New Superman movie coming from JJ Abrams

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Superthey would be more appropriate for today.

After what just happened to to freakin mr potato head I can see this happening. Lol making a damn potato gender neutral. Damn this generation is soft
I want Chadwick Boseman as Superit!

Oooooh! Wait, they can?t! He?s dead! :rotfl

Damn, I never was a racist, I?m opposed to white washing, but black staining is making me becoming a racist.


If a stupid movie is making you ?becoming a racist? then you already were. Good luck with that.
If a stupid movie is making you ?becoming a racist? then you already were. Good luck with that.

And there lies the problem. A white person cannot share their thoughts or feelings without fear of being labeled a "racist". Welcome to today's 'Merica. ALL Whites are required to look in the mirror every morning and just be ashamed of themselves.

Especially Straight Heterosexual White Males. The scum of the earth.
If a stupid movie is making you ?becoming a racist? then you already were. Good luck with that.

That reply was meant to be offensive. I’m glad it was.

I just want any woke who read it feel as pissed as I feel at having my childhood icon be defiled movie after movie. And no, it’s not just one film, it’s the whole woke phenomenon that makes me want to fight back. I just can’t stand the PC anymore. It’s everywhere now. Damn it, if they want some black or lgbtq or feminist hero, let’s create them, let’s make them fun and have people want to watch them!

But there’s no way I’ll go watch a black or blonde Superman.

Will Smith was awesome as Hancock, Wesley Snipes was just perfect as Blade, that’s the right move! Not by turning white characters black. This is as awful as the contrary. That is also racism.
And there lies the problem. A white person cannot share their thoughts or feelings without fear of being labeled a "racist". Welcome to today's 'Merica. ALL Whites are required to look in the mirror every morning and just be ashamed of themselves.

Especially Straight Heterosexual White Males. The scum of the earth.

Did you read his post before you typed your reply? Therein lies the ACTUAL problem, people fly off the handle and start running their mouths without pausing for a moment to assess what they are actually raging about.
No one called him a racist. If you had read his post you would have seen that he actually called himself a racist.
If someone calls themself a racist who am I to disagree with them?
Read the post first before you reply to it and stop being so fragile. You?re going to be okay.
That reply was meant to be offensive. I?m glad it was.

I just want any woke who read it feel as pissed as I feel at having my childhood icon be defiled movie after movie. And no, it?s not just one film, it?s the whole woke phenomenon that makes me want to fight back. I just can?t stand the PC anymore. It?s everywhere now. Damn it, if they want some black or lgbtq or feminist hero, let?s create them, let?s make them fun and have people want to watch them!

But there?s no way I?ll go watch a black or blonde Superman.

Will Smith was awesome as Hancock, Wesley Snipes was just perfect as Blade, that?s the right move! Not by turning white characters black. This is as awful as the contrary. That is also racism.

But your reply wasn?t offensive, so if your goal was to piss people off and offend them you failed pretty badly.
We live in a free society. That means people are free to be as racist as they want to be. Nothing upsetting about that. Personally I dislike racists so I don?t spend time with them. Am I upset that they exist? Nope, racists like you claim to be, have the right to dislike black and brown people just like I have the right to dislike racists.
Did you read his post before you typed your reply? Therein lies the ACTUAL problem, people fly off the handle and start running their mouths without pausing for a moment to assess what they are actually raging about.
No one called him a racist. If you had read his post you would have seen that he actually called himself a racist.
If someone calls themself a racist who am I to disagree with them?
Read the post first before you reply to it and stop being so fragile. You?re going to be okay.

Okeyday.. :lol

Yeah, and obviously you didn?t read my post either...:cuckoo:

Oh I read it all right. That?s what I was responding to. Perhaps you had one thing in your mind and typed something else? You should reread it yourself maybe.
So do you consider yourself a "black supremacist"? :rotfl

Stupidest question of the week.
If disliking racists makes someone a black supremacist, whatever that is, then I guess eighty percent of Americans are black supremacists.
Me, I?m just a normal guy that was raised to base my opinions of people on their actions and not their ethnicities. Radical, I know.
WB has been wanting a black superman for a long time. Will Smith was offered the role of Superman in 2004, but he turned it down, so this is long time coming. Maybe WB feels white Clark Kent is boring or maybe it's too difficult to replace Christopher Reeve, so changing the ethnicity/race opens the door for a different interpretation. There's also a white Superman on television, so that might be another reason they want a different look for the film version. I have low expectations for the film, but I'm curious to see what comes of it.
Stupidest question of the week.
If disliking racists makes someone a black supremacist, whatever that is, then I guess eighty percent of Americans are black supremacists.
Me, I?m just a normal guy that was raised to base my opinions of people on their actions and not their ethnicities. Radical, I know.

so you’re just like me, then!

ethnicities don’t matter, people and personality are all that matter. We seem to agree on that (okay, I hate religion, but that’s the only thing I really hate, colors, I don’t care, I just judge people according to their acts).

... and so, if we agree that ethnicities don’t matter, why do we need the present cancel culture? Superman was created white by two jews. Superman is the ultimate immigrant. Why do we need to make him black then? He already represents all that!
so you?re just like me, then!

ethnicities don?t matter, people and personality are all that matter. We seem to agree on that (okay, I hate religion, but that?s the only thing I really hate, colors, I don?t care, I just judge people according to their acts).

... and so, if we agree that ethnicities don?t matter, why do we need the present cancel culture? Superman was created white by two jews. Superman is the ultimate immigrant. Why do we need to make him black then? He already represents all that!

See if they were making the next Superman movie and announced that Cavill was out and Michael B Jordan or whoever had been cast to take over the role of Kal El from Krypton sent to Earth by Jor El to Smallville who becomes Clark Kent and then Superman I would think it was garbage. I?ve been reading Superman comics my entire life and Superman doesn?t look like Michael B Jordan. I?d feel the same way if they cast Danny Devito or John Goodman as Superman. I want my comic book characters to look like what I see in the comic books I grew up with.
Reports I?ve read say this movie isn?t doing that. It?s taking an existing black character from the comics and making a movie adaptation. This would be no different than someone wanting to make a John Stewart GL movie or a movie about Sam Wilson?s time as Captain America.
If a writer feels that there is a cinematic story to tell about a comics run that they like, more power to them. The writer even said that his film was existing within the DCEU so for all we know Cavill will be in the movie as Clark Kent / Kal El too. Can?t figure out why any of this is upsetting to anyone.
Can?t figure out why any of this is upsetting to anyone.

Well Steve Rogers had 10 glorious years on screen and had a great passing the torch moment in Endgame. Superman on the other hand has been fumbled time and time again and never really had a great movie since the 70s (I really like MoS and BvS too) even though the casting of Cavill was perfection. This feels like WB don't know how to course correct with Cavill so they're just getting rid of Cavill/Clark Kent and going the black route in the hope that it will paper over the cracks and make up for a complete lack of creativity.