i hope he will be like in this video )
Also, the camera angle is tilted. If you rotate the image 90 degrees to the left so the table is straighter, you'll see the Wolverine lean to his right. Look how the lazy susan he's sitting on is angled in the image.
Overall I still think this is an amazing looking piece and while I dislike the lean as well, I'm waiting for final product pictures before even considering cancelling.
I posted this in the wrong thread lol. But his arms are super hairy. And he still leans. Wonder if this is still the prototype and not the final?
Not sure what to think anymore. Comparing with the proto pic ...both pics look to be the same. So maybe there's no lean? Not sure.
At this point, I'll wait for the production pics and look for any lean then. Love the sculpt and pose on this piece, so if there's no lean then I'm keeping my order.
Looks more closely at the proto pics. There's a black cloth/object under the base leveling it out.
Well, June is right around the corner. If there's no delay on this piece, we'll know soon enough if there's a lean to it or not. I'll wait until I actually have it in hand before I make any final decisions as to whether I'll keep it or not. I'm really digging this PF so I'm hoping I don't have to return it. This is a rare POs for me nowadays. I normally pass on sideshowified statues with no hesitation. However, this PF looks so similar to his Astonishing costume that I actually bit on the PO. I have no other POs with sideshow besides this PF. Here's hoping he turns out great.
If June is the release date, that might be a production piece