From one point of view this all makes sense. However, you're thinking objectively. I doubt that Lar'ja Thwei can think cold headed at this point.
Hey Toni. I can understand that he might be upset in the beginning but to continue with that hot headedness even after the seller came on the board to explain and reassure that he will get his refund is unneeded.
From the starts he's been having negative experience, figure was supposed to be ready in two weeks, however, that dragged on longer then 45 days!
This my friend is really not a fair statement. For any hand made product there can and often is hiccups that add to the build time. The seller contacted him about this and he assured the seller that he was ok with waiting. If he had said that he didn't want to wait he could have asked for a refund.
It doesn't take longer then few moments to refund somebody, even if you don't have money on your account, it shouldn't take more then one-two days. Lar'ja Thwei opened dispute couple of days AFTER he was told he'll get his money, if he didn't do that, what would guarantee him that he'd get even that half of his money?!
No one is saying that he can't or shouldn't open a dispute. However, giving the guy a heads up and telling him that you will have to open a dispute if you do not get your money back in X days is the way forward for open and transparent communication. One might argue whether the seller deserves such etiquette but to me, that is something that we can all aspire to do regardless of who we are dealing with.
I'm pretty sure at that point, he was already worried like hell and angry, so I totally understand why he'd say that he bought Alien statue, and got crap/rubbish.
This point is debatable. He ordered a statue and did not get what was advertised. I would hardly go so far as to say he got crap or rubbish. Everyone is entitled to opinions but its always better and more objective that we keep to the facts. He ordered something and did not get what was advertised. why disparage another person's work? It doesn't help in the process.
After some period of time, with seller not replying to his mails he decided to post it publicly here.
His initial post, I can understand. His later posts despite the seller making contact I find wanting.
But even without all this being said, if you pay $700 for this:
and get this:
I think you'd be pretty pissed off as well.
The pictures differ because they were taken with a different camera and in different lighting. We can call it false advertisement but everyone who has seen pictures on the board will testify that some collectors can take a photograph that makes a piece look like a grail while others take pictures that make the piece look like a major fail!
Still, I will go so far as to say he is entitled to what he ordered and should seek a refund since he got something that differed from what was advertised. But to say that it is crap to me is unwarranted.
He didn't payed $700 to get half of the money back so he could fix it and repaint it....he didn't payed $700 so he could say, "shame the color's a bit off, but it's nice and big so WOW", he payed $700 for that beautiful and really amazing Alien in advertised pictures, and he obviously didn't get anything close to it.
No one is saying that he should keep it. He HAS been offered a refund. What people are confused about is he says its complete rubbish in one post and then says it wows him in the next
Sculpt is here, of course, but finish makes all the difference..that's why some raw kits cost couple of hundreds dollars, while same kits fully built by professionals can cost up to couple of thousands of dollars!
The buyer disagrees even here as he finds the face and mouth to be different from what he perceived it to be. I can agree to disagree but like I said in my other posts, there is nothing wrong with disagreeing but there really is no need to insult.
Lastly, I really don't see how my post or the posts made by others were us jumping on this guy. No one called him names or said he was a bad or horrible person. So I am somewhat puzzled that you wrote that.
@ Lar'ja Thwei No one is saying you're a horrible person. I for one am not. I do wish though that we could be more civil and objective as it helps make the board a better place for everyone