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Spiderman: 13" W (330.2mm) x 10" L (254mm).
Detolf: Width: 43 cm. Depth: 37 cm.
More importantly:
Spiderman: 9.07Kg.
Detolf: Max load per glass shelf: 3.50Kg.
Here are the pictures of my ex head and hand inserted in base. The hand doesn't sit flush as some of the other pics. What do u guys think?
Spidey and friends!!
It will fit, you just have to take out one of the shelves cause it is too tall. Weight wise, detolfs can handle a lot more than they say. I'm sure it is just ikea covering their own ass, but I have Superman PF, a Catwoman PF and a 89 Batman all on the second shelf ever since I got them all and no problem with them.