George will get a heart attack or at least Alzheimer by then... LOL
UPDATE: In an email to Wired's Underwire blog, Lucasfilm's Josh Kushins says that the IESB report is "completely false."
I doubt it is true, and I'm not sure how I would feel about it. I know one thing, I will definitely go see them if it does come to pass. And I would love to see Hamill with a prominent role as a Jedi Master like in the EU. Who cares how old the actors are, just don't have them running around acting like they are young. People age in the SW Universe. Leia can be a politician or retired and play a Mon Mothma or Bail Organa type role. I don't think Ford will do it, so we'll need a line about Han dying somehow or other.![]()
I'd love it if all 6 films were remade ... The originals are flawed classics and could be made even more epic and with a completely different design ethos
Han doesn't need to be dead. he can simply be off " being Han" somewhere offscreen.
Let IDW, or dark-horse do a comic about it, like the prequel comic they did for Star Trek, or Predators.
I want to see a one shot Clone Wars movie, set between Aotc and Rots. One big mission involving Anakin and Obi Wan , with the prequel actors reprising their roles, ventress could be The villain.
No offense, but that is horrible idea imo. Remakes are one of the stupidest ideas to come out of Hollywood.
Ok, I don't mean to jump on anyone. But some people need to hear it anyways....
THE STAR WARS MOVIES ARE OVER!!!!!! It's not happening and Lucas himself has said it over, and over, and over, and over, and over again! Please listen!!!! Lucasfilm this afternoon has once again squashed the new rumors of another trilogy. Get over it!!!!
The only thing Lucas has said is "As long as the fans want Star Wars, it will be around." and that's it. We have Clone Wars, a live action tv show that might get made some day, video games and endless toys and novels that keep getting made. There's plenty of Star Wars around as it is.
The movies are done, enjoy the ones we have and stop believing stupid rumors.
I think if done correctly this could be pretty cool. Now, will Lucas be willing to maybe let some others direct so they can help keep things fresh. That would go a long way to helping, but yeah I'm cool with them adding to what we have already.
mebbie. mebbie not.
Lucas said he was done before the PT was made also.
wait and see is the only way to know for sure.
Way too many great remakes for that to be true, IMO. The Magnificent Seven, The Ring, The Fly, True Lies, King Kong, The Thing, Cape Fear, The Departed, etc.
That said, remaking Star Wars would be a terrible idea.