Well no ****

All the releases thus far are based on Season 7. Ahsoka? S7. Maul? S7. 332nd? S7. Rex? S7. Shock Troopers? S7. 501st? S7. Anakin? Pretty much a mix. The only one not based on S7 is Kenobi, which has yet to be put up for PO. Realistically the only non-S7 TCW figures I can see in the future would be Cad Bane (due to Bad Batch appearance), Asajj Ventress, Plo Koon, various clones.
As far as PT figures selling for higher prices, they all do. These are all doubled right now... Maul, Dark Side Anakin, Anakin, Kenobi... Cody, Dooku, Yoda are all around 370-400 right now. Only “cheap” one is Qui-Gon who is over 300.