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Looked way off next to the Maquette, that's why I sold it.
Still an awesome statue.

Sold it huh? I don't know if I could let that one go if I ever had it.. Screen accurate or not.. I love the look of that piece.. I actually never like the original maquette that much... Even thought it's screen accurate I never cared for the pose and always felt it looked like it was leaning too much.
I don't care what angle you're at... if you think those two look alike... well... I'll wait for Col or spike to post the approate response... :wink1:

Well, what?? I'm not as big of a Predator fan as you are? Wrong. We're all welcome to our opinions so don't try to tell me that I shouldn't see similarities and like this. Spike even agreed with a lot of what I said earlier. That this sculpt has a lot going for it. Yes, there are certain inaccuracies, but as a whole I think it looks great. If you asked 100 people to tell you if they looked alike, 99.9% would say yes. You're welcome to be in the .1%, but don't act like we all need to be there. Besides, seeing pictures is way different than seeing a piece in the flesh and we all know that sculptures look better in person than they do in pictures.

This was posted on the other forum...

View attachment 302061

Basically the same facial position. Mandibles have much more definition and the face is fuller, more rounded.

Looks much more like the Predator I know and love.

Oh, and he looks mean and menacing.

Yea, but now you're comparing a 1:1 custom bust vs a 1/4 scale portrait. By all means, go purchase that one though, it's sick.
I did not know it was supposed to just be Steve Wang's interpretation . . .

Then, Sir, I owe you an apology :eek:

. . . I don't know.. I think it looks very good.. No it's not exact. My biggest issue is the thigh armor and the Helmet being just a tad too large looking from straight on. But I have a feeling that the helmet and the face sculpt will look much better in person and not be an issue at all.

The P2 certainly looks better in-hand than it did in pics, but the issues with THIS (once you also take the skinny body into consideration) are far greater.

You could be right though . . . I guess we'll all find out in about 13 months time :)

. . . If you asked 100 people to tell you if they looked alike, 99.9% would say yes . . .

To be fair (and it's nice when we can disagree but still be fair guys!) I think that depends on your definition of "alike", along with who the "people" are.

  • If you grabbed 100 random people off the street, I doubt the percentage.
  • Shift it to people who know the movie, the percentage would go down.
  • Then try it with people who know the character WELL, and they would get that "gut feel" (that ALL of us did) that "something is off".
  • And geeks like us - well . . . the replies here, on Statue Forum, and elsewhere let you know how THAT would go.

Liking this or disliking this does not equate to "how big a predator fan" you are. It simply means you like it or don't.

But as regards accuracy - it is NOT accurate in several IMPORTANT respects. THAT bit is fact. On a $350 1/5 or 1/6 statue that's easier to forgive, especially when (like UK buses) there could be another one along soon. On a 1/4 scale maquette - 11 years since the last P1 was announced - it's of course going to be a bit of a poke-in-the-eye to many.

The sculptors are amazing artists - I mean - just look at it - SO much talent there to produce something like this . . . it's just that it wasn't vetted/critiqued/improved by "those who should have" (art directors or otherwise).


And again (to be fair) - THIS is the shot that I (personally) think minimises the weaknesses the most (I.E. makes it look best).

I also think the EX was a great choice.


I maintain I would like this, but the more I look at it, the less likely I am to actually buy one. We'll see...

There's always another Predator anyway. Maybe a few years down the line, Sideshow themselves will do a collaboration with SWS again and give us an awesome representation of this and the P2. Although I dread to think what the prices will be in another 5+ years.
Sold it huh? I don't know if I could let that one go if I ever had it.. Screen accurate or not.. I love the look of that piece.. I actually never like the original maquette that much... Even thought it's screen accurate I never cared for the pose and always felt it looked like it was leaning too much.

Both are awesome but the SWS looks like it jumped from the screen...


And the CM was a pain in the a$$ to display.
I'd be interested to see the list of the issues people have with this based on what we've seen so far and how the severity of these problems could be ranked.

1. Right thigh amour shifted out of place
2. Helmet too big (and/or body too thin overall?)
3. Lower jaw area too long
4. Too much space between the top of the bio helmet and the head
5. Missing spine trophy on the back
6. The pose looks.... **** erotic?

Am I missing anything or is it just the entire statue as a whole that is completely off and a list is pointless? Like Sideshow is trying to pass off a painted turd for the Predator.

And again (to be fair) - THIS is the shot that I (personally) think minimises the weaknesses the most (I.E. makes it look best).

I also think the EX was a great choice.


Have they announced light up features, namely the gauntlet and biomask?
Speaking of biomask, look at that gap from the bio to his crown. :yuck
I'd be interested to see the list of the issues people have with this based on what we've seen so far and how the severity of these problems could be ranked.

1. Right thigh amour shifted out of place
2. Helmet too big (and/or body too thin overall?)
3. Lower jaw area too long
4. Too much space between the top of the bio helmet and the head

5. Missing spine trophy on the back
6. The pose looks.... **** erotic?

Am I missing anything or is it just the entire statue as a whole that is completely off and a list is pointless? Like Sideshow is trying to pass off a painted turd for the Predator.

Personally, #'s 5 & 6 are non-issues. The spine trophy is in his hand (for the EX anyways), and the pose is straight out of the movie (except it's an anorexic version of the stance).

Someone mentioned the dreds may be a bit short, but THAT didn't jump out at me so I don't know on that one. There was also concerns about the possibility of it leaning over time.

So . . . it seems #1 through #4 are the big concerns. I think the order is spot-on.
