Waitlist 4 lyfe
No I mean like literally no costume ie no clothes.
I thought for sure I was nearing the end but it seems I've still got a way to go. This might sound extreme but this is one of the best games I have ever played. I prefer it to uncharted. All those comments in reviews about how Lara's emotions oppose to the gameplay are complete crap. When she tells Roth about how she kills someone she even says ' You'd be surprised how easy it is.' I have found her proggresson to be believable. The graphics are so stunning. I thought crysis 3 looked good but I think this is stronger. Fantastic voice acting aswell. 10/10 and I can't wait for another.
I bought the costumes cause i got it from gamestop. Im still waiting for yhe code with the tomb. Im switching costumes mid game
yea bro ! this game is just amazing. I still prefer nathan over lara but this is a great reboot to the series.
All those comments in reviews about how Lara's emotions oppose to the gameplay are complete crap. When she tells Roth about how she kills someone she even says ' You'd be surprised how easy it is.' I have found her proggresson to be believable.
I'm not sure how close I am to finishing this game. I think I might be nearing the end but I'm not sure.Right now, I just shot my way through a shantytown and am on my way to rescue Sam from the Japanese castle.
Ok, Amazon STILL hasn't shipped mine.
I know it's only Thursday, but they're usually not this late with shipping. Anyone else having a similar problem?
I did! With RE6.
Sent from Umbrella Corporation HQ using Tapatalk
Well that should've been a huge sign saying "don't buy me!!!"
theres still a way to go. I thought I was nearing the end. Only got 7/10 of Laras diary entries.
I am not moving out of the zones till I get 100%
this game will be finished 100%
Glad to hear the game is very good.
I beat this game after and wow I really want to burn this horrible POS!!!
This game was just awesome and it made me excited for the next. I cant wait to see where this new lara will be heading. The soundtrack is outstanding, the cinematic battles are just jaw dropping and the character development with Lara is excellent. I hope this game does not as good but even better than the last franchise did. Hopefully they can make a more grounded story with this one