NEW PICS- Hot Toys - MMS 91 - THE GODFATHER - Don Vito Corleone spec + Hi Res pics

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That's too bad, Raymond. I think it's a 9 out of 10 figure myself.

I had to box him up yesterday til I get a proper place to display him and it really made me sad. He just looks so awesome and near perfect to me. The only things I that kept it from a perfect 10 were his slightly frumpy jacket and long neck.
There ARE things I like about it of course. guess it's a case of high expectations...

The box is very nice, the likeness is nice, the acessories are far better than Enterbay, the chair freakin' rocks.

but the bads are really irritating to me, I'd give the figure about a 7.5 out of 10 I think
Got the Don the other day and I'm blown away. He's everything I hoped for. The likeness for me is spot on. His tux is great but needs a little work right out of the box. The chair and the environment really help create that 'Godfather' mood and further enhance the accuracy of the figure. Hot Toys nailed it.

Nice snaps, like movie shots :whip
He has been saying how horrible the HT Don was since day one. Ironic that he went with Hot Toys in the end and yet still gives the impression that he prefers the EB one. But others who have the figure will at least know that everything he hated about the HT Don doesn't make any sense since I don't see it in my figure or other people figures either.

His description of the figure actually sounds more like the EB one.

My local shop here got the EB Don in today. I will go check it out next week so we can finally have the final verdict from someone who will have seen both of the figure in hand side by side (the shop already have a HT Don on display)
Be interested to hear your thoughts on both Noisetrigger. I've got no complaints about the HT Don... its an excellent figure, and one of the best I own.
Here is a crappy pic I took with my iPhone ............

As I stated in the EB thread I was hasty and the poor SDCC pics of Vito made me think that HT was the clear winner at least in the likeness department. Which they are but quality in all but the box and chair is way lacking. I wish I had waited now and should have trusted my feelings all along instead of the last min switcharoo.
As I stated in the EB thread I was hasty and the poor SDCC pics of Vito made me think that HT was the clear winner at least in the likeness department. Which they are but quality in all but the box and chair is way lacking. I wish I had waited now and should have trusted my feelings all along instead of the last min switcharoo.

Send it back if you absolutely don't like it.

I love mine!
As I stated in the EB thread I was hasty and the poor SDCC pics of Vito made me think that HT was the clear winner at least in the likeness department. Which they are but quality in all but the box and chair is way lacking. I wish I had waited now and should have trusted my feelings all along instead of the last min switcharoo.

You are in the EXTREME minority.
Hasn't been the first time and won't be the last! I have no doubt this will be sold off at one point probably sooner rather than later, but I'm happy for all those that enjoy it, just wish I could be one of them.