seems like the PS3 version looks a little better. I haven't seen any framerate comparisons yet.
There's a good freeze frame showing the level of detail at 1:08.
PS3 version has the
RGB full settings enabled for that CVG comparision . This enhances blacks, colors, detail, contours, and IQ especially in some games like RE6 or this TR (not all PS3 games are affected in the same way).. Neverthless, if you turn it to
limited RGB, then, the game look a little more washed and more clear than the 360 version. (different default gamma settings as many multiplattform games)
In the other hand, I ended up playing the PS3 version with RGB limited settings ...(and just adjusting the TV values) because black levels are too high and is very anoying playing on RGB full , specially in dark/night stages
About FR performance, both versions run fluid and smoth.. however the PS3 version has more FR issues and pronounced FR drops (at least the review build I get had this FR issues

The cinematic intro has a little better quality on PS3, Thanks to the BR capacity Btw
Edit: I have been reviewing this game for a local magazine last week, and just can say that TR is a GREAT and Gorgeus game on both consoles

(can't wait to try the PC version with improvements

I did this comparision video a couple days ago (PS3 has RGB FULL enabled, and 360 HDMI intermediate range settings)