Super Freak
Bigger than anything SideShow has endeared before.
OMG This is the most rediculas video I have ever seen...and MY GAWD the guy who won WHO WANTS TO BE A SUPERHERO!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!!! AAAAHAHHHH!!! This is so ****ing STOOPID!!jason2885 said:
I put my toe in the pool as well but it is a useless fight..all they want to do is play passive/aggressive and twist your own words while adding to them.carbo-fation said:OMG....I just read Shai's comment and I loved it!But I like how they banned everyone with the opposite opinion. They couldn't even argue against Jen or Occulum. Way to go guys; this just shows how ridiculous this whole outrage is.
jason2885 said:
Even the idiot lady at the anchor desk says, "She's bending over a washing machine, washing Spidey's suit", what a moron. Since when do washing machines look like Laundry Baskets!?gato said:OMG This is the most rediculas video I have ever seen...and MY GAWD the guy who won WHO WANTS TO BE A SUPERHERO!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!!! AAAAHAHHHH!!! This is so ****ing STOOPID!!
OH and I LOVE how the "news anchor" starts checking out the guy eve asking him to turn around so she can see the back of his "costume" OMFG!!!
gato said:found it...wow that was silly..I gues sit is hard to believe that women, like yo and I coudl possible LIKE the work of the brilliant Adam Hughes. Who has kept strong female characters in the limelight of pop culture. Amazing..I guess I need to check my pants too..I must be a guy![]()
I know, what an idiot! She acted surprised to see the 'cleavage' when they showed the front of MJ, then she practically creams herself when that moron Feedback guy stands up. I don't think you could make a complete brain with both of theirs put together.lcummins said:Ok, so what's the difference between the MJ statue being sexist, and the female reporter asking "Feedback" about his abs and asking him to turn around and then saying "That looks good..." while his backside is to us. She even states that she needs to quit before she gets in trouble for saying too much...
jason2885 said:
I'll try my best.Radagaster said:Could someone post Shai's/Jen's comments since it would be a labor to dig through all the other dissenters' comments.
Meanwhile, is msnbc sensationalizing this a bit? It looks like they hired someone who doesn't know their AH! comics to comment about the statue. His comments were valid though about not showing it to kids.
Here's Jen's posts:thegreatworm said:Behold,The Great Worm Of the Krusade has taken by force this live journal.Hear my words Sapphic women ...
Just because lesbianism and muff-diving is part of your everyday life-style doesnt mean you cant be saved by the Great worm...I am here to show you the glorious path,the mystic way through dedication and penetration....Your masculine, butch ways can be erased....your frustration towards men can become pleasure beyond belief....
All I ask from you is that you give me entry from your Back Door.Then you shall become a good Mary-Jane yourself....And Remember:
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Jen said:Please.....comics are not going to change. Why should they? I am a female and a comic book reader and have never been offended by what I've seen. It's a comic book and a fantasy and the men are drawn just as sexual as the females. All your ranting has accomplished is to have images of this statue spread across newspapers and television where it is now plainly visible for people of all ages to see. Most people probably had no idea this statue existed (expect for comic fans) and now you've made it visible to everyone...including children. Well done....you have just help create a great advertisement for a piece of art that was already sold out but will now be sought after on the secondary market where it will sell for much more than retail. You are making people money!! And fighting against comic books...really isn't there something more worthwhile that you could rally behind....AIDS, hunger, poverty, education.....I mean comic books???? This is a lost cause because comic books aren't going to change unless the people who actually buy them stop buying them....and that's not going to happen. People protested against Playboy and Penthouse and they are still out there....comic books will be around for a long time to come and if you find it offensive, then it is your right to not read it, but don't tell me that it is wrong for me to enjoy the artwork of Adam Hughes or comic books. As it is your right to not look at sexy statues, it is my right to look all I want. KURGAN KRUSADE
Fem Nazi said:I am a female and a comic book reader and have never been offended by what I've seen.
Could you please tell how old you are? It would just help me form a picture of where youre coming from.
then it is your right to not read it
And the same applies to you.
and fighting against comic books...really isn't there something more worthwhile that you could rally behind.
As has been stated many many many times int he contents of the comments to this post, how do you know we do not? Expressing outrage over one instance does no exclude working against issues on a daily basis.
don't tell me that it is wrong for me to enjoy the artwork of Adam Hughes or comic books
Again could you please tell me exactly where anyone has stated or even implied that you are not allowed to enjoy what you do?
Jen said:Could you please tell how old you are? It would just help me form a picture of where youre coming from
What does my age have to do with this? But to satisfy your curiosity I am 35. I also like classical music, am an avid reader and love documentaries as well as a good action flick now and then. I work in the entertainment business and have my own place, my own vehicle and besides collecting a wide variety of first edition books I also collect comic book statues. I hope that provides you with a good mental picture.
Hmmmm...not sure what you are trying to prove by that statement. I am going to continue to read comic books and buy statues regardless of what you or others think. I just don't understand why there is such an outrage and this lets rally together and change comic books attitude. They aren't going to change, sorry to rain on your parade. If this journal is just a rant against something someone doesn't like that is one thing...but it has become a group trying to pass their moral judgment onto others. What do you all hope to accomplish by this? Is it just a forum to b!tch and moan or are you hoping to stop production of an item and demand that female comic book characters are depicted in more wholesome and G rated drawings?? It seems like many of you are trying to do the latter and if that is the case then what gives you or anyone the right to tell me what is acceptable and what isn't? I am not berating anyone for enjoying a piece of art. Your outrage over a piece of polystone is an attempt to make those of us who enjoy comics and Adam Hughes artwork look like a bunch of sexists without morals. That simply is not the case.And the same applies to you.
If you do fight other causes, well good for you. I hope they are more worthy than this one...because really I am having a very hard time seeing your viewpoint on how these things are offensive to women. I have to ask you...have you ever read a comic book? I would be curious to know if you have and which ones.
Fem Nazi said:Your outrage over a piece of polystone is an attempt to make those of us who enjoy comics and Adam Hughes artwork look like a bunch of sexists without morals.
My understanding of the orginal post was to point out how incredibly sexist the scuplture was- not to paint all fnas in a bad light. However, if this model is the standard of the artist- then it is evident that theres an acceptance of sexism in his fans. Hateful sexist stuff really.
Hmm 35? not so sure I belive you, but meh. I'll let it go.
I love comics and have been collecting for over 13 years now- so the blantant sexism above hurts all the more, because it shows that not only do the creators do not care about a large proportion of their fan base, But they also have attitudes reminescent of something from the 1930's.
Jen said:As I mentioned in my post this may have started as a simple rant but it has turned into something much more...and how is Adam Hughes artwork hateful? He also draws covers for Wonderwoman and other female characters who are smart, strong and happen to be sexy. Look at the male characters...are they also not drawn with rippling muscles, tight ***** and great smiles? I mean it's comic book art which is fantasy...how is that hateful?
And I was born in 1971...so yes I am 35 almost 36...and why would I lie?
You know the way to really make change against something like this...stop buying it. If there really is a large proportion of the comic book fan base that feels they are not cared about...start a boycott and stop buying them. Then maybe comic book creators will take notice....but for some reason I highly doubt that the number of those offended will be minuscule compared to those who are not.
Fem Nazi said:AAaaannnnd you're a sock puppet. A dumb one to boot.
Ah well, live and learn.
Jen said:What are you even talking about???
Fem Nazi said:Ok, Just a quick grammatical tip- Never ever use more that one Question Mark unless you want to sound unhinged.
Fem Nazi's Girlfriend said:Yeah, I'm pretty sure this guy's a sock puppet. Also probably this guy, and also probably not a womanThanks for trying to school him, though. I'm almost tempted to whip out the bingo card to see how many points he hit, but it's nearly 4am and I've got better things to do. Like sleep!
Skipped a couple of posts.Jen said:You people give feminism a bad name. It really is a shame. I'm embarrassed to be the same gender as you because you are all probably single bitter women who have nothing better to do with their time than shake their fist at a drawing of Mary Jane. Pathetic. And this is progress in the feminist movement....Gloria Steinem would be ashamed if she saw the lot of you parading about declaring your fighting for women's rights. You are nothing but hateful and incredibly immature. What an asset you are to the women's movement!
Fem Nazi said:Eh no worries, Im procrastinating anyway.
Yeah He's proably not 35 either and if he is and has nothing better than to troll then well *shrugs* Proably in the demographic they were aming for with the statuette.
Have a good sleep!
I'm exhausted now.occulum said:Kurjen is indeed a beautiful STRONG WOMAN.
I know you dont want to realize that and all of your refusal to acknowledge reality only shows your personal lack of self esteem and weak character.
its really funny.
but all of the collectors really thank you all for the attention youve given this line.
Youve insured its popularity and completion. ...... seriously. and Im sure you'll refuse to acknowledge the reality in that as well.
BEST POST!!!!!Shai Hulud said:Behold,The Great Worm Of the Krusade has taken by force this live journal.Hear my words Sapphic women ...
Just because lesbianism and muff-diving is part of your everyday life-style doesnt mean you cant be saved by the Great worm...I am here to show you the glorious path,the mystic way through dedication and penetration....Your masculine, butch ways can be erased....your frustration towards men can become pleasure beyond belief....
All I ask from you is that you give me entry from your Back Door.Then you shall become a good Mary-Jane yourself....And Remember: