Well - we could compare the rise of Judeo-Christianity vs. the decline of the Roman Empire - but we did that last week on another website.
(* plus the lighting wasn't good on the unboxing for that one - candles & torches at fault AGAIN *)
No gap . . . but that's how they've always been on Sideshow's portrait.
To be fair to them - the production paint isn't AWFUL.
Those orange polka-dots are a shame, the tone of the colours is out, and the detailing is a bit lax, but overall, for a mass-produced piece, it isn't as bad as some of Sideshow's previous efforts.
Given that the paint tone will be out on the entire piece, it will at least be consistent. Also, people won't be displaying it next to the prototype OR production photos, so (unless the sculpt has bugged you from the start) it'll likely look acceptable to those that always wanted to buy it.
Time for Role reversal Spike
I hate the paint apps on the production piece.. I personally think it looks like one of SSC worst..
I do think it there is a good chance that it is due to the lighting though.
people still bought and kept the Wolf LSB, so paint apps don't seem to deter all the buyers as much as we'd think.
Time for Role reversal Spike
I hate the paint apps on the production piece.. I personally think it looks like one of SSC worst..
I do think it there is a good chance that it is due to the lighting though.
people still bought and kept the Wolf LSB, so paint apps don't seem to deter all the buyers as much as we'd think.
I just cashed in my rewards and POed this.
I clearly don't know what I am doing with my life.
Well - as long as you like it (and think it's worth the money) when it turns up - that's what's important.
I just cashed in my rewards and POed this.
I clearly don't know what I am doing with my life.
Very true. I know you guys have your issues with the piece, and to be honest you're not wrong. And I do realize that by buying it I only help encourage SS's lack of care for price and quality, but ultimately it is my collection and I find it a worthy piece to add to it. Plus my bonus covered the balance of the piece so I look at it as a freebie. LOL
Why argue over it? We all know everyone that’s bitching about it has only ever purchased perfectly sculpted replicas with perfect paint applications.
If it really was all about our own opinions then the same people wouldn’t keep posting rebuttals to anyone who dare say they like it. It is true that it’s only important if you like it which I happen to and really DGAF what others think but it does get old reading the same posts and how NECA blows it away for $25. Sorry but if I want a piece of plastic I’ll order one.
I will say I’m a huge NECA fan so it’s no shot at NECA. All my NECA pieces are nice.
I’m just not sure if posting the same criticism 100 times is really turning the tide. It hasn’t changed my opinion. I’m pretty sure 100% of those that ordered the piece don’t care if it’s screen accurate and 100% just like it as is.
It’s not the best and it’s not as bad as the bashers hoped. It looks decent and I’ll buy the PRIME 1 version as well if it’s nice. I know you can’t buy much these days without having to hear what a POS it is. You can’t enjoy your purchase without people trying so hard to make you feel like **** or an idiot. If it sux I’ll send it back but I think it will look fine. As someone who is no Pred buff I will surely like it very much.(minus the thigh) that really is the only part I hate but I love his pose like yeah bytch I ripped this spine out... sup you next?