New Superman movie coming from JJ Abrams

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“Did i say dat!? Wow you cry baby Snyder fan who cries. Only true fans ain’t knowin what’s up! You non sense Snyder fans are toxic people who are so edge! Sound familiar?” :lol

Your post literally said that the fan base is divided, Snyder fans and Dc fans. I asked if you could explain that logic. But I know that’s probably too complicated for you.

Buddy when did I say that? Get out of your feelings. Stop always crying to me. Like seriously. I explained it to you but your ability to not read is the problem not mine. All you have to do is read my post instead of getting all bitchy everytime someone says something someone doesn't like. I also haven't said said

wow you cry baby Snyder fan who cries. Only true fans ain’t knowin what’s up! You non sense Snyder fans are toxic people who are so edge!

Not in this thread or any others. Again get out of your feelings and stop acting like everything is an attack on Snyder. It's a damn shame. It's ok to read sometimes.
I do have to give it up to Snyder he truly has achieved Trump levels of prophet of god cult status unlike any director EVER not even QT has achieved anything close to this definitely no one from the MCU or even SW!

His followers want a Zach only superhero cinematic universe and they demand WB pay for it regardless if his movies keep losing money lol

But if ZSJL is a huge succes I am waiting for a gold statue of him to be erected up near the Hollywood hills sign lol
Apparently Snyder’s Justice League ends on a massive cliffhanger, so let’s see how well it’s received. Considering how dysfunctional they were behind the scenes, and WW2’s lukewarm reception, I wouldn’t be surprised if the WB execs aren’t already on shaky ground. If the SC ends up being a big critical and commercial success, the Warner execs will look like buffoons, which may be why they’ve started hedging by saying they knew Whedon’s version was terrible. If Justice League is even good to very good the masses will demand a sequel. Snyder will help fan the flames by teasing a few potential plot points. If it’s good, Justice League could still be a tentpole franchise and some of the suits would probably end up getting demoted or fired. If it sucks, it will die on the vine. Snyder will slink off and WB can crow that they “told ya so.”

As for the new Superman, hopefully it will be Val Zod as opposed to Kal-El. While some folks will hem and haw regardless, it would give DC the flexibility to introduce a new character while keeping their options open on Kal-El (as well as Cavill). They could then focus on making a great “multiverse” movie instead of dealing with divisive toxicity and fan outrage. If Cavill was acting like a Prima Donna behind the scenes as has been rumored, it probably POed the execs and his co-stars. In which case, maybe this would be a wake up call and he’d come back a better Superman.
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This is the most diverse movie ever and it's everything (here's why that's a good thing).

The villains will be white.
Depends. Often the villain overshadows the hero, and studios are catching up to that. The Bad Boy always makes the fangirls all tingly, so having the boring MC be black while the Bad Boy is again white, would be against the whole point of this reboot. However, you could easily work Zod into some evil white guy being explicitly an evil white guy who wants to ruin BLAKrypton and make it "geat again". And Lex could be a stand-in fo the evil white guy who hates Superblack and, gasp, it's like, got layers and stuff because now Superman is explicitly black and Luthor's like, explicitly xenophobic! Considering Coates' BP run and the fact that his Zeke Stane was basically just that, yeah, I can see that

Well, if they give me a good Lex that just goes around genociding xeno ****ing ****s in a power armour like he's a Spesh Maureen, I'll be happy, ngl.


I want Hot Toys Luthor, dammit.
:huh :lol

Never go full retard.

See this is how I know you can?t read. I?m obviously referring to the part where u stated I said Snyder fans are edgy or whatever. Stop being in your feelings all the time .

lol you really have the AUDACITY to call someone a retard. Lmfao. But I got nothing towards ya snoopy. Be chill lil buddy.
This is the most diverse movie ever and it's everything (here's why that's a good thing).

Depends. Often the villain overshadows the hero, and studios are catching up to that. The Bad Boy always makes the fangirls all tingly, so having the boring MC be black while the Bad Boy is again white, would be against the whole point of this reboot. However, you could easily work Zod into some evil white guy being explicitly an evil white guy who wants to ruin BLAKrypton and make it "geat again". And Lex could be a stand-in fo the evil white guy who hates Superblack and, gasp, it's like, got layers and stuff because now Superman is explicitly black and Luthor's like, explicitly xenophobic! Considering Coates' BP run and the fact that his Zeke Stane was basically just that, yeah, I can see that

Well, if they give me a good Lex that just goes around genociding xeno ****ing ****s in a power armour like he's a Spesh Maureen, I'll be happy, ngl.


I want Hot Toys Luthor, dammit.

Sigh...... why haven?t we gotten the lex power armor yet? In the films . Always freakin zod
Since you asked...

I bought his Black Panther for an entire year. He's an even worse Bendis, pacing wise. His "bright idea" that he was building on was taking Hickman's Wakandan Space Program and revealing that Wakandans did some Time Shenanigans and created a Multi-Galaxy Space Empire. No, not a single galaxy one. Star Wars? Mass Effect? WH40K? Those chumps can't rule one (1) galaxy, but the Wakangzdans rule multiple ones, and have been doing so for who knows how long, and they're the biggest and the best across the universe. This storyline has still, I repeat, STILL, not concluded. But, fear not, the BLAKNESS of the BLAK Panther has united all the BLAKS across the world. Voodoo, Spider-Morales, Luke Cage, whatever, if you're in Marvel and you're BLAK, you're TIGHT with all the BLAKS! Even to the point I read, that was all he did. Pace slower than a snail and no depth beyond using "big boy" words, that yes, are above Big 2 mass-produced cape**** crowd standards, but still. Even if you were a black kid reading it because you wanted to self insert as the cool King the book wasn't for you. The Dora Lesbians hogged the spotlight and were fighting to bring Democracy to the people. Now, how the incredibly xenophobic and obviously superior Wakangzdans developed an interest in the system, and even used the term, beats me. Or how they worship Egyptian gods. But whatever. Point is, the MC was barely the MC. Oh, and let's not forget the white villains whose only characteristic is that they're explicitly white villains who do white villain tings, because they're white* villains. He's like an even worse Hudlin. Who, for example, felt the need to have Luke Cage randomly yell "I BLACKED BLACK CAT IN THIS COUCH" in the middle of a fight in his book. And let's not set aside Vatican Black Knight sent by the evil white Pope to **** up Wakangzda because Wakangzda is so great that it makes whites seethe so much they... somehow instigate a Crusade. Somehow... Damn, I sure am jealous of the great and mangificent and totally real Wakangzda. Grrrrr Hudlin, you hit me right in the seether!

Anyway, in Coates run, they, and by they I mean all prominent BLAK heroes (and some villains), literally, for some reason, show up to honour some peson they never knew because BLAKNESS.


Apart from that, he's pretty much a Hotep and called the firefighters of 9/11 a "menace". He basically condemned them, and the entirety of 9/11 and how people reacted, because BLAKNESS. His BLAKNESS is so BLAK, that he cannot grieve for any other catastrophe because BLAKNESS. For those that don't believe me, the book is "Between The World And Me" and the passage in question is on the first few pages of Chapter II. I hope the pic I'm linking is visible:


My guess? Krypton will be a BLAK Empire, Zod will be an evil white guy trying to usurp the Els, the movie will move at a glacial pace, and it'll be more of a BLAK movie than a Superman movie. But then again, who knows? And I don't much care, so... I pity the Superfans though. I really do. You have some rough years ahead of you...

Who has the time to read all that crap? Worse still someone actually sat down a d wrote all that crap?
I'm ok with a new actor. Cavill was tainted by Snyder. There's too much baggage with him and his films. They want a "fresh" new start just like they're doing with Batman. Maybe Cavill will return like Affleck for other Snyder DC projects.

The rumor for some reason is that they're looking for a black actor, so if that's the case, I'm going to enjoy watching the internet meltdown. :lol

Why would it meltdown?

You think white people will be angry or something ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Who has the time to read all that crap? Worse still someone actually sat down a d wrote all that crap?

It?s like the notebooks that the serial killer in Seven wrote.
I think that post will turn up as evidence in a court case one day soon.
Do you collect Mezco? It's more likely they'll make that version of Luthor. Maybe even Storm collectibles too.
I was tempted by a few (Moon Knight, Punisher, Blade, Green Lantern, Doctor Strange/Fate, etc) but they're far too pricey for me to jump the gun. They basically cost half a 1/6th figure, so I can't really justify them. I'll probably buy whatever Doom they make since I buy him across all scales and brands, but beyond that, I'm steering clear.

Sigh...... why haven?t we gotten the lex power armor yet? In the films . Always freakin zod
Too costly, or complicated for them, I'd imagine. Luthor is the Brains over Zod's Brawn, so studios pick one or the other.

Who has the time to read all that crap? Worse still someone actually sat down a d wrote all that crap?
...It's literally a paragraph and some change. If you have trouble going through that, I'd look into some ADHD medication. And yeah, how dare I answer the man's question? Truly, I am a vile beast.

It?s like the notebooks that the serial killer in Seven wrote.
I think that post will turn up as evidence in a court case one day soon.
So, let me get this straight. The writer, of the movie we're discussing in this thread, literally wrote in a book, which was published, that he did not feel anything for 9/11, and that he considers the firefighters and policemen a "menace". This is a fact. And ironcald one. It's written in ink. But I, who posted said part from the book, and gave the title and page, while answering a man's question regarding a comic book run, something you can check if you read the actual series then compare my descriptions with the content, am a... serial killer? Do you read what you write? Or do you just see something you disagree with or just dislike, and just... start acussing others of being... ****ing serial killers?!

I was tempted by a few (Moon Knight, Punisher, Blade, Green Lantern, Doctor Strange/Fate, etc) but they're far too pricey for me to jump the gun. They basically cost half a 1/6th figure, so I can't really justify them. I'll probably buy whatever Doom they make since I buy him across all scales and brands, but beyond that, I'm steering clear.

Too costly, or complicated for them, I'd imagine. Luthor is the Brains over Zod's Brawn, so studios pick one or the other.

...It's literally a paragraph and some change. If you have trouble going through that, I'd look into some ADHD medication. And yeah, how dare I answer the man's question? Truly, I am a vile beast.

So, let me get this straight. The writer, of the movie we're discussing in this thread, literally wrote in a book, which was published, that he did not feel anything for 9/11, and that he considers the firefighters and policemen a "menace". This is a fact. And ironcald one. It's written in ink. But I, who posted said part from the book, and gave the title and page, while answering a man's question regarding a comic book run, something you can check if you read the actual series then compare my descriptions with the content, am a... serial killer? Do you read what you write? Or do you just see something you disagree with or just dislike, and just... start acussing others of being... ****ing serial killers?!


But I who posted...that?s just too should go ahead and change your username to But I Who Posted...Just Perfect!!!
But I who posted...that?s just too should go ahead and change your username to But I Who Posted...Just Perfect!!!
You know, when your only defense is a typo, especially after you've called someone a serial killer over the critique of a comic book, then maybe you really should stop posting for a while and reflect a bit.