NEW PICS- Hot Toys - MMS 91 - THE GODFATHER - Don Vito Corleone spec + Hi Res pics

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So I bought the don on sunday, together with T600 and P1. He was the one I look forward most to, but when I lift him out of the box, his right leg came off.

Totally ruined my day, and I didn't even enjoyed putting the T600 and P1 to my shelf cause I can't put the don on the shelf. I contacted the seller and he was kind enough to replace me a new one.

I went to the shop today, and checked a new one, tried to shake him a bit, and nothing came off, so I went home and excitedly took him out. Just when I tried to bend him right leg for sitting position, it friggin' came off again! And when I inspect it further, it was also broken :(

I contacted the seller, just to let him know (also told him I don't expect him to change another 1 for me since I felt bad) that this one is alas, broken also. But having him seeing me inspect the fig beforehand, he assumed that I just didn't know how to handle HT figures :(

2 figures, both with the same right leg broken. HT really need to step up on their QC. I mean this is a pretty expensive figure, and I do hope they'll replace me a new TT. I told the seller that he shouldn't deal with his supplier as I suspect that they supplied him damaged, rejected goods, but he told me that he got them from Toy Hunter. I was just speechless.

Anyways, I took a TT from the BR joker to put on him. Just emailed HT also, hopefully they'll get back to me with the good news.

Other than that, he looks pretty neat :rock
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Sometimes you just have bad luck... I had a very good success rate with HT. But my last 2 figures were damaged.
T-600- Right arm was broken off at the shoulder
Abe Sapien- Right arm connector was damaged (doesn't stay on) and the right knee was snapped in half.

Guess HT is having difficulty with the right side of figures these days :lol
So I bought the don on sunday, together with T600 and P1. He was the one I look forward most to, but when I lift him out of the box, his right leg came off.

I went to the shop today, and checked a new one, tried to shake him a bit, and nothing came off, so I went home and excitedly took him out. Just when I tried to bend him right leg for sitting position, it friggin' came off again! And when I inspect it further, it was also broken :(

I contacted the seller, just to let him know (also told him I don't expect him to change another 1 for me since I felt bad) that this one is alas, broken also. But having him seeing me inspect the fig beforehand, he assumed that I just didn't know how to handle HT figures :(

2 figures, both with the same right leg broken. HT really need to step up on their QC. I mean this is a pretty expensive figure, and I do hope they'll replace me a new TT.

I kinda had to laugh when you said you were in the shop shaking him to see if anything fell off. :lol And again when the guy had seen you and said you didn't know how to handle HT figs. :lol

It doesn't matter what he thinks. I would return it back to the shop. It's their responsibility to you, the consumer. If you deal direct with HT you'll likely have to pay the shipping. When the leg fell off one of my Predators it ended up costing me a further $50.

You do plenty of business with the shop. Take it back there. Hot Toys makes enough money out of you, me, and the guy at the shop. Let them fix it, and that way is via the seller. You shouldn't have to be spending more money for their lack of vigilance.

If the dude at the shop gives you a hard time, take the P1 and T600 back as well, and go get the Enterbay Nokia Bruce Lee. :D
Funny, my Don also lost his right leg...
Since I don't really pose him that much, I just glued it back as carefully as I could and haven't tried to bend it since.
Thanks for the advice, creech. But I guess ^^^^ happens. I think the seller post here as well, and he's been kind enough to replace the first one for me. So I guess I'll just take it up to HT.

Besides, I just bought the nokia bruce via ebay on sunday too. So I'm out of things to buy atm. Lol. Btw have you dealt with goodshipped before? I bought it from him, but have yet to hear from him. Does he normally mark the package as gift and low value or what?
I guess ^^^^ happens. I think the seller post here as well, and he's been kind enough to replace the first one for me. So I guess I'll just take it up to HT.

Besides, I just bought the nokia bruce via ebay on sunday too. So I'm out of things to buy atm. Lol. Btw have you dealt with goodshipped before? I bought it from him, but have yet to hear from him. Does he normally mark the package as gift and low value or what?
That's a good guess, but no, it doesn't just happen, it's created by A***holes.

I'd still be inclined to take it back to the seller. It doesn't matter how many you bring back. As far as I'm concerned, each purchase is made on it's individual merit. "Kind enough to replace the first one" :lol You make it sound like he's doing you a favour. It's the other way around. Sounds like he had a bad batch. Tell us who he is. He needs to look after his customers properly. One that buys heaps of Hot Toys, like you, ought to get a discount.

Yes, I've bought stuff off Goodshipped, another one of the good guys to deal with. I don't remember the guys that do mark the packages down as a gift because I never ask for it. We don't have the same kinds of customs issues here. I don't actually like it and wouldn't ask for it. If the package goes missing you might have difficulty claiming the correct amount.

Congratulations on the Nokia Bruce. I expect to hear more about it, with pics, in the appropriate thread.
The thing is that once I've left the shop, its considered as I'm happy with the purchases. Any claims etc should be made before leaving the shop.

But yeah, I noticed the base on my godfather doesn't have the protective sticker on the gold embossed logo, and there's some finger prints mark that's hard to get rid off :(

Major bummer. Next time, I'd be sure to check every single details.

Thanks creech, I'd be sure to post a few pics of the nokia bruce. Leo just got back to me and told me that he shipped mine via registered cause he assumed if he sent it via EMS, the customs gonna ask me for more money?! I'm just really confused where he got that idea from, I've had EMS packages shipped many times (including the recent DX joker and marcus) and no such thing at all. Well, he said he's gonna get back to me with the tracking no, so yeah, I guess this'll be the last time I'm gonna order from goodshipped. Hope he mark them low value though.

That's a good guess, but no, it doesn't just happen, it's created by A***holes.

I'd still be inclined to take it back to the seller. It doesn't matter how many you bring back. As far as I'm concerned, each purchase is made on it's individual merit. "Kind enough to replace the first one" :lol You make it sound like he's doing you a favour. It's the other way around. Sounds like he had a bad batch. Tell us who he is. He needs to look after his customers properly. One that buys heaps of Hot Toys, like you, ought to get a discount.

Yes, I've bought stuff off Goodshipped, another one of the good guys to deal with. I don't remember the guys that do mark the packages down as a gift because I never ask for it. We don't have the same kinds of customs issues here. I don't actually like it and wouldn't ask for it. If the package goes missing you might have difficulty claiming the correct amount.

Congratulations on the Nokia Bruce. I expect to hear more about it, with pics, in the appropriate thread.
i just bought this figure today...WOW

it looks so lifelike, it's almost scary. it's really amazing, i'm so glad that i bought it...anyone else who's not sure whether or not to get it, or who hasn't bought it yet.......BUY wont be disappointed.
ooh! i want this figure so bad.

anybody knows an e-shop that ships this figure to Belgium, Europe for a reasonable price?
ooh! i want this figure so bad.

anybody knows an e-shop that ships this figure to Belgium, Europe for a reasonable price?

Here's a good French shop that still has him in stock ( 149,90 EUR + shipping 15 EUR):

they also sell on ebay (150.90 EUR + shipping 15 EUR) :
have played with the idea for purchaising him since he was announced, but something just took me of the interest, so I decided not to buy him. Don't know, something I just didn't like. But then I couldn't resist, so I had to buy from a fellow freak here the exclusive version and got it yesterday. So, what should I say? It's by far now my best figure in my collection. WHAT an impressive figure, everything... really everything is perfect. And with the diorama it just look soooo life-like. I'm so glad for buying him. Really no picture does make him justice. I had also some negative thoughts of the headsculpt material, after HT has gone the way with the new material which looks phenomenal, but this is just looking so damn life-like. Thanks Hot Toys for the most impressive figure out there.











so when you're playing with the idea for buying him. Stop thinking, just buy him while you can. It will blow your mind away!
so when you're playing with the idea for buying him. Stop thinking, just buy him while you can. It will blow your mind away!

When i opened it to check it was all fine before giving it to my brother as a gift the detail almost made me want to keep it myself but i gave him it anyways, so yes i agree with Thrustmaster anyone on the fence about this? get off it now and BUY IT!
I hope I'm able to unwrap this sucker under the tree on christmas. Gave my family quite the christmas list to choose from, but the Don was up there in priority. Excited to get Brando back in the collection ever since selling off the Wild One figure.
i found these lil hats at Hobby Lobby. they're cheap. like 2 bucks. and can be shaped quite easily into different looking hats. i had it looking kinda like a Puritan/pilgrim hat, and like a Indy fedora. tried a Godfather type homburg or fedora and looked decent but maybe a tad bit wide in the brim. could probably be carefully cut down, but at that price you could it woudn't hurt if ya messed up lol.

anyone think they'd work for the Don?