Just thought I'd chime in here, although I'll probably regret it later. I'm a woman, and I'd call myself a feminist, although I also get royally ticked off by the more rabid "feminists" who just look for any excuse to paint men in a bad light. (Let's face it, people of both sexes can be nice or they can suck. There isn't a 'nasty' gene specific to the Y chromosome.)
Anyway, looking at the MJ statue, I certainly don't find it offensive. I don't care what she's wearing, she could be naked for all I care and if the statue was nicely done I'd still think it was cool. I also got the initial impression that she was happening upon Spidey's costume in the laundry (rather than actually doing his laundry), which I thought was cute. It's a very pretty statue (although I do like slave Leia better).
That said, it's just a fact that this is a hair-trigger issue for a lot of women. They look at that statue and they see sexism and inequality, and it makes them angry. Some of them, especially the more rabid ones, are going to get really loud and obnoxious about it. It makes me sad. But it also makes me sad to see some of the guys here immediately denouncing them (and all feminists, or even all women) as stupid/ugly/fat/bitter/lesbian b!tches. And unfortunately, posting comments like that on their blogs is just going to reinforce the idea to them that men suck. Argue with them by all means, but why add fuel to an already ugly fire?
Yeah, yeah. It's the 'why can't we all just get along?' post. Sorry.