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Why do you keep bumping when no one answers your questions? Fair enough for your broken Medi Spidey, .

you do realize that's the main reason anyone bumps? don't be a **** Creecher. just no need for it. i bump for the same reasons anyone else does...because my question wasn't answered.

i'm thinking of selling the Don. as a collector you know as well as i do that this stuff looses value as soon as you open or alter it in ANY way. in box collectors really don't care that you opened something to check it's condition or look at it. and by alienating those particular collectors, you loose out on a sizable potential customer base, and lower the odds of a sale. i'm not a box collector myself, but them's the facts.

you also know that sometimes the packaging may differ. hell Sideshow (who i got the Don from) will often have different methods of packaging for the same stuff so i don't feel my question was totally outta left field. i wouldn't have thought the interior packaging from HT would differ, but the way it came in my Sideshow box could've.
sure i could re-wrap it w/ paper but then that would not be being totally honest if i sell it, and that's not me. so if my asking or bumping this question bothers you, then you may have more of a problem then just my posts. let's see. i'll not ask a question which could cost me money, just to refrain from pissing you off. uhm, no. glad you're okay w/ the Medi Spidey bump. i can now sleep peacefully tonight.

edit: oh and thank you for your answer Kapital.
:lol Don't get so riled Mookey. I answered your question. No. As mine came wrapped in bubble wrap. Maybe you ought to give a better explanation as to why you're asking the question in the first place. Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer. I bet anyone reading that would have thought the same as me. What the??? It's just that I bothered to answer.

You give me the long drawn out whine, but thank Kapital, and he called you stupid. I'm getting sick of people jumping on me when others, who say the same thing get left alone. You can go and get ____ed.
:lol It's funny how upset people get over their toys.

In my experience, HT wraps all their boxes in tissue to avoid rub marks when shipping them to retailers. Some retailers leave it on when they ship it, others take it off. It really doesn't matter.

And Mokey, you originally said you wanted to open the box to look at the figure, so the whole argument about refusing to re-wrap it because you want to be able to say the box has never been opened doesn't make a lot of sense.
:Maybe you ought to give a better explanation as to why you're asking the question in the first place.
Seriously? you want me to explain my reasoning behind asking a simple question?? You’d like my motivation? Seems like that would make for some unnecessarily lengthy posts, but good to know. I still won’t do it, but good to know.
Actually in retrospect, I do see how explaining the whys and wherefores of wanting to know (selling,) may’ve made the post more sensible to a reader, but it just wasn’t needed. Imagine how much of a pain it’d be to formulate a plan everytime you wanna ask something lol. I was asking a simple yes or no question. “Did yours come wrapped in paper”. If someone asks for a link to that newest Brand X figure, and I decide to respond, I give it to them in a civil manner without delving into why they want that piece of crap, ect.

:Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer. I bet anyone reading that would have thought the same as me. What the??? It's just that I bothered to answer.
maybe, but most folks probably wouldn’t have responded w/ unwarranted insults and sarcasm. Since you’re spouting quaint old proverbs, here’s one for ya…”If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”. I do appreciate your answer though. That’s all I was going for.

:You give me the long drawn out whine, but thank Kapital, and he called you stupid .
Actually he stated that keeping a figure boxed was stupid, and I tend to agree. I was thanking him for being the 1st to answer my query without your level of hostility.
:I'm getting sick of people jumping on me when others, who say the same thing get left alone. .
Don’t know about all that but it may go to the root of our little discussion. You were already in a foul mood and took it out on me for bumping a question you didn’t understand the reasons behind. Dunno. I do find it ironic that you’d complain of others jumping on you, while you do the same to me. I’ve not been around much in the last couple years cept to get product info but you’d always impressed me as a level headed sort. Wouldn’t have expected you to go off like that.[/QUOTE]
:You can go and get ____ed.
and to you sir! Back atcha
:lol It's funny how upset people get over their toys. .
Agreed. Some heated talks go on about these hunks of poly ‘n plastic. Sadder still is this flare up isn’t even about toys themselves, but rather the wording of my posts or lack thereof, the etiquette of bumping, the sharing of knowledge on a message board meant for that express purpose, or other perplexing stuff I’m unsure of.

:In my experience, HT wraps all their boxes in tissue to avoid rub marks when shipping them to retailers. Some retailers leave it on when they ship it, others take it off. It really doesn't matter. .
Some leave it on, others don’t. MY POINT EXACTLY! The whole purpose for my post right there. All I wanted to know is if the majority of Dons came w/ ******* paper. I’ve had quite a few of HT 1:6ers and none have been wrapped in paper so thought the the Don may’ve been a sporadic thing.

:And Mokey, you originally said you wanted to open the box to look at the figure, so the whole argument about refusing to re-wrap it because you want to be able to say the box has never been opened doesn't make a lot of sense.
not sure what you’re getting at here. I wanted to tear the paper wrapping, to be able to open the flap, to get to the window, to look through it at the fig/chair. Never meant going any farther than the window. I think even the die hard “in boxers” can begrudge me looking thru the window lol. That is, if being wrapped was not the norm. if wrapped WAS the norm, then they’d boycott my sale, hate me forever, and cost me $20-30 smackers for my paper abusing ways. Makes sense to me.

Anywho this seems to have gotten outta hand. Never meant to draw the ire of anyone when asking a question. I have my answers. 3 ******* wrapped Dons! Must be the standard. I’ll just look at the purdy piktures online. Seriously, let’s just drop it please. Certainly not worth getting pissy w/ each other over. and Creech is right about the "long drawn out whine". it's killing my chicken pecking fingers.
Just got this figure two days ago. The best part is definitely the hefty coffin like packaging. Very grim and foreboding. i wanted to quickly open it and display it this morning but my wife insisted I should do it when i can take my time enjoying every second of it.
I'm still looking for one of these figures if anybody has one or a good lead.
hey did all the Don's come w/ tissue paper wrapped around the outer box? i was gonna keep him boxed but i'd still like to open the box and look thru the window. but i'd have to rip up my nicely wrapped tissue paper. if all have tissue paper than i guess i'll leave it alone. if only some have it than i may tear thru to look lol
Hey,mine was bought from Sideshow and came in a huge rectangular box and no it didn't come in wrapping paper but instead it was in a clear exclusive plastic bag.:wink1:Also the Don wore a black trenchcoat but was it a silk or wool coat?Just wanted to know so i know what kind of material i would have to buy for my Godfather trench coat.THANX!
Not to bash Enterbay's attempt, but their version keeps reminding me of a penguin. Don't know what it is.
I have one last week from Cocoboboy, the one I haveis the condition and I say is PERFECT and I'm so happy own this figure.