Keeping my SSC brown Wolverine as well. No need to sell it to get this. They'll look great together anyway.
agree 100%. and the brown Wolverine is very underrated, the pose and masked head sculpt is excellent in person.
Keeping my SSC brown Wolverine as well. No need to sell it to get this. They'll look great together anyway.
Hmmmm I sold my Brown Wolverine to get this... But just can't seem to pull the trigger...
I absolutely agree that Brown Wolverine is an underrated piece. Some nice custom heads on the way also. But that masked head is really good.
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whoa really! pm me the links to the custom heads for the brown wolvie. thx
Your mailbox is full lol
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I posted this in the wrong thread lol. But his arms are super hairy. And he still leans. Wonder if this is still the prototype and not the final?
Did it look like this on video? Wassup wit dat?
Paint job on face and arm is horrible, if that's what it looks like.
Is it at all possible that they only have one prototype and no production pieces yet?