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The more I look at this picture, the more I like the face.

*I don't know why the forum keeps resizing this picture smaller without giving the "click to be image in full size" bar. If you copy this link you'll see the full size image


Sorry, but that's not good enough to say "it's awful". I already posted larger comparison pictures earlier in the thread, but in order to really compare these you need to accept the fact that the angles of the pics are not the same (his chin is up more in the screengrab) and the position of the mandibles are not the same (his mouth is semi-open/beginning to open vs. fully closed).

As I said, if you try to imagine they are in the same exact position, then they got a lot of things right as I can totally imagine the sculpture lifting his chin up and beginning to open his mouth and he looks darn close to the real thing.

But you're entitled to you own opinion of course :)
Sorry, but that's not good enough to say "it's awful". I already posted larger comparison pictures earlier in the thread, but in order to really compare these you need to accept the fact that the angles of the pics are not the same (his chin is up more in the screengrab) and the position of the mandibles are not the same (his mouth is semi-open/beginning to open vs. fully closed).

As I said, if you try to imagine they are in the same exact position, then they got a lot of things right as I can totally imagine the sculpture lifting his chin up and beginning to open his mouth and he looks darn close to the real thing . . .

I think that's specious reasoning - so we'll have to agree to disagree (* but we are allowed to do that dammit! - this IS a discussion of opinions :) *)

This was the post that really made it obvious to me. Looks SO much better (and correct) in the edit.

Crappy little head edit.


The nose bridge area was too tall. Same for the cheeks/mandible membranes.

Then I added my "meany humour" . . .

Like I said - Victor Meldrew version . . .


Did people complaints much about the cinemamaquette? Seems that is considered a grail and that looks nothing like the Predator from the first film. I get that it's huge and well done. I also think it's awesome but as far as film accuracy goes it's a fail.
Did people complaints much about the cinemamaquette? Seems that is considered a grail and that looks nothing like the Predator from the first film. I get that it's huge and well done. I also think it's awesome but as far as film accuracy goes it's a fail.

Looked way off next to the Maquette, that's why I sold it.
Still an awesome statue.
Did people complaints much about the cinemamaquette? Seems that is considered a grail and that looks nothing like the Predator from the first film. I get that it's huge and well done. I also think it's awesome but as far as film accuracy goes it's a fail.

You're a teasing bastich' (hey - I can relate :wink1: ) . . . I'm sure you already know that the Cinemaquette was never supposed to be film accurate - It's Steve Wang's personal interpretation of how he may have adjusted the screen version if he had the chance to turn back time (cue Cher music . . . )

The new Sideshow piece IS supposed to be accurate (and isn't).

Collectorcol; said:

Sorry, but that's not good enough to say "it's awful". I already posted larger comparison pictures earlier in the thread, but in order to really compare these you need to accept the fact that the angles of the pics are not the same (his chin is up more in the screengrab) and the position of the mandibles are not the same (his mouth is semi-open/beginning to open vs. fully closed).

As I said, if you try to imagine they are in the same exact position, then they got a lot of things right as I can totally imagine the sculpture lifting his chin up and beginning to open his mouth and he looks darn close to the real thing.

But you're entitled to you own opinion of course :)

I don't care what angle you're at... if you think those two look alike... well... I'll wait for Col or spike to post the approate response... :wink1:
This was posted on the other forum...


Basically the same facial position. Mandibles have much more definition and the face is fuller, more rounded.

Looks much more like the Predator I know and love.

Oh, and he looks mean and menacing.
You're a teasing bastich' (hey - I can relate :wink1: ) . . . I'm sure you already know that the Cinemaquette was never supposed to be film accurate - It's Steve Wang's personal interpretation of how he may have adjusted the screen version if he had the chance to turn back time (cue Cher music . . . )

The new Sideshow piece IS supposed to be accurate (and isn't).


I did not know it was supposed to just be Steve Wang's interpretation.

I don't know.. I think it looks very good.. No it's not exact. My biggest issue is the thigh armor and the Helmet being just a tad too large looking from straight on. But I have a feeling that the helmet and the face sculpt will look much better in person and not be an issue at all.