1/6 NEXT Hot Toys STAR WARS Figure...?

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I would like an Obi Wan from Ep1 and Ep2, guess will be waiting for years. I am looking forward to the Ep6 Han Solo, an Ep5 Han Solo would be really amazing along with an updated Ep4 Han. Would also like an Ep4 X-Wing pilot Luke and an Ep6 General Lando. We will also need an updated Ep3 Obi Wan and Anakin. Must not forget an updated Ep4 Farm boy Luke and Princess Leia.
I'm fine with a long hiatus for StarWars for the foreseeable couple of months ahead. Previously we've all witnessed Hot Toys went berserk with SW line up.

I'm sure the TPM 25th anniversary will come back strongly at some point within this year, just give it time.
Beside snowtrooper and royal guard, I want a 2.0 chewie. They could just make a 2.0 of everyone from OT with pers and improved likeness. Ep.4 Leia and Obiwan on inart level likeness will be majestic.
Now, what to do with 1.0 if those got announced one day. Should I just sell them now? 😆
Beside snowtrooper and royal guard, I want a 2.0 chewie. They could just make a 2.0 of everyone from OT with pers and improved likeness. Ep.4 Leia and Obiwan on inart level likeness will be majestic.
Now, what to do with 1.0 if those got announced one day. Should I just sell them now? 😆
Def sell before the 2.0's get announced....
The HT ESB Vader appeared only 3-4 years after the HT ANH Han and Leia and that same old Vader is getting a pretty straight re-release as "ROTJ 40th Vader" late this year. Why do people think there will be new sculpts from HT for ANH 50th?

I'd love to think they would, especially for such a major anniversary, but the Snowspeeder Luke shipping with the same old Luke sculpt from 4-5 years earlier isn't all that encouraging.

They eventually did a new Luke sculpt but it always seemed like it was for Luke's slightly different vibe in Mando that they did that. I'd assume they'd maybe use that sculpt with ANH hair for a 50th farmboy which would be fine enough for most (I'd argue MH looks a bit different in ANH) but it'd be a similarly 4+ year old sculpt by then.
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I will likely hang on to my OT figures, if new releases come then great and I will get them, might then turn the original ones into EU variants etc. If no/only some new releases come then I will still have the originals.
I will likely hang on to my OT figures, if new releases come then great and I will get them, might then turn the original ones into EU variants etc. If no/only some new releases come then I will still have the originals.
Yeah easy to do when HT is going soo deep on the D+ shows (can't believe they even did Reva's pale-skinned buddy) and the PT (AOTC seems to be on track for the largest number of figs of any SW property,) and for a surprisingly long time period.

Also, the anniversaries thing HT seems to run hot and cold on - both ESB and ROTJ were not exactly burgeoning with new figs in high numbers. More like rehashes (or looong-delayed figs like 3PO) in low numbers. You'd hope that ANH 50th would be a big deal but knowing HT it'll be wave three of Acolyte figs that hogs the spotlight in 2027.

But even the idea that newer means better can have a question mark - the recent Lando sculpt was very meh, the new Luke Bespin boots were a big step down over DX07, the ROTJ 3PO face has a few sculpt issues and the ROTJ Han sculpt (aka "just out of the shower Han") is a little funky looking. And many still prefer the oldest Leia sculpt - ANH - over the newer ESB/ROTJ sculpts.
Yeah easy to do when HT is going soo deep on the D+ shows (can't believe they even did Reva's pale-skinned buddy) and the PT (AOTC seems to be on track for the largest number of figs of any SW property,) and for a surprisingly long time period.

Also, the anniversaries thing HT seems to run hot and cold on - both ESB and ROTJ were not exactly burgeoning with new figs in high numbers. More like rehashes (or looong-delayed figs like 3PO) in low numbers. You'd hope that ANH 50th would be a big deal but knowing HT it'll be wave three of Acolyte figs that hogs the spotlight in 2027.

But even the idea that newer means better can have a question mark - the recent Lando sculpt was very meh, the new Luke Bespin boots were a big step down over DX07, the ROTJ 3PO face has a few sculpt issues and the ROTJ Han sculpt (aka "just out of the shower Han") is a little funky looking. And many still prefer the oldest Leia sculpt - ANH - over the newer ESB/ROTJ sculpts.
I think that what I call George Lucas Star Wars is most likely to sell best. I prefer OT myself though I do have a thing for PT Jedi.
As you say new does not always mean better.
When I look at my collection there are certain figures missing, X-Wing Pilot Luke, Bespin Han and General Lando especially come to mind along with OT Imperials Officers such as Piett, Veers and Jerjerrod. I often wonder if we will ever get them. Meanwhile though here are a load of figures from the garbage new Disney shows!
As bad as the series turned out, I think Howard will consider to make at least Sol and maybe the sith. He loves to made a figure from something dumb.
Andor? Logan? Something with well written script? Nah, he hate that s***. I mean, every fans of MCU want she-hulk hot toys or SW fans want marrok, reva? 🤣