It's true I mean they could easily fix everything on that list except maybe the heft. The rest is very, very fixable with minimum effort and it's sad SS is just dumbfs and don't do it.
I'd absolutely love to grill the person that says the BS about the leg armor. The reason was a total and complete joke and with no defense should lead to a firing.
It's like this. If it's not like the movie why is it approved to make? There is no way in a million years they don't know all the issues and if they had 1 cell of integrity or pride it would be fixed.
What's next Luke Skywalker with a machine gun, cell phone and a beer belly?
How about the Hulk with no muscles and make him yellow.
Maybe Voltron will get to my house and instead of lions he'll be giraffes.
Making it right is so simple and idiot can do it.
My annoyance is with the simplicity that they could fix it and not with owning it. The appearance is not my issue but missing pieces are idiotic.