dull that it makes it look like a toy. Like a big, heavy, plastic toy.
I dunno. It looks pretty good in that pic.What's the handle made out of? Wood?
Hi Everyone,
I am obsessed with the Thor films and the concept of Thor's hammer..etc.
Took the plunge(s) and here are my critiques for each in case anyone wants a true comparison of the higher end 'licensed' models out there:
-Museum Replicas/Sideshow Thor Hammer from the first movie:
This one looks great from a distance and a nice piece to have in your living room. As long as nobody comes too close to it…which believe me is unavoidable... Now: up-close once you check the runes/finishing of the hammer head: the lousy work done on the details and poor craftsmanship is visible and a true shame. This hammer's movie design is significant cause it's the original we all saw in the first movie... from the ending of Iron Man 2 and the first THOR movie when people were trying to pull it off the ground... Epic... It's a damn shame that the Museum Replicas guys didn't put the right effort here... seriously poor and rushed overall job. But like I said: from a distance is looks good... up-close: tragically bad. Features: Real metal head, real leather handle and strap. But the metal used for the head is just overall bad... The lines are not straight, the details are blurry and messed up... Overall shame. But I repeat: from FAR it looks amazing especially the way it looks when placed in the original stand it comes with. The stand for me is the highlight. Up-close: not worth the price it’s going these days on ebay.
-EFX Thor Hammer from Avengers Assemble:
This is a beautiful piece but I don't like the handle color on this one nor the angle the strap comes connected with the hammer in (the strap cannot hang down, it's positioned in a way where it always stands). The bright leather is distracting compared to the other versions from the other films which have a darker leather handle (much more fitting IMHO). I would have been happier with a darker leather like the first THOR movie hammer or the DARK WORLD/AGE OF ULTRON version. Having said that, this is the best hammer head. Some will complain that it is not real metal: yes that's true, and I always have the fear that I might bump or drop or scratch it somewhere which could damage the paint job (as this is mirror paint)... But... If you are extra careful and care about a nice hammer head, this is the one you want. Too bad about the handle though. The price it’s going for these days is high, but if you don’t mind the handle color and the way the strap stands , then this is the hammer you want.
-King Arts Thor Hammer from Avengers Age of Ultron/Thor the Dark World:
Now I was torn between getting this one or the CATTOYS or the BEAST KINGDOM version of the same hammer.
I did some research and found out (like the rest of you) that the Beast Kingdom does NOT have a leather handle…it’s apparently painted. Also found some reviews on the CATTOYS that said the handle was leather and others who said the handle was NOT leather. Too much inconsistency… Didn’t want to take a risk on this and get surprised or disappointed. All signs pointed to the KING ARTS version. An online reviewer from the UK did a nice review on youtube and he said the handle was leather with a metal hammer head and he seemed happy with the overall result which encouraged me further so I took a leap of faith with this.
Note: The hammer comes with an IRON MAN gauntlet which I personally didn’t like as it is made of soft plastic.
So it finally arrived and I have to say this King Arts hammer is interesting, the handle is real leather (and the strap too ofcourse)
The head is made of not too shiny actual metal and overall the hammer is HEAVY..the heaviest of the 3 I own. However the main 'critiques' is that the hammer head is a bit dull looking... and if you knock on it, it gives off a slightly hollow sound….This might not bother others but it sort of bothers me when compared to the Museum Replicas and EFX hammer which have more solid/full from the inside hammer heads. I repeat: a slightly hollow sound.
Comparing the shine to the EFX hammer’s paint job leaves something to be desired here.
So that’s the comparisons for you!
I read online that Pannaus Props make a nice Thor hammer with a very well designed and detailed hammer head with leather handle design of the Dark World/Age of Ulton .. so I placed an order and currently waiting for it... Will this finally tick all the boxes!??!?! Time will tell!
I will update you guys as soon as I get that one.
If any of you have found a custom shop that makes the original Thor movie hammer design (similar to the Museum Replicas) but with a proper leather handle and a detailed/faithful and properly finished hammer head please let me know.
Hi Everyone,
I am obsessed with the Thor films and the concept of Thor's hammer..etc.
Took the plunge(s) and here are my critiques for each in case anyone wants a true comparison of the higher end 'licensed' models out there:
-Museum Replicas/Sideshow Thor Hammer from the first movie:
This one looks great from a distance and a nice piece to have in your living room. As long as nobody comes too close to it…which believe me is unavoidable... Now: up-close once you check the runes/finishing of the hammer head: the lousy work done on the details and poor craftsmanship is visible and a true shame. This hammer's movie design is significant cause it's the original we all saw in the first movie... from the ending of Iron Man 2 and the first THOR movie when people were trying to pull it off the ground... Epic... It's a damn shame that the Museum Replicas guys didn't put the right effort here... seriously poor and rushed overall job. But like I said: from a distance is looks good... up-close: tragically bad. Features: Real metal head, real leather handle and strap. But the metal used for the head is just overall bad... The lines are not straight, the details are blurry and messed up... Overall shame. But I repeat: from FAR it looks amazing especially the way it looks when placed in the original stand it comes with. The stand for me is the highlight. Up-close: not worth the price it’s going these days on ebay.
-EFX Thor Hammer from Avengers Assemble:
This is a beautiful piece but I don't like the handle color on this one nor the angle the strap comes connected with the hammer in (the strap cannot hang down, it's positioned in a way where it always stands). The bright leather is distracting compared to the other versions from the other films which have a darker leather handle (much more fitting IMHO). I would have been happier with a darker leather like the first THOR movie hammer or the DARK WORLD/AGE OF ULTRON version. Having said that, this is the best hammer head. Some will complain that it is not real metal: yes that's true, and I always have the fear that I might bump or drop or scratch it somewhere which could damage the paint job (as this is mirror paint)... But... If you are extra careful and care about a nice hammer head, this is the one you want. Too bad about the handle though. The price it’s going for these days is high, but if you don’t mind the handle color and the way the strap stands , then this is the hammer you want.
-King Arts Thor Hammer from Avengers Age of Ultron/Thor the Dark World:
Now I was torn between getting this one or the CATTOYS or the BEAST KINGDOM version of the same hammer.
I did some research and found out (like the rest of you) that the Beast Kingdom does NOT have a leather handle…it’s apparently painted. Also found some reviews on the CATTOYS that said the handle was leather and others who said the handle was NOT leather. Too much inconsistency… Didn’t want to take a risk on this and get surprised or disappointed. All signs pointed to the KING ARTS version. An online reviewer from the UK did a nice review on youtube and he said the handle was leather with a metal hammer head and he seemed happy with the overall result which encouraged me further so I took a leap of faith with this.
Note: The hammer comes with an IRON MAN gauntlet which I personally didn’t like as it is made of soft plastic.
So it finally arrived and I have to say this King Arts hammer is interesting, the handle is real leather (and the strap too ofcourse)
The head is made of not too shiny actual metal and overall the hammer is HEAVY..the heaviest of the 3 I own. However the main 'critiques' is that the hammer head is a bit dull looking... and if you knock on it, it gives off a slightly hollow sound….This might not bother others but it sort of bothers me when compared to the Museum Replicas and EFX hammer which have more solid/full from the inside hammer heads. I repeat: a slightly hollow sound.
Comparing the shine to the EFX hammer’s paint job leaves something to be desired here.
So that’s the comparisons for you!
I read online that Pannaus Props make a nice Thor hammer with a very well designed and detailed hammer head with leather handle design of the Dark World/Age of Ulton .. so I placed an order and currently waiting for it... Will this finally tick all the boxes!??!?! Time will tell!
I will update you guys as soon as I get that one.
If any of you have found a custom shop that makes the original Thor movie hammer design (similar to the Museum Replicas) but with a proper leather handle and a detailed/faithful and properly finished hammer head please let me know.