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Not to cause an argument, but simply as an international buyer outside of the USA I sometimes wish Sideshow did away with or at least changed their current 'exclusives' program for their statues. By either making interchangeable parts the norm, or charging a small premium for their 'exclusives' and or simply allowed international distributors to on sell their 'exclusives'.

The above would be to simply give international buyers a choice to buy 'exclusives' locally and forgo any of the international charges or any other shipping issues.

I also have another pipe dream. To go along with their $credits for 'damaged statues', that Sideshow had individuals based locally (who used the same paint and methods) that we could send damaged statues to, to get repaired for either paint or breakage issues, utilising the $credits provided. As I said pipe dream.
Not to cause an argument, but simply as an international buyer outside of the USA I sometimes wish Sideshow did away with or at least changed their current 'exclusives' program for their statues. By either making interchangeable parts the norm, or charging a small premium for their 'exclusives' and or simply allowed international distributors to on sell their 'exclusives'.

The above would be to simply give international buyers a choice to buy 'exclusives' locally and forgo any of the international charges or any other shipping issues.

I also have another pipe dream. To go along with their $credits for 'damaged statues', that Sideshow had individuals based locally (who used the same paint and methods) that we could send damaged statues to, to get repaired for either paint or breakage issues, utilising the $credits provided. As I said pipe dream.

Not to cause an argument, but simply as an international buyer outside of the USA I sometimes wish Sideshow did away with or at least changed their current 'exclusives' program for their statues. By either making interchangeable parts the norm, or charging a small premium for their 'exclusives' and or simply allowed international distributors to on sell their 'exclusives'.

The above would be to simply give international buyers a choice to buy 'exclusives' locally and forgo any of the international charges or any other shipping issues.

I also have another pipe dream. To go along with their $credits for 'damaged statues', that Sideshow had individuals based locally (who used the same paint and methods) that we could send damaged statues to, to get repaired for either paint or breakage issues, utilising the $credits provided. As I said pipe dream.

I think you are overstating the risk. For the last few years, I had to have everything sent by USPS to a base in Germany. Which means, by the time I got it, it had went from China to California, California to New York (USPS-worst way imaginable), then the military brought it from New York to my location in Germany, probably loaded and unloaded several times. I got one bad break out of several orders. Now, add to that I then moved back to the US, had everything loaded again, and not exactly carefully, stacked all sorts of ways, stuck, in a shipping container for months, hauled all the way out to Washington State, where they were not so carefully unloaded, and no damage occurred...well I would say the packaging is normally sufficient. Some of the pieces I got second hand, which means those shippers/boxes had made multiple trips on top of what I put them through.

Sounds like they maybe didn't quite engineer the styro right if it is shifting, allowing the rubs/or some not quite dry pieces got packed. Has to be one of the two.
Wasn't trying to overstate or understate the risk.

Just wished we had the options, that's all. Just a wish, as I know it'll never happen because there are probably many costs that I don't know about.

Because I can't count the number of times I've read in this forum across multiple pieces whereby the freak has said that Sideshow has said that they have no replacements or that all replacement wouldn't fix the issue.

Of course we don't know the actual numbers of 'damaged' pieces as a percentage of total pieces. It might be a few percent for all we know.
Seems like it's working just fine :lol

True. And I love what SS does, but the worm turns quickly in business, especially with rising prices in an already luxury business. It does seem they could do more. I just think they've maybe gotten complacent with the "credit" style complaint resolution.

My point was simply that the take it or leave it attitude turns off customers who might think twice about ordering more, which only is compounded the more frequently it happens.

Maybe they have looked into or are always looking into ways to make it better, or perhaps they don't care at this point. We can't know.
Not to cause an argument, but simply as an international buyer outside of the USA I sometimes wish Sideshow did away with or at least changed their current 'exclusives' program for their statues. By either making interchangeable parts the norm, or charging a small premium for their 'exclusives' and or simply allowed international distributors to on sell their 'exclusives'.

The above would be to simply give international buyers a choice to buy 'exclusives' locally and forgo any of the international charges or any other shipping issues.


This seems fair actually... Would avoid issues for the buyer.
The problem is the EX for both companies and buyers. It ALWAYS has been in collecting. From action figures to comics to statues. An EX is rare. It is a stock whether either the buyer or seller wants to admit. So when you buy a stock and it doesn't benefit you to have possible investment and the company that sold you the stock refuses to correct the lack of will always get these types of conversations. Especially when that particular stock becomes unavailable or on the waitlist. This also does not benefit the company because when they do not do an adequate job on something that is exclusive and not make up for it with a replacement then someone is always going to feel cheated.

This is an art piece.

But it is an art piece in major production. You would expect that art piece to be something that you invested in regardless of sale or resale value. So while I do not condone asking for 50% discount on a product that you do not find meets your investment or collection needs I do understand the need for quality control to meet what you invested in and not only an art piece but an art piece of productive value.

Often times opinions are dichotomous. It's either if you don't love this or hate this you are in the wrong. It's just the way reviews go. Look on Amazon or anything else that sell something and you will get mixed feelings. It's not always black and white but it's also not always Pro sideshow vs anti sideshow either. Some people would do it either way and some people will give their honest opinion for each piece. This is a really good statue as a whole from an early standpoint. I feel really congratulatory the people who got a good piece and I feel you if you got a bad one.

I will say this I have contacted sideshow multiple times and had replacements sent to me every time so sometimes I wonder where people outside of the United States suffer from ordering them. Now that there are multiple statue companies out there in the world I suppose we will see how they all stacked up in the future
This isn't a painting issue it is a packaging issue I guarantee it.... No way a painter actually did that

To be honest I think it might be a paint issue becouse the light blue that has been rubbed can be scratched off easily as if they forgot to put some sort of clear coating over the paint. I'm not sure how all this painting works but the pain is not finished right
To be honest I think it might be a paint issue becouse the light blue that has been rubbed can be scratched off easily as if they forgot to put some sort of clear coating over the paint. I'm not sure how all this painting works but the pain is not finished right

If it can then yeah there could be an issue with them not sealing it properly. I wonder if that happened with a select few of them.
Hi guys...can anyone tell me if this is normal? The blue from the right side shoulder blade towards his @$$ and upper thighs is a darker shade of blue...This is the regular version btw...


I think it would be reasonable to offer a limited amount of EX sets to retailers outside the USA. Maybe a collectors club approach where members outside the USA can order an EX through their local retailer on PO day. Just thinking out loud...
To be honest there's not much difference in price from ordering locally and direct. You get it much quicker direct and there's also the RP incentive.
The issue is when you need to return for a refund.
Simple, I'm not delusional. How many products; electronics, video games or anything else have we all purchased, found a flaw or defect and returned for a new one only to find a new flaw or defect? Its happened to me a quite a few times. We get our money back and use it to purchase something else or perhaps something from another company.

Do I spit fire and venom at the company that gave me my money back? No, they tried to deliver a good product, they just didn't but I got my money back.

Sideshow has delivered great products, but on occassion they deliver a flawed product. They have always squared me away.

No statue company has ever delivered all their products 100%. Not DC Direct, Not Gentle Giant, not PCS and not even XM. These are breakable, painted items. Things will happen. But collectors tend to think that because they pay a certain amount they should get perfection 100% of the time. Even if they're offered a refund, that isn't good enough because they feel that they have been slighted in some way because what they wanted isn't available to them. Their collection is now some how less. And they get angry, and they curse the company that did it, even if that company delivered 10 great items in a row, that doesn't matter.

But hey, it gives people something to talk about on the internet.

I'm not trying to make disparaging remarks about this company that we as collectors have grown to love and hate sometimes. In fact, I defended them with the print issue cause to me the actual signature not on it was not a big deal. I praise them most of the time cause they have in fact squared me away most of the time with HTs and the PFs. But I must admit I am inclined to side with the collectors who get the $40 credit resolution cause I really believe that they could do more for that particular collector. You wait around for a year to get your favorite superhero or villain just to be disappointed and sometimes the best they can do is a full refund. People will of course take the refund rather than settle for a defective statue but they will come back to complain and voice their opinion about the experience in this forum. I think that's where the problem arises when some members just don't want to hear it and take offense to it. They only want to hear the positive things about this company which they mostly have. But we also have to listen to the negative things cause it can happen to any 1 of us. So instead of knocking these people when they are down, I say let's show a little empathy. I know there are members and even mods here that only write 1 or 2 words but are enough of condescending/put down/ smart a** content. Yet they never show any of their collections which is the real the hypocrisy of it.

I'm not trying to make disparaging remarks about this company that we as collectors have grown to love and hate sometimes. In fact, I defended them with the print issue cause to me the actual signature not on it was not a big deal. I praise them most of the time cause they have in fact squared me away most of the time with HTs and the PFs. But I must admit I am inclined to side with the collectors who get the $40 credit resolution cause I really believe that they could do more for that particular collector. You wait around for a year to get your favorite superhero or villain just to be disappointed and sometimes the best they can do is a full refund. People will of course take the refund rather than settle for a defective statue but they will come back to complain and voice their opinion about the experience in this forum. I think that's where the problem arises when some members just don't want to hear it and take offense to it. They only want to hear the positive things about this company which they mostly have. But we also have to listen to the negative things cause it can happen to any 1 of us. So instead of knocking these people when they are down, I say let's show a little empathy. I know there are members and even mods here that only write 1 or 2 words but are enough of condescending/put down/ smart a** content. Yet they never show any of their collections which is the real the hypocrisy of it.
Actually I find the opposite. I've even consider only lurking on both forums for news and no longer posting because 70% of what I see is complaining and hate. I sometimes think people come on hete just to do so because they like it. Hell we have one member that goes around with fake comments just to annoy other members and thats how he gets his jollies.

I joined this forum after I attended one of Sideshows online events 6 years ago. Everyone was happy, all the stuff was good. People actually had a good time. Collectors actually having a good time. There were qc issues back then. Not all the products came perfect. But you got a refund and moved on.

Maybe I will take that hiatus and stick to my customs thread.
I think the biggest thing is that most of the comments I read are people who truly love these collectibles and want them to be great, which would be almost anyone with a QC issue since they actually ordered the statue!

People who just whine to whine are annoying, but no more than the people who praise to praise. Most of the complaints on this thread are from people who just love this statue and wish there weren't issues, I think.
Hi guys...can anyone tell me if this is normal? The blue from the right side shoulder blade towards his @$$ and upper thighs is a darker shade of blue...This is the regular version btw...


View attachment 262575

When Spidey is in flight you will see his costume in a blur and it will appear in multiple colors. Plus it can't be all uniform in color when you take for account normal wear and tear in certain areas of his costume more than other places.