New Star Wars Hot Toys?

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Im hoping hot toys will do a millenium falcon could you imagine how cool that would be. A hot toys at at and snow speader would be tits too.
Of the 'human' rehashes that HT is allowed to do from the license, I really only want a good Bespin Han. I think SS's old Ben is fine the way it is. I'd like a better Princess Leia but its not critical and I'm not sure I want one for $250. Same could be said for anyone else... Anakin, Mace, young Obi, Lando, more Lukes... not for $250+ a pop. Not even Dooku or Tarkin is worth that.

So this whole "HT got the license" is starting to sound like a raw deal.

I was kind of hoping they'd get to do the droids and Chewbacca and the "more complex" things that maybe SS wanted to steer away from while they repainted clones.
I'll take Han, Luke and Leia from the first two movies, and Luke from the third. Geonosis Padme and the prequel duels would be cool, but I'd be equally happy if Sideshow just made the figures that are left (TPM Obi-wan, AOTC Anakin, Padme, and Dooku). I expect a prequel Yoda from them. After that, I can think of nothing else I care about enough to pay those prices either.

However, if I had to bet money on it, I would say Hot Toys will make a Chewbacca, or die trying.
Of the 'human' rehashes that HT is allowed to do from the license, I really only want a good Bespin Han. I think SS's old Ben is fine the way it is. I'd like a better Princess Leia but its not critical and I'm not sure I want one for $250. Same could be said for anyone else... Anakin, Mace, young Obi, Lando, more Lukes... not for $250+ a pop. Not even Dooku or Tarkin is worth that.

So this whole "HT got the license" is starting to sound like a raw deal.

I was kind of hoping they'd get to do the droids and Chewbacca and the "more complex" things that maybe SS wanted to steer away from while they repainted clones.

I agree I really like the SS Old Ben, but we say this now until HT makes a new version and makes this SS version look like Barbies Grandpa. :lol
Old Ben and Lando are the reasons why I hate PERS so much. I see nothing about either of them that needs improvment, and they'll both stick out for lack of it.

They could be painted better, but what can't? They are close enough in quality to the Bespin Luke prototype for me.
OK, in the interview HT already confirmed the rumor that they can only make figures Sideshow has already done, so that means if it's from Episode II it will be Obi-Wan, Aayla Secura or Mace Windu. As Josh says, it wouldn't make sense to do Clones...
We shall see!

Interesting they finally come out and say this.

This BS about HT only doing figures that SS has already done is crap... So what about Leia? So HT can't touch anything Leia from ESB? What about Endor? Lame...

So this whole "HT got the license" is starting to sound like a raw deal.

Some of have been saying this was the case since Comic-Con last year. I'm just more suprised HT finally came out and said something.
It's just the $250+ price tag for figures that I already have that's hard to swallow. Just to replace the key four from the OT is $1,000.

Star Wars is the one license where I am as excited by a key character as I am about some creature that spent two seconds in a walk-by. It's a great universe of 'things' and great fun to collect. I couldn't just get 3-4 human key figures and be done with my "classy" Star Wars display. It doesn't lend itself to simplicity the way Batman does. Star Wars needs lots of space and lots of characters to capture the charm of the "galaxy far, far away". I need Wookiees and droids and aliens and humans. Can I have just Luke and Old Ben...with no Han or Leia? No. You can't.
But with Sideshow figures starting to average $150 an up, you can only get 5-7 for the price of 4 $250 Hot Toys. But the Hot Toys figures aren't $250 a piece anyway. Luke is $150 per figure.

The Josh said:
Interesting they finally come out and say this.

I still have my fingers crossed for Chewie (and Hoth Leia) from Hot Toys, and not Sideshow. That would give us ANH Luke, ANH Han, ANH Leia, ESB Luke, ESB Han, ESB Leia, ROTJ Luke, and a deluxe wookiee. It makes a lot of sense and I'm not going to duck until the sky actually falls.
Ugh if it's true we have to wait for SS to release a ____ty Hoth Leia and then a minimum of 2-3 years for HT to release a better one :(

How awesome would Bespin Leia and Han be together too? :( Really, I'm all for HT taking care of all the Han, Luke and Leia stuff going forward because it sure doesn't seem like SS is.
I understand. I just am a little surprised people are surprised as some of us have been saying this was our understanding of things a year ago. I'm with ya SW is hard to say no to much the same way LOTR is for me.
Wonder if they'd do Jango Fett...
not much mention of him from ep2

though I'd like a Count Dooku too
Technically Mace is an Episode I character, he just carried over into Ep II with no changes to his look.

The only SSC figures that were actually introduced in AOTC are Kit Fisto, Mullet Obi-Wan, and Aayla Secura. What a random assortment of choices for HT's fourth SW DX. :cuckoo:
Technically Mace is an Episode I character, he just carried over into Ep II with no changes to his look.

The only SSC figures that were actually introduced in AOTC are Kit Fisto, Mullet Obi-Wan, and Aayla Secura. What a random assortment of choices for HT's fourth SW DX. :cuckoo:

Id see it being Aayla before Padme.

And yes, a weird assortment.
But with Sideshow figures starting to average $150 an up, you can only get 5-7 for the price of 4 $250 Hot Toys. But the Hot Toys figures aren't $250 a piece anyway. Luke is $150 per figure.

Nice thinking but I don't see HT backing down the price of a Bespin Han to $150. They'll figure out a way to make it tempting at $250-$300. Two outfits, requiring you to spend more money on an extra body, etc.

I agree that SS prices are essentially merging with HT's. But I'm talking about the price to 'replace' what I already have. Granted a much better version, but still... HT Han is gonna cost 5 times what SS Bespin Han cost at the time. It will be 12 times better so I guess that's something.

I just prefer new stuff I guess over replacing/upgrading what I have.