New Superman movie coming from JJ Abrams

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Instead of a heart attack or tornado Pa Kent will type out a tweet supporting Gina Carano and get cancelled. His finger will hover over the send button while Michael B. Jordan says, "dad?????" Pa Kent waves him off and then *click*


:lol :lol :lol
I know right, so hard to be white in America. Something needs to be done about it at some point before it only gets worse.
The suffering.
There is no sadness, pain, misery, or sorrow greater than being accused of racism by a stranger on the Internet just because you don?t like a movie.
No one, I mean NO ONE, in the past or the present ever had it so bad.
The only thing that comes close is the pain, humiliation, and sorrow of having to watch them make movies where the ethnicities of beloved characters are changed.
The sorrow.

I didn't know President Biden comes to these boards! Welcome!
I know right, so hard to be white in America. Something needs to be done about it at some point before it only gets worse.
The suffering.
There is no sadness, pain, misery, or sorrow greater than being accused of racism by a stranger on the Internet just because you don?t like a movie.
No one, I mean NO ONE, in the past or the present ever had it so bad.
The only thing that comes close is the pain, humiliation, and sorrow of having to watch them make movies where the ethnicities of beloved characters are changed.
The sorrow.

WB want some of that black panther money

King Kal Chaka lol

Yes, but it'll be hilarious if the black Superman film is not only better than MOS, but also the best Superman movie ever, and doing what WB hasn't been able to do with Superman since 1978. :lol

Black Superman becomes the default Superman in theaters, while white Superman is on the CW.
Can already see where this is headed - Michael B. Jordan will star, will get A+ reviews or you will lose your job or website and any haters are deemed racist for any kind of criticism of the film. They seen them Black Panther dollars and realize that they don't have any good, distinguishable black characters that will drive it home like Black Panther.

It's funny you bring up Michael B. Jordan. He has a new movie coming out, Without Remorse. Without Remorse is a book written by Tom Clancy set during the Vietnam War. It introduces you to John Kelley and deals with his time in Vietnam, meeting his wife, and his beginning in the CIA I think. At the end his name is changed to John Clark who is a character in many of Tom Clancy's books. He is also the leader of the group Rainbow Six from the book and the video games. He has been portrayed from the start by a white guy. So it makes perfect sense when they finally make the movie based on the book they cast Michael B. Jordan as John Clark.:cuckoo:
Black Panther is a legitimate character with a wealth of comics and history behind it. The movie made it to the 'big screen' first as a huge tent pole 'black hero' in the modern twitter age (because we no longer count things before twitter like Blade). It captured the hype and a feeling of disenfranchisement of a demographic of people and successfully translated all of that into a better than average MCU movie (with a lame CGI end battle). It was an event that won't be repeated as there can't be two firsts.

Not only that but Chadwick was perfectly cast and we tragically found out after his death that he was a genuine hero in real life. Which will set the stage for Wakanda Forever to be as big if not bigger than the first movie.

Short sighted warner bros think that they can capture this magic (e.g. money!) just by half arsing there own 'black hero' onto the screen. Not only will they be second place but rather than take one of their own characters with its own rich back story (Green Lantern / Cyborg etc.) they are instead just going to race bend one of the two characters which they seem to think are the only ones that exist for DC. It just looks so cynical and it's going to turn people off from the movie even before it goes anywhere. The fact that it seems to be kicking Cavill out the door at the same time is going to alienate another set of superman fans who enjoy his portrayal.

It looks like a recipe for disappointment for DC and I can already imagine the articles blaming the not progressive enough audience from staying away from it at the cinema.

What seems to be the most obvious and stupidest thing of all is that Black Adam is already on the way. I expect the character will end up being an edgy version of superman and it is being played by the Rock, one of the most likable celebrities / movie stars currently in the world. It's like WB forgot that this was on their slate and that Dwayne Johnson isn't 'white'. He also wants to have a movie with Cavill and you just know that will end with Superman and Black Adam teaming up to face down a bigger threat, so you would have supermen of different races on screen together. This would have none of the controversy and would feel natural. And most importantly none of the JJ!
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It's funny you bring up Michael B. Jordan. He has a new movie coming out, Without Remorse. Without Remorse is a book written by Tom Clancy set during the Vietnam War. It introduces you to John Kelley and deals with his time in Vietnam, meeting his wife, and his beginning in the CIA I think. At the end his name is changed to John Clark who is a character in many of Tom Clancy's books. He is also the leader of the group Rainbow Six from the book and the video games. He has been portrayed from the start by a white guy. So it makes perfect sense when they finally make the movie based on the book they cast Michael B. Jordan as John Clark.:cuckoo:

lol. Kinda like how Jack Reacher is a 6ft 5in dude in all these novels and they cast Tom Cruise for it. :monkey4
It's not surprising that people are complaining and trolling, just a bit disappointing. Folks who have always been able to see themselves represented on the screen are the first ones chomping at the bit to complain about race and "wokeness" every time an actor or actress of color is cast in a movie. Never mind that it's 2021 not 1951, and that there are billions of moviegoers around the world. You do realize this will be a different character? Not Kal El/Clark Kent. I personally want to see Cavill remain in that role. Yes WB is all over the place. Their executives are to blame for 90% of the s#!tstorm but take 0% accountability. However that doesn't mean they shouldn't try to broaden their global audience by expanding their universe with diverse heroes. Most of the time stunt casting is both obvious and clumsy, and generally ends up biting the studios in the a**. Marvel has done a very good job of bringing their characters to the screen while adding diversity, satisfying fan expectations, respecting source material, and evolving their sensibilities to appeal to worldwide audiences. I personally don't want to see stunt casting in the Fantastic Four or the X-Men, but I do expect Marvel will probably shake things up at least a little, which will be fine as long as it's done smartly, organically, and respects the source material. If Warner/DC wants to introduce a new Superman and expand their "multiverse" it's their risk to take.
I know the marketplace dictates what succeeds of fails but I never once felt that I needed an established character to look or act like me.

I want an established character to be the character I grew up loving.

I don’t want a white Blade or white BP or a Blade with asian eyes or a BP with asian eyes I just want them to be black, simple.

But whatever a black Superman won’t trigger me either he’s an alien BUT now I’m curious if ALL Kryptonians in this movie will also be black or are they a mixed culture.

WB will drop the ball lol
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I want an established character to be the character I grew up loving.

I don’t want a white Blade or white BP or a Blade with asian eyes or a BP with asian eyes I just want them to be black, simple.

Funny that when I or someone else brings this up, it is crickets after that. Tired of the mentality that since a race is considered a "minority" that it should be entitled to whatever empowerment it gets, right or wrong. Hobbit Ross as successor for Black Panther then!
I know the marketplace dictates what succeeds of fails but I never once felt that I needed an established character to look or act like me.

I want an established character to be the character I grew up loving.

I don?t want a white Blade or white BP or a Blade with asian eyes or a BP with asian eyes I just want them to be black, simple.

But whatever a black Superman won?t trigger me either he?s an alien BUT now I?m curious if ALL Kryptonians in this movie will also be black or are they a mixed culture.

WB will drop the ball lol

This is a great post. What I find most bizarre about this quest to have someone in media (movies, tv shows, games etc) look just like you is that as a bi-product you are forcing people to look at the world in terms of colour, religion and region. People are only allowed to play characters that are just like the actor. Everyone better stay in their lane.

I think that's entirely the wrong message to be giving to kids. A more diverse cast is great (when appropriate for the source material / story) and so is normalising women, minorities and people of colour in leading roles in movies etc. - that all needs to definitely happen. But it doesn't need to be at the expense of race-bending established characters (which is lazy) and making all the bad guys white dudes otherwise you are over-correcting and reinforcing a message that white is toxic.

I grew up on wrestling and two of my absolute favourites were the Rock and Booker T, both of whom are nothing like me. But that didn't stop me delivering the rock bottom to my brother and trying to spinarooni in celebration or saying their catch phrases. Yeh it was nice to see William / Steven Regal in the show but I didn't ever think hey this is my guy because he's like me. The world just seems to becoming narrower and more polarised than it used to be.

If my son wants to dress up as black panther is that ok or is that racist / culturally insensitive? Likewise if you have a black and white superman are the white kids only allowed to be the white superman and the black kids the black superman. Kids only see the world in colour if we make them.
This is a great post. What I find most bizarre about this quest to have someone in media (movies, tv shows, games etc) look just like you is that as a bi-product you are forcing people to look at the world in terms of colour, religion and region. People are only allowed to play characters that are just like the actor. Everyone better stay in their lane.

I think that's entirely the wrong message to be giving to kids. A more diverse cast is great (when appropriate for the source material / story) and so is normalising women, minorities and people of colour in leading roles in movies etc. - that all needs to definitely happen. But it doesn't need to be at the expense of race-bending established characters (which is lazy) and making all the bad guys white dudes otherwise you are over-correcting and reinforcing a message that white is toxic.

I grew up on wrestling and two of my absolute favourites were the Rock and Booker T, both of whom are nothing like me. But that didn't stop me delivering the rock bottom to my brother and trying to spinarooni in celebration or saying their catch phrases. Yeh it was nice to see William / Steven Regal in the show but I didn't ever think hey this is my guy because he's like me. The world just seems to becoming narrower and more polarised than it used to be.

If my son wants to dress up as black panther is that ok or is that racist / culturally insensitive? Likewise if you have a black and white superman are the white kids only allowed to be the white superman and the black kids the black superman. Kids only see the world in colour if we make them.

:exactly: :lecture :exactly:

I am a brasilian born portugese christian arab and I totally do not need my Spiderman to be that lol